Title: Globus Toolkit 4: Current Status and Futures
1Globus Toolkit 4Current Status and Futures
- Jennifer M. Schopf
- UK National eScience Centre
- Argonne National Lab
2What is a Grid
- Resource sharing
- Computers, storage, sensors, networks,
- Sharing always conditional issues of trust,
policy, negotiation, payment, - Coordinated problem solving
- Beyond client-server distributed data analysis,
computation, collaboration, - Dynamic, multi-institutional virtual orgs
- Community overlays on classic org structures
- Large or small, static or dynamic
3Why is this hard/different?
- Lack of central control
- Where things run
- When they run
- Shared resources
- Contention, variability
- Communication
- Different sites implies different sys admins,
users, institutional goals, and often strong
4So why do it?
- Computations that need to be done with a time
limit - Data that cant fit on one site
- Data owned by multiple sites
- Applications that need to be run bigger, faster,
5Globus ToolkitWas Created To Help Applications
- The Globus Toolkit consists of collections of
solutions to problems that frequently come up
when trying to build collaborative distributed
applications - Heterogeneity
- Focus on simplifying heterogeneity for
application developers - Working towards more vertical solutions
- Standards
- Capitalize on and encourage use of existing
standards (IETF, W3C, OASIS, GGF) - Reference implementations of new/proposed
standards in these organizations
6With Grid Computing Forget Homogeneity!
- Trying to force homogeneity on users is futile.
Everyone has their own preferences, sometimes
even dogma. - The Internet provides the model
7Evolution of the Grid
App-specific Services
Open Grid Services Arch
Web services
Increased functionality, standardization
GGF OGSI, WSRF, (leveraging OASIS, W3C,
IETF) Multiple implementations, including Globus
X.509, LDAP, FTP,
Globus Toolkit
Defacto standards GGF GridFTP, GSI (leveraging
Custom solutions
8Globus is Service-Oriented Infrastructure
- Software for service-oriented infrastructure
- Service enable new existing resources
- E.g., GRAM on computer, GridFTP on storage
system, custom application service - Uniform abstractions mechanisms
- Tools to build applications that exploit
service-oriented infrastructure - Registries, security, data management,
- Open source open standards
- Each empowers the other
- eg monitoring across different protocols is
hard - Enabler of a rich tool service ecosystem
9Globus Toolkit V4.0
- Released on April 29th 2005
- Previous fifteen months spent on design,
development, and testing - 1.8M lines of code
- Major contributions from five institutions
- Hundreds of millions of service calls executed
over weeks of continuous operation - Significant improvements over GT3 code base in
all dimensions
10Our Goals for GT4
- Usability, reliability, scalability,
- Web service components have quality equal or
superior to pre-WS components - Documentation at acceptable quality level
- Consistency with latest standards (WS-, WSRF,
WS-N, etc.) and Apache platform - WS-I Basic (Security) Profile compliant
- New components, platforms, languages
- And links to larger Globus ecosystem
11(No Transcript)
12GT4 Components and Performance
- Globus Toolkit Components
- Core
- Security
- Data Management
- Resource Management
- Monitoring
- Performance in the broadest sense of the word.
- How fast
- How many
- How stable
- (How easy)
- www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/4.0/perf_overview.html
13GT4 Web Services Core
- Supports both Globus services (GRAM, RFT,
Delegation, etc.) user-developed services - Redesign to enhance scalability, modularity,
performance, usability - Leverages existing WS standards
- WS-I Basic Profile WSDL, SOAP, etc.
