Ecommerce: Security and Control - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ecommerce: Security and Control


Why are modern day information systems so vulnerable to ... One node pretends to be another node. Tx is fooled into thinking that Rx has received message. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ecommerce: Security and Control

Ecommerce Security and Control
  • James Vickers, Boston College
  • http//

  • Why are modern day information systems so
    vulnerable to destruction, error, abuse, and
    system quality problems?
  • What types of controls are available for
    ecommerce systems?
  • What special measures must be taken to ensure the
    reliability, availability and security of
    electronic commerce and digital business
  • Why are auditing ecommerce systems and
    safeguarding data quality so important?

The business predicament
  • Do we design systems that over-controlled, and
    therefore not functional, or unrestricted and
  • How do we applying quality assurance standards in
    large ecommerce systems projects

The business predicament
  • The major concerns for businesses
  • Disaster
  • The possible destruction of computer hardware,
    programs, data files, and other equipment
  • Security
  • Preventing unauthorized access, alteration,
    theft, or physical damage to equipment
  • Errors
  • Computer actions that may disrupt or destroy
    organizations record-keeping and operations
  • Bugs
  • Program code defects or errors
  • Maintenance Nightmare
  • Maintenance costs high due to organizational
    change, software complexity, and faulty system
    analysis and design

The general processing model
Unfortunately, all of these stages can contain
elements of failure, unless a strategy is
implemented, and software quality assurance
standards are implemented
Figure 1
The cost of poor design
Figure 2
The business predicament
  • Control
  • What is needed?
  • Methods, policies, and procedures
  • Why is it needed?
  • Ecommerce systems may provide (limited) access to
    a business central infrastructure
  • Ensures protection of organizations assets
  • Ensures accuracy and reliability of records, and
    operational adherence to management standards
  • When should this occur?
  • From the ideas inception, to the completion of
    the ecommerce system

Controlling our ecommerce plan
  • At a business level
  • Market research into user needs, and identified
    areas for business expansion
  • A business and financial plan for forecasting
    frequency of use, and suspected revenue turnover
  • A strategy on how to implement this plan,
    alongside our current business plan (if we are
    expanding a brick and mortar business that is).
  • A review of our internal technical skills are
    our staff competent enough to implement this, or
    should we outsource.

Controlling our ecommerce plan
  • General controls
  • Establish framework for controlling design,
    security, and use of computer programs
  • Include software, hardware, computer operations,
    data security, implementation, and administrative
    controls. These may include
  • Personnel controls Ensuring that only authorised
    personal undertake elements of the project
  • Customer controls Ensuring that protection is
    provided from the global customer layer of the
    ecommerce system, to the business infrastructure
    layer of business operations

Controlling our ecommerce plan
  • Protecting our company
  • On-line transaction processing Transactions
    entered online are immediately processed by
    computer, and recorded for audit
  • Fault-tolerant computer systems Contain extra
    hardware, software, and power supply components
    in case of element failure
  • High-availability computing Tools and
    technologies enabling system to recover from a
    crash, or power cut
  • Disaster recovery plan Plan of action in case of
    ecommerce system failure. Ask yourself the
    question, if we trade online and the shop front
    is gone, how do we trade?
  • Load balancing Heavy traffic will need
    distribution over a large servers

Controlling our ecommerce plan
  • Protecting our company
  • Mirroring Duplicating all processes and
    transactions of ecommerce on backup server to
    prevent any interruption
  • Clustering Linking two computers together so
    that a second computer can act as a backup to the
    primary computer or speed up processing
  • Firewalls For prevent unauthorised users from
    accessing a private internal network, or
    accessing private data. Dont forget this covered
    under the data protection act.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems or Personnel to
    monitor vulnerable points in the network to
    detect or deter unauthorized intruders

Controlling our ecommerce plan
  • How many of you have assumed that security of
    ecommerce systems is an Internet threat only?
  • I would bet the majority of you..
  • Now we need to forget that we have planned for
    ecommerce systems, and consider in depth our
    security issues
  • We shall look at security in terms of the whole
    networked community, not just ecommerce.
  • Why? Because security is more often than not
    overlooked at a local level, never mind at a
    global level!
  • Security is a major concern, not just at a global
    interface level, but at an internal business
    level too

  • This raises big questions..
  • What is security?
  • What constitutes security?
  • What examples can we provide of security?

