Title: Prepress Tutorial CIP4/GATF
Prepress and Gray boxes
Koen Van de Poel Chairman OriginationPrepress
WG _at_ CIP4 Technology Staff _at_ Agfa Tutorial
Foster City 2007-10-07
2Todays Agenda
- Creating the Ticket
- Gray Boxes
- Stripping
- Output Proofs, Plates, Ink key settings
- PressltgtPrepress
Print Manufacturing
Production Planning
Production Controller
Press Controller
Prepress Controller
SW Device
HW Device
5Creating the Ticket
6Known at Creation
- Info available when MIS creates prod. ticket
- administrative and job info
- product nodes (part structure) and layout binds
info to sheets - Imposition?, number of pages
- number of colors for each sheet side
- processes gray boxes
- Some info is often missing when the job is
created because - Content (PDF) arrives later
- PDF is needed to extract Spot color names
- Number of content pages for Cover often doesn't
match description 2 pages are combined in one
8Introduction to Prepress
9Steps in Prepress
- Creative part
- Prepress preparation (page level)
- preparing content files ready to RIP
- obtaining content files
- preparing imposition
- Production prepress (sheet level)
- Proofs
- Plate making and Preview for ink key
11Prepress Preparation
- Goal no errors or interactions in prepress
production part (except mapping colors) - Steps for content (not in order)
- obtaining content files (Asset Transfer)
- conversion from native to standard formats
- trapping
- creating production quality standard formats
- preflighting / fixing files
- page proofs / approvals
12Imposition Preparation
- Activities needed to create a description of
where the pages and marks need to go on the sheet
resulting in the Layout
13Production prepress
- Controlled environment
- nearly fixed processing times
- few operator interventions/errors if well
prepared - scheduling possible for plate making
- Includes Imposition Proof
- often needed before starting plate making
- internal or external (takes extra time) approval
15Building a Workflow
16Gray Boxes
- Easy way to let MIS define what prepress should
do - PrePressPreparation, ImpositionPrepreparation
- PlateMaking, xxProofing
- MIS provides
- input available job info, more or less detailed
- output detailed info (sheet structure, plates,
components) - Prepress operator (or defaults) will fill in
remaining details
18PrePressPreparation Gray Box
19In/Out PrePressPreparation
- In
- indication of nr of pages
- can be different from what prepress needs
- Out
- populated RunList
20Snippet Node
ltJDF Type"ProcessGroup" Types"PrePressPreparatio
n" Category"PrePressPreparation" "gt
ltResourceLinkPoolgt ltRunListLink rRef"R0_I"
ProcessUsage"Document" Usage"Input"/gt
ltRunListLink rRef"R0_D" ProcessUsage"Document"
Usage"Output"/gt gt
21Snippet Input RunList
ltRunList Class"Parameter" ID"R0_I"
Status"Available" NPage"6"/gt ltRunList
Class"Parameter" ID"R0_D" Status"Incomplete"/gt
22ImpositionPreparation Gray Box
23In/Out ImpositionPreparation
- In
- Stripping resources
- If not available, operator intervention
- Out
- Completed Layout
- References to Marks
- High-level imposition related information from
MIS to Prepress - avoids redoing imposition 3 times
- Estimating
- Production planning
- Prepress
- allows bi-directional communication prepress
updating imposition info
25Sample Stripping
1 1
0.5 1
Pages / Cells
0 0
0.5 0
ltStrippingParams gt ltBinderySignature
FoldCatalog"F8-7"/gt ltPosition RelativeBox"0 0
0.5 1"/gt ltPosition RelativeBox"0.5 0 1
1"/gt lt/StrippingParamsgt
- Describes how the sheet will be folded
- Needed for Pagination
- CIP4 spec has Fold Catalog list
27Stripping details
- Depending on MIS and prepress capa.