- WS-Security, WS-Addressing
- Adds support for emerging WS standards
- WS-Resource Framework, WS-Notification
- Java, Python, C hosting environments
14Open Source/Open Standards
- WSRF developed in collaboration with IBM
- Currently in OASIS process
- Contributions to Apache for
- WS-Security
- WS-Addressing
- Axis
- Apollo (WSRF)
- Hermes (WS-Notification)
15Java Core Performance
- Weve been working hard to increase basic
messaging performance - Factor of four improvement over GT3 so far
- Reliability
- Core can scale to a very large number of
resources (gt10,000)
16Java Core Messaging Performance
17Why Grid Security is Hard
- Resources being used may be valuable the
problems being solved sensitive - Resources are often located in distinct
administrative domains - Each resource has own policies procedures
- Set of resources used by a single computation may
be large, dynamic, and unpredictable - Not just client/server, requires delegation
- It must be broadly available applicable
- Standard, well-tested, well-understood protocols
integrated with wide variety of tools
18Basic Grid Security Mechanisms
- Grid-wide identities implemented as PKI
certificates - Transport-level and message-level authentication
- Ability to delegate credentials to agents
- Ability to map between Grid local identities
- Local security administration enforcement
- Single sign-on support implemented as proxies
- A plug in framework for authorization decisions
19GSI Functions
- Four distinct functions message protection,
authentication, delegation, and authorization - Implementations of different standards for each
- TLS (transport-level) or WS-Security and
WS-SecureConversation (message level) used as
message protection mech. in combination with SOAP - X.509 End Entity Certificates or Username and
Password are used as authentication credentials - X.509 Proxy Certificates and WS-Trust are used
for delegation - SAML assertions are used for authorization
- Stand-alone delegation service
- More authentication options
- MyProxy, simpleCA,
20Message-level Security
- Provides message protection for SOAP messages
- Support for WS-Security standard and
WS-SecureConversation specification - Complies with WS-Interoperability Basic Security
21Transport-level Security
- Authentication via TLS protocol
- IETF specification
- Support for X.509 proxy certificates
- Default in GT4 due to performance concerns,
driven by user requirements
22GT4s Use of Security Standards
23Basic Grid Security Mechanisms
- Basic security mechanisms are provided as
libraries/classes and APIs. - Integrated with other GT tools and services
- Integrated with many Grid community tools and
services (and applications systems) - A few stand-alone tools are also included.
24A Cautionary Note
- Grid security mechanisms are tedious to set up.
- If exposed to users, hand-holding is usually
required. - These mechanisms can be hidden entirely from end
users, but still used behind the scenes. - These mechanisms exist for good reasons.
- Many useful things can be done without Grid
security. - It is unlikely that an ambitious project could go
into production operation without security like
this. - Most successful projects end up using Grid
security, but using it in ways that end users
dont see much.
25GT4 Security
- Standards based support for message level and
transport level security - Transport level is default due to performance
- Standards based authorization (SAML) via
Community Authorization Service (CAS) or callouts - Stand-alone delegation service
- More authentication options
- MyProxy, simpleCA,
26GT4 Security
27Security Performance
- Weve measured performance for both WS and
transport security mechanisms - See next slide for graph
- Transport security is significantly faster than
WS security - We made transport security (i.e. https) our
default - Were working on making it even faster by using
connection caching
28(No Transcript)
29Questions on Core or Security?
30A Model Architecture for Data Grids
Attribute Specification
Replica Loc. Svc
Metadata Catalog
Multiple Locations
Logical Collection and Logical File Name
Selected Replica
Replica Selection
Performance Information Predictions
GridFTP Control Channel
Disk Cache
Tape Library
Disk Array
Disk Cache
Replica Location 1
Replica Location 2
Replica Location 3
31GT4 Data Management
- Stage large data to/from nodes
- Replicate data for performance reliability
- Locate data of interest
- Provide access to diverse data sources
- File systems, parallel file systems, hierarchical
storage (GridFTP) - Databases (OGSA-DAI)
32GT4 Data Functions
- Find your data Replica Location Service
- Managing 40M files in production settings
- Move/access your data
- GridFTP, Reliable File Transfer (RFT)
- High-performance striped data movement
- Couple data execution management
- GRAM uses GridFTP and RFT for staging
- Access databases through standard Grid
interfaces OGSA-DAI
33GridFTP in GT4
- 100 Globus code
- No licensing issues
- Stable, extensible
- IPv6 Support
- XIO for different transports
- Striping ? multi-Gb/sec wide area transport
- Pluggable
- Front-end e.g., future WS control channel
- Back-end e.g., HPSS, cluster file systems
- Transfer e.g., UDP, NetBLT transport
34GridFTP Performance
- TeraGrid Striping results
- 30Gbs network, 32 IBM ia64 nodes
- Ran varying number of stripes
- Ran both memory-to-memory and disk-to-disk
35Memory to MemoryStriping Performance
- High linear scalability (slope near 1)
- 27 Gbs on a 30 Gbs link (90 utilization) with 32
36Disk to Disk Striping Performance
- Limited by the storage system
- Achieved 17.5 Gbs
37And in conversation
- We think we have hit the limit of python code.
