Title: Optimization Multi-Dimensional Unconstrained Optimization (Gradient Methods) Examples and Exercises
1OptimizationMulti-Dimensional Unconstrained
Optimization (Gradient Methods)Examples and
2Example 1
- Determine whether the stationary point of the
following quadratic functions is a local maxima,
local minima or saddle point?
- A point x is a stationary point iff
- f '(x) 0 (if f is a function of one
variable) - ?f (x) 0 (if f is a function of gt1 variables)
3Example 1 Solution
We still have to test if the point is a local
maxima, minima or saddle point (continue next
page )
4Example 1 Solution (Continue)
(ii) ( continue)
5Example 1 Solution (Continue)
6Example 1 Solution (Continue)
(continue next page )
7Example 1 Solution (Continue)
(iv) ( continue from previous slide)
We can verify if a matrix is positive definite by
checking if the determinants of all its upper
left corner sub-matrices are positive.
Since H is neither positive definite nor negative
definite (i.e., indefinite), the stationary point
is a saddle point.
- For each of the following points, determine
whether it is a local maxima, local minima,
saddle point, or not a stationary point of
- (0, 0)
- (1, 0)
- (-1, -1)
- (1, 1)