- Rich Stripping info
- All gutters/margins specified
- Gripper / color bar / no image area specified
- Shallow Stripping info
- FoldCatalog / NumberUp
- Cut boxes or just nr of boxes
28Snippet ImpoPrep
ltJDF Type"ProcessGroup" Types"ImpositionPreparat
ion" Category"ImpositionPreparation"gt ltComment
Name"Instruction"gtImposition folder with 6
pages folded using F6-1, WorkAndTurnlt/Commentgt
ltResourceLinkPoolgt ltLayoutLink rRef"LAY000"
Usage"Output"/gt ltRunListLink rRef"RNL000_M"
ProcessUsage"Marks" Usage"Output"/gt
lt/ResourceLinkPoolgt lt/JDFgt
29Snippet Layout
ltLayout "gt ltSignature Name"SIG1"gt ltSheet
Name"SHT1"gt ltSurface Side"Front"/gt
ltSurface Side"Back"/gt ltMediaRef
rRef"PAPMSVA_880x630"/gt lt/Sheetgt
lt/Signaturegt ltSignature Name"SIG2"gt ltSheet
Name"SHT2"gt ltSurface Side"Front"/gt
ltMediaRef rRef"PAPMSVA_880x630"/gt lt/Sheetgt
lt/Signaturegt lt/Layoutgt
30PlateMaking Gray Box
31In/Out Platemaking
32In/Out Platemaking
- In
- Media (plate)
- Colors
- RunLists
- document (content)
- marks
- Layout
- Out
- Ink key setting preview (PPF or PNG)
- ExposedMedia (plate)
33Snippet PlateMaking
ltJDF Type"ProcessGroup" Types"Imposition RIPing
PreviewGeneration ImageSetting"
Category"FinalImaging" gt ltResourceLinkPoolgt
ltRunListLink rRef"R0_D" Usage"Input"
ProcessUsage"Document"/gt ltRunListLink
rRef"R0_M" Usage"Input" ProcessUsage"Marks"/gt
ltLayoutLink rRef"LAYBody01" Usage"Input"/gt
ltColorantControlLink rRef"ColorantControl"
Usage"Input"/gt ltPart SignatureName"SIG1"
SheetName"SHT1"/gt ltMediaLink
rRef"Plate000001" Usage"Input"/gt
ltExposedMediaLink rRef"ExposedMedia"
Usage"Output"gt ltPart SignatureName"SIG1"
SheetName"SHT1"/gt ltPreviewLink
rRef"Preview" Usage"Output"gt ltPart
SignatureName"SIG1" SheetName"SHT1"/gt
34Proofing Variations
- Hard copy or soft proof
- Page or Imposition
- Content ltgt Contract proof
- May include Approval
35Interoperability Conformance Specs
- Specifies a subset that MIS MUST generate
- Specifies a subset that Prepress MUST consume or
report back - Updated to JDF 1.3 and released summer 07
- Certification procedure end 07
- Samples at JDF Samples folder
37ICS details
- MISPRE Level 1 MIS 2 Prepress
- basic jobs
- MISPRE Level 2
- more complex (stripping, versioning)
- PRECP Prepress to Conventional Printing
- Nearly ready, not much changed
- Future Link to (hybrid) digital printing
- JDF 1.3 spec
- MIS-Prepress ICS 1.3
- MIS-Prepress Samples on CIP4 site
- Minimal, (Proof)PlateMaking
- Complex (multi part, ConvPrint)
- Proofing Application note
39Prepress is not a press
40Prepress is not a press!
- Objects
- Press _at_ sheet level
- Prepress _at_ job parts (cover, body) for pagination
- Media paper ltgt plate
- Plates consumption not tightly tracked (waste)
- Limited plate variations, usually tied to Press
- Plate pairing combining planned plates
- Device
- Platesetter and proofer linked to plate size
- Platesetter processing often unattended
41Prepress operators
- One prepress operator handles multiple jobs
simultaneously no detailed tracking - Sometimes separate operator PDF preparation
- Duration may take several days (waiting for
content) - May start on job before JobID assigned
- May make job modifications
42Thanks for Listening