The GridFTP C libraries are delivering data so
fast to the buffers that the python client code
cannot keep up in doing the fseek, fwrite, and
then re-register the data callback. We are going
to have to code our "transfer agents" entirely in
C for S5.Not a bad problem to have - Scott Koranda, Dept of Physics, University of
38Reliable File TransferThird Party Transfer
- Fire-and-forget transfer
- Web services interface
- Many files directories
- Integrated failure recovery
RFT Client
SOAP Messages
RFT Service
GridFTP Server
GridFTP Server
39RFT Performance Stats
- Current maximum request size is approx 20,000
entries with a default 64MB heap size. - Infinite transfer - LAN
- 120,000 transfers (servers were killed by
mistake) - Infinite transfer WAN
- 67000 transfers (killed because of the same
reason as above) - Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR3 archive move
- 900K files, 6 TB
- Killed the transfer several times for
recoverability testing - No human intervention has been required to date
40Replica Location Service
- Identify location of files via logical to
physical name map - Distributed indexing of names, fault tolerant
update protocols - GT4 version scalable stable
- Managing 40 million files across 10 sites
41LIGO Use of RLS
- Some hands-on numbers
- Produce 1 TB per day
- 8 sites
- gt 3 million entries in the RLS
- gt 30 million files
- This replication of data using RLS and GridFTP
is enabling more gravitational wave data analysts
across the world to do more science more
efficiently then ever before. Globus RLS and
GridFTP are in the critical path for LIGO data
42Data Replication Service (tech preview)
- Pull missing files to local site
Site B
Site A
List of required Files
Reliable File TransferService
Data Replication Service
Data Replication Service
Reliable File Transfer Service
Local ReplicaCatalog
Replica LocationIndex
Local Replica Catalog
- Data access
- Relational XML Databases, semi-structured files
- Data integration
- Multiple data delivery mechanisms, data
translation - Extensible Efficient framework
- Request documents contain multiple tasks
- A task execution of an activity
- Group work to enable efficient operation
- Extensible set of activities
- gt 30 predefined, framework for writing your own
- Moves computation to data
- Pipelined and streaming evaluation
- Concurrent task evaluation
- Current Release Release 5 in GT4
- Added Installation wizards indexed files
- gt1100 registered users we know about
- Running on 3 message passing infrastructures
- Release 6 May 2005
- Improved client side API
- Explicit control of sequential parallel tasks
- Dynamic reconfigurability
- WS-DAI reference implementation
45- Any questions on Data Management?
