Title: Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes
1Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes
Jan 06
2National Clinical Audit
- quality improvement process to improve patient
care and outcomes for patients - systematic review of care against explicit
criteria - aspects of the structure, processes and outcomes
of care are selected and systematically evaluated - changes can then be implemented at an individual,
team, or service level - further monitoring is used to confirm improvement
in healthcare delivery
3The National Clinical Audit Programme - Context
- transferred from the Commission for Health
Improvement in April 04 - 23 audit projects
- commissioned through professional organisations
Health Social Care Information Centre - each project c 200-250k per annum total 5.7m
- core team of 4
- other members
4The Importance of the Programme..
- clinical audit and patients outcomes monitoring
should be vital parts of the cycle of continuous
improvement in providing healthcare - as acknowledged by the Bristol Inquiry
- and the DH in National Standards
5Programme Variability
- Not all areas of health care covered
- Total cost - 5.7million
- Time and impact varies some spectacular
successes other projects not yet leading to
widespread change even after several years of
funding - Limited contracts with agreed end points
- No quality measures
- Were they all clinical audits?
6Programme review
Priority score
Time taken
Costs compared
Methods score (99 criteria)
7The future
- New selection system
- More open/public
- New national external group to develop 07/08
programme - Contracts clear deliverables and monitor
- 06/07 Programme
8Programme 2006/07
mostly committed
Long list (tsars priorities)
Priorities/VFM (scoring system)
Prioritisation panel
Board and Commission
9Service Improvements
Clinical audit findings high quality,
patient-based, detailed
We publicise best practice and follow up poor
Local clinicians and managers make changes
Patients ask questions
Healthcare improvements
10Developmental standards/ Better Metrics
Core standards
Healthcare Commission
National targets
National reports
Monitoring local action plans
Public portal
Improvement reviews
11Assessment for Improvement
- high quality, clinician-led, patient-based
information systems are centre stage - used to corroborate local bodies
self-assessments against standards - National Clinical Audit and Patients Outcomes
Programme is a prime source of such information - no inherited automatic right to use National
Programme findings in assessment - consultation
12Annual health check
- Monitor
- re-audit
- Local Presence
- Change
- plans
- invest
- re-configure
- train
- Under-standing
- reflection
- peer review
- sharing ideas
Healthcare Commission corroboration
Multiple data sources, including CAPO
13(No Transcript)