46The ResourceManagement Challenge
- Enabling secure, controlled remote access to
heterogeneous computational resources and
management of remote computation - Authentication and authorization
- Resource discovery characterization
- Reservation and allocation
- Computation monitoring and control
- Addressed by a set of protocols services
- GRAM protocol as a basic building block
- Resource brokering co-allocation services
- GSI for security, MDS for discovery
47Execution Management (GRAM)
- Common WS interface to schedulers
- Unix, Condor, LSF, PBS, SGE,
- More generally interface for process execution
management - Lay down execution environment
- Stage data
- Monitor manage lifecycle
- Kill it, clean up
- A basis for application-driven provisioning
- 2nd-generation WS implementation
- optimized for performance, stability,
scalability - Streamlined critical path
- Use only what you need
- Flexible credential management
- Credential cache delegation service
- GridFTP RFT used for data operations
- Data staging streaming output
- Eliminates redundant GASS code
- Single and multi-job support
49GT4 GRAM StructureWSRF/WSN Poster Child
Service host(s) and compute element(s)
GT4 Java Container
Compute element
Local job control
GRAM services
GRAM services
Local scheduler
Job functions
GRAM adapter
Transfer request
User job
RFT File Transfer
FTP control
FTP data
Remote storage element(s)
50Some of our Goals
- GRAM should add little to no overhead compared
to an underlying batch system - Submit as many jobs to GRAM as is possible to the
underlying scheduler - Goal - 10,000 jobs to a batch scheduler
- Goal efficiently fill the process table for
fork scheduler - Submit/process jobs as fast to GRAM as is
possible to the underlying scheduler - Goal - 1 per second
- We are not there yet
- A range of limiting factors at play
51 Design Decisions
- Efforts and features towards the goal
- Allow job brokers the freedom to optimize
- E.g. Condor-G is smarter than globusrun
- Protocol steps made optional and shareable
- Reduced cost for GRAM service on host
- Single WSRF host environment
- Better job status monitoring mechanisms
- More scalable/reliable file handling
- GridFTP and RFT instead of globus-url-copy
- Removal of non-scalable GASS caching
- GT4 tests performing better than GT3 did
- But more work to do
52GRAM 3.9.4 performance
- Throughput
- Test Simple job to fork scheduler (/bin/date)
no staging, streaming, or cleanup - 77 jobs/min sustained
- 60 jobs/minute with delegation
- Long Running test
- Ran 500,000 sequential jobs over 23 days
- These included staging, delegation, fork job
53Gram Performance (2)
- Concurrency
- Job submits to Condor scheduler (long running
sleep job) no staging, streaming, or cleanup no
delegation - Current limit is 32,000 jobs due to a Linux
directory limit - using multiple sub-directories will resolve this,
look for this in 4.2
54Monitoring and Discovery Challenges
- Grid Information Service
- Requirements and characteristics
- Uniform, flexible access to information
- Scalable, efficient access to dynamic data
- Access to multiple information sources
- Decentralized maintenance
- Secure information provision
55Monitoring and Discovery
- Every service should be monitorable and
discoverable using common mechanisms - WSRF/WSN provides those mechanisms
- A common aggregator framework for collecting
information from services, thus - Index Service Registry supporting Xpath queries,
with caching - Trigger Service perform action on condition
- Deep integration with Globus containers
services every GT4 service is discoverable - GRAM, RFT, GridFTP, CAS,
56GT4 Monitoring Discovery
Clients (e.g., WebMDS)
GT4 Container
Registration WSRF/WSN Access
GT4 Cont.
GT4 Container
Custom protocols for non-WSRF entities
Automated registration in container
57MDS4 Extensibility
- Aggregator framework provides
- Registration management
- Collection of information from Grid Resources
- Plug in interface for data access, collection
,query, - WebMDS framework provides for customized display
- XSLT transformations
58With a standard deployment,a project can
- Discover needed data from services in order to
make job submission or replica selection
decisions by querying the VO-wide Index - Evaluate the status of Grid services by looking
at the VO-wide WebMDS setup - Be notified when disks are full or other error
conditions happen by being on the list of
administrators - Individual projects can examine the state of the
resources and services of interest to them
59Some Performance Numbers
- Basic Index Server Performance
- How long does one response take?
- 40 msec for 10 entry index
- 140 msec for 100 entry index
- How long does the service stay up while being
used before failing? - Running over 90 days with over 500,000,000
requests served, average of 76 queries per second
60Index Server Performance (3.9.4)
61Index Server Performance
- As the MDS4 Index grows, query rate and response
time both slow, although sublinearly - Response time slows due to increasing data
transfer size - Full Index is being returned
- Response is re-built for every query
- Real question how much over simple WS-N
62MDS4 compared to other systems
63GT4 Documentationis Much Improved!
64The Globus Ecosystem
- Globus components address core issues relating to
resource access, monitoring, discovery, security,
data movement, etc. - GT4 being the latest version
- A larger Globus ecosystem of open source and
proprietary components provide complementary
components - A growing list of components
- These components can be combined to produce
solutions to Grid problems - Were building a list of such solutions
65Many Tools Build on, or Can Contribute to,
GT4-Based Grids
- Condor-G, DAGman
- Nimrod-G
- Ninf-G
- Open Grid Computing Env.
- Commodity Grid Toolkit
- GriPhyN Virtual Data System
- Virtual Data Toolkit
- GridXpert Synergy
- Platform Globus Toolkit
- Sun Grid Engine
- PBS scheduler
- LSF scheduler
- GridBus
- TeraGrid CTSS
- IBM Grid Toolbox
662005 and Beyond
- We have a solid Web services base
- We now want to build, on that base, a open source
service-oriented infrastructure - Virtualization
- New services for provisioning, data management,
security, VO management - End-user tools for application development
- Etc., etc.
67Next Step Plans
- Support!
- Actively working with user groups to make sure
their deployments are stable - Move everyone from GT2 and GT3 to GT4
- Continue to improve documentation
- Goal every support question gets put into the
68General Next Steps
- Better management of services
- Easier deployments
- GridFTP to run at a chosen bandwidth
- Limit the number of GRAM threads doing work in
order limit resource consumption - Improved information collection for jobs
- Performance optimizations
- All WS-based codes can be improved
- Better understanding of faults and error
69Short-Term Priorities Core
- Streamlined container configuration
- Remote management interface
- Dynamic service deployment
- Service isolation multiple service instances
- WS-Notification, subscription performance
- Full functionality in C WS Core
- Optimized WS-ServiceGroup support
- WS-SecureConversation support
70Short-Term Priorities Core
- Streamlined container configuration
- Remote management interface
- Dynamic service deployment
- WS-Notification, subscription performance
- Full functionality in C WS Core
- Optimized WS-ServiceGroup support
- WS-SecureConversation support
71Short-Term Priorities Security
- Improve GSI error reporting diagnostics
- Secure password, one-time password, Kerberos
support for initial log on - Trust roots, use of GridLogon
- Identity/attribute assertions in GT auth.
callouts (e.g., Shib, PERMIS, VOMS, SAML) - Extend CAS admin policy support
- Security logging with management control for
audit purposes
72Data Management PriorityReliable, Managed
Access to Data
- Functionality to run at a chosen bandwidth
- Limiting total max bandwidth
- Limiting total number of server instances that
can run concurrently - Being able to pre-allocate space for a file
before it starts to transfer - not reservations, send ALLO ltfile sizegt, server
gets block of space that size or returns an
error. - Hierarchical front ends
- Scale to hundreds or thousands of machines and
many millions of files - Admin interface to the server so that a
user/admin can speed up, slow down, suspend, or
cancel a transfer
73Short-Term Priorities Data Management
- Concurrency in globus-url-copy
- Priorities in RFT
- Data replication service
- Enhance policy support in data services
- Physical file name creation service
- Scalable distributed metadata manager
- OGSA-DAI will become a core component
74WS GRAM as a reliablemanageable resource
- Additional controls to limit the number of
threads doing work in order limit resource
consumption - Policy-driven restart of persistent jobs
- Improved information collection for jobs
- Improved management of job collections
- Credential refresh
- WS GRAM version of globus-job-run/submit
- Implement GGF JSDL once finalized
- Advanced reservation support
75Short-Term Priorities Execution Management
- Virtual workspace service
- Integration of virtual machines (Xen, VMware) and
associated services
76Short-Term Priorities Information Services
- Many more information sources, including gateways
to other systems - Automated configuration of monitoring
- Specialized monitoring displays
- Performance optimization of registry
- Archiver service
- Helper tools to streamline integration of new
information sources
77The Globus Developer Community
- We want to facilitate community contributions to
the Globus software - Increasingly open governance mechanisms
- Documentation of larger ecosystem
- What else can we do?
- Tell us how you think we should evolve
- E.g., adopt Apache processes?
- Contribute more of Globus to Apache?
- Weve already made major contributions to Apache
Axis, WS-Addressing, and WS-Security - Also WSRF/WSN ? Apache (Apollo, Hermes)
78Globus and its User Community
- How can we best support you?
- We try to provide the best software we can
- We use bugzilla other community tools
- We work to grow the set of contributors
- How can you best support us?
- Become a contributor of software, bug fixes,
answers to questions, documentation - Provide us with success stories that can justify
continued Globus development - Tell us what your performance requirements are!
- Promote Globus within your communities
- Contact me at jms_at_mcs.anl.gov
- GT4 is a significant step forward in the quality,
functionality and standards compliance of GT. - Final release now available
- Downloads and docs at
- www.globus.org/toolkit
2nd Edition www.mkp.com/grid2
- Jennifer M. Schopf
- jms_at_mcs.anl.gov
- www.mcs.anl.gov/jms
- Support from DOE, NSF, NeSC
- This talk
- www.mcs.anl.gov/jms/Talks (not there yet)
- Globus Alliance
- www.globus.org
- Globus Performance
- www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/4.0/perf_overview.html
81How Globus Works
- Globus is a distributed open source community
with many contributors users - CVS, documentation, bugzilla, email lists
- Modular structure allows many to contribute
- Globus Alliance Board provides governance when
needed - Meritocracy individuals who demonstrate ongoing
contributions commitment - Primarily what to include, when to release
- Globus Alliance is an informal partnership of
organizations led by Board members
82Evolution of the Globus Alliance
- Argonne/U.Chicago (Childers, Foster) 1995
- USC/ISI (Kesselman) 1995
- Edinburgh (Atkinson, Parsons) 2003
- Swedish PDC (Johnsson, Mulmo) 2003
- NCSA (Welch) 2004
- Univa (Czajkowski, Tuecke) 2004
- Other contributors will surely be added
83From eScience to eBusiness
- Since 2001, growing interest in Globus for
commercial use - Enterprises, IT vendors, ISVs asking Globus
leaders to address commercial needs - But hard to do in a research laboratory
- In response, we have created two new
organizations - Globus Consortium
- Univa
84Globus Consortium(www.globusconsortium.com)
- Nonprofit organization funded by companies to
advance Globus Toolkit for enterprise use - Initial sponsor members HP, IBM, Intel, Sun
- Initial contributors Nortel, Univa
- First two projects already identified
- Member-driven software quality improvements
- Contributions to job submission standards
- Other projects to be defined, e.g.
- Develop new features key to enterprise use
- Education outreach
85- Provider of commercial support, services,
products around open source Globus - Commercial distribution of GT4 beyond
- Integration with enterprise systems
- Committed to open source open standards
- Founded by Tuecke, Foster, Kesselman
- Tuecke left Argonne to be CEO
- Foster, Kesselman remain at Argonne, ISI
- Experienced management team
- Rich Miller, Vas Vasiliadis, Paul Davé, Bob
86- 26776 U.S.
- 2753 China
- 1318 Japan
- 1017 India
- 750 U.K.
- 495 Italy
- 488 Germany
- 391 Brazil
- 328 S. Korea
- 306 Taiwan
- 268 France
- 241 Canada
- 211 Viet Nam
- 211 Spain
- 202 Russia
- 187 Pakistan
- 159 Australia
- 142 Singapore
- 131 Greece
68 Belgium 66 Venezuela 66 Romania 64
Indonesia 62 Mexico 61 Turkey 60 Malaysia 58
Portugal 57 Austria 54 Ireland 44 Hong Kong
40 Hungary 38 Egypt 38 Argentina 34 Uruguay
31 Ukraine 29 Slovakia 25 Israel 23
Yugoslavia 23 Iran 22 Bulgaria 22 Uzbekistan
22 Czech Rep. 22 N. Korea 21 Lithuania 21
20 Finland 20 New Zealand 17 Nigeria 17 South
Africa 16 Jordan 16 Slovenia 16 Afghanistan
15 Denmark 15 Philippines 14 Vanuatu 14
Luxembourg 14 Tunisia 12 Virgin Is. (U.K.) 12
Peru 12 Yemen 11 Norway 11 Algeria 11 Armenia
10 Iceland 9 Zambia 9 Virgin Is. (U.S.) 9
Uganda 9 Bosnia Herz. 8 Kenya 7 Zimbabwe 7
Saudi Arabia
7 Ecuador 7 Macedonia 6 Bolivia 6 Comoros 6
Zaire 6 Lebanon 5 Puerto Rico 5 Namibia 5
Togo 5 Tajikistan 5 Paraguay 5 Albania 5
Sudan 4 Estonia 4 Camaroon 4 Ghana 4 Tuvalu
4 Costa Rica 4 Cuba 4 UAE 4 Tonga 4 W. Samoa
4 Tanzania 3 Syria 3 Bahamas 3 Ethiopia
3 Mongolia 3 Sri Lanka 3 Wallis Futuna Is. 3
Belarus 3 Bangladesh 2 Falkland Islands 2
Kuwait 2 Sierra Leone 2 Trinidad Tobago 2
Guyana 2 American Samoa 2 Andorra 2 Georgia 2
Cook Islands 2 Turkmenistan 2 Gabon 2 The
Gambia 2 Kazakhstan 2 Macau 2 Malta 2 Jamaica
2 Latvia 2 Turks Caicos 1 Bhutan 1 Ascension
Island 1 Cyprus
1 Mozambique 1 Tokelau 1 Greenland 1 Nepal 1
Swaziland 1 Iraq 1 Serbia 1 Barbados 1
Cambodia 1 Qatar 1 Saint Vincent 1 Laos 1 San
Marino 1 Libya 1 Benin 1 Angola 1 Chad 1
Gibraltar 1 Haiti 1 Guatemala 1 Malawi 1
Equatorial Guinea 1 Palau 1 Bermuda 1 Botswana
1 Suriname
38669 downloads in 2004 from globus.org
87- 26776 U.S.
- 2753 China
- 1318 Japan
- 1017 India
- 750 U.K.
- 495 Italy
- 488 Germany
- 391 Brazil
- 328 S. Korea
- 306 Taiwan
- 268 France
- 241 Canada
- 211 Viet Nam
- 211 Spain
- 202 Russia
- 187 Pakistan
- 159 Australia
- 142 Singapore
- 131 Greece
68 Belgium 66 Venezuela 66 Romania 64
Indonesia 62 Mexico 61 Turkey 60 Malaysia 58
Portugal 57 Austria 54 Ireland 44 Hong Kong
40 Hungary 38 Egypt 38 Argentina 34 Uruguay
31 Ukraine 29 Slovakia 25 Israel 23
Yugoslavia 23 Iran 22 Bulgaria 22 Uzbekistan
22 Czech Rep. 22 N. Korea 21 Lithuania 21
20 Finland 20 New Zealand 17 Nigeria 17 South
Africa 16 Jordan 16 Slovenia 16 Afghanistan
15 Denmark 15 Philippines 14 Vanuatu 14
Luxembourg 14 Tunisia 12 Virgin Is. (U.K.) 12
Peru 12 Yemen 11 Norway 11 Algeria 11 Armenia
10 Iceland 9 Zambia 9 Virgin Is. (U.S.) 9
Uganda 9 Bosnia Herz. 8 Kenya 7 Zimbabwe 7
Saudi Arabia
7 Ecuador 7 Macedonia 6 Bolivia 6 Comoros 6
Zaire 6 Lebanon 5 Puerto Rico 5 Namibia 5
Togo 5 Tajikistan 5 Paraguay 5 Albania 5
Sudan 4 Estonia 4 Camaroon 4 Ghana 4 Tuvalu
4 Costa Rica 4 Cuba 4 UAE 4 Tonga 4 W. Samoa
4 Tanzania 3 Syria 3 Bahamas 3 Ethiopia
3 Mongolia 3 Sri Lanka 3 Wallis Futuna Is. 3
Belarus 3 Bangladesh 2 Falkland Islands 2
Kuwait 2 Sierra Leone 2 Trinidad Tobago 2
Guyana 2 American Samoa 2 Andorra 2 Georgia 2
Cook Islands 2 Turkmenistan 2 Gabon 2 The
Gambia 2 Kazakhstan 2 Macau 2 Malta 2 Jamaica
2 Latvia 2 Turks Caicos 1 Bhutan 1 Ascension
Island 1 Cyprus
1 Mozambique 1 Tokelau 1 Greenland 1 Nepal 1
Swaziland 1 Iraq 1 Serbia 1 Barbados 1
Cambodia 1 Qatar 1 Saint Vincent 1 Laos 1 San
Marino 1 Libya 1 Benin 1 Angola 1 Chad 1
Gibraltar 1 Haiti 1 Guatemala 1 Malawi 1
Equatorial Guinea 1 Palau 1 Bermuda 1 Botswana
1 Suriname
Top 10
26776 U.S. 2753 China 1318 Japan 1017
India 750 U.K. 495 Italy 488
Germany 391 Brazil 328 S. Korea 306
38669 downloads in 2004 from globus.org
89The Globus Ecosystem
- Globus components address core issues relating to
resource access, monitoring, discovery, security,
data movement, etc. - GT4 being the latest version
- A larger Globus ecosystem of open source and
proprietary components provide complementary
components - A growing list of components
- These components can be combined to produce
solutions to Grid problems - Were building a list of such solutions
90Many Tools Build on, or Can Contribute to,
GT4-Based Grids
- Condor-G, DAGman
- Nimrod-G
- Ninf-G
- Open Grid Computing Env.
- Commodity Grid Toolkit
- GriPhyN Virtual Data System
- Virtual Data Toolkit
- GridXpert Synergy
- Platform Globus Toolkit
- Sun Grid Engine
- PBS scheduler
- LSF scheduler
- GridBus
- TeraGrid CTSS
- IBM Grid Toolbox
91DocumentingThe Grid Ecosystem
The Grid Ecosystem Software Components for Grid
Systems And Applications
92Example Solutions
- Portal-based User Reg. System (PURSE)
- VO Management Registration Service
- Service Monitoring Service
- TeraGrid TGCP Tool
- Lightweight Data Replicator
- GriPhyN Virtual Data System
93The Globus Developer Community
- We want to facilitate community contributions to
the Globus software - Increasingly open governance mechanisms
- Documentation of larger ecosystem
- What else can we do?
- Tell us how you think we should evolve
- E.g., adopt Apache processes?
- Contribute more of Globus to Apache?
- Weve already made major contributions to Apache
Axis, WS-Addressing, and WS-Security - Also WSRF/WSN ? Apache (Apollo, Hermes)
94Globus and its User Community
- How can we best support you?
- We try to provide the best software we can
- We use bugzilla other community tools
- We work to grow the set of contributors
- How can you best support us?
- Become a contributor of software, bug fixes,
answers to questions, documentation - Provide us with success stories that can justify
continued Globus development - Promote Globus within your communities
- Contact me at jms_at_mcs.anl.gov
95Many Tools Build on, or Can Contribute to,
GT4-Based Grids
- Condor-G, DAGman
- Nimrod-G
- Ninf-G
- Open Grid Computing Env.
- Commodity Grid Toolkit
- GriPhyN Virtual Data System
- Virtual Data Toolkit
- GridXpert Synergy
- Platform Globus Toolkit
- Sun Grid Engine
- PBS scheduler
- LSF scheduler
- GridBus
- TeraGrid CTSS
- IBM Grid Toolbox
- GT4 is a significant step forward in the quality,
functionality and standards compliance of GT. - Final release now available
- Downloads and docs at
- www.globus.org/toolkit
2nd Edition www.mkp.com/grid2
- Jennifer M. Schopf
- jms_at_mcs.anl.gov
- www.mcs.anl.gov/jms
- Support from DOE, NSF, Microsoft, NeSC, JISC
- This talk
- www.mcs.anl.gov/jms/Talks (not there yet)
- Globus Alliance
- www.globus.org
- Globus Performance
- www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/4.0/perf_overview.html