Security needs
  • Who says we need security?
  • Data Protection Acts 1984 98
  • Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice)
    (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000
  • Allows employers to monitor or record
    communications without consent
  • to establish the existence of facts relevant to
    the business
  • to ascertain compliance with regulations
  • to ascertain standards which ought to be achieved
    by staff
  • to detect unauthorised use

Information Security
  • Reformed
  • Two major reforms over last several decades
  • Computer Security
  • Network Security
  • Widespread use of data processing
  • Security previously handled by
  • Physical means Filing cabinet and lock
  • Administrative means Personnel
  • Computers
  • Introduction meant that new regulations had to be
    imposed by organisations to secure data
  • Shared systems, were worse because of sending /
    retrieving data of numerous systems

Information Security
  • Routing Services
  • Security Office
  • Server Protection

Why the reforms?
  • Computer Security
  • Evolved with the need to protect data
  • Needed to prevent hackers
  • Needed to abide by data protection act
  • Network Security
  • Heightened by the need for distributed systems
  • Heightened by the need for secure networks and
  • Need to protect data during transmission
  • Ensure data is authentic

Local Information Security
  • Various methods available
  • DVD-RAM Drive
  • SANs
  • RAID Arrays
  • Most efficient (and common) method
  • DAT / DLT
  • Data security is big business!
  • Storage off-site
  • Storage in safes
  • Fireproof!
  • Bombproof!

Security Requirements
  • Classified in three ways
  • Confidentiality
  • Authorised parties can read the data
  • Disclosure of data to relevant source
  • Integrity
  • Authorised parties can modify the data
  • Changes status of the data by relevant source
  • Availability
  • Authorised parties can access the data

What next?
  • We have planned.
  • We have designed.
  • We have restricted access.
  • We have investigated our needs.
  • We then sit back and wait while our systems are

Network Attacks!
  • Passive
  • Eavesdropping
  • Release of message contents
  • Extracting information from mail messages,
    telephone conversations etc
  • Traffic Analysis
  • Analysis of message lengths, Tx Rx, to guess
    the types of information being Tx Rx.

Network Attacks
  • Active Attacks
  • Masquerade
  • One node pretends to be another node.
  • Tx is fooled into thinking that Rx has received
  • Replay
  • Captures data and then retransmits to fool Tx
    into thinking the message was unauthorised
  • Modification of Message
  • The Tx message is intercepted, and modified to
    the intruders benefit e.g. Funds Balances etc.
  • Message is forwarded to intended Rx
  • Denial of Service
  • Inhibits or hinders data communications traffic,
    but targeting the management and communications

Network Attacks
  • Active
  • Opposite to passive
  • Difficult to prevent (Could be done by physical
  • Detect, and recover
  • Detection can also be a prevention, as intruder
    is often found
  • Passive
  • Sniffers / Probes
  • Difficult to detect
  • Do not alter data
  • Can prevent these attacks
  • Prevention, rather than detection

Network Attacks
Passive Threats
Active Threats
Release of message content
Traffic analysis
Modification of message contents
Denial of service
Global Electronic Security-Encryption
  • Automation
  • Automation of Tx and Rx is done through
  • This ensures authenticated and unique data
  • Provides a security layer to the network
  • Encryption
  • We shall look at encryption in two ways
  • Symmetric Encryption
  • Public-key Encryption (Asymmetric)
  • Well known examples
  • Comodo
  • Both versions of Verisign SSL.

  • Symmetric (Single Key)
  • Pre-1970s public key encryption standard
  • Stallings (2000) says that the idea has been used
    by such adversaries as Julius Caesar and the
    German U-Boot commanders
  • Requirements for symmetric encryption
  • Strong algorithm to protect the key
  • Even if intruder access message, key should be
  • Tx Rx must obtain the secret key in a secret

  • Symmetric (Single Key)
  • Encryption is made up of 5 major areas
  • Plaintext Original method before encryption
  • Encryption algorithm Transforms plain text
  • Secret Key Provides extra substitutions and
    transformations to the Encryption Algorithm
  • Ciphertext The new message that is created to be
  • Decryption algorithm The encryption secret key
    in reverse algorithm

  • Symmetric

Secret Key
Secret Key
Plain Text
Plain Text
Decryption Algorithm
Encryption Algorithm
Adapted from Stallings (2000), Figure 18.2, page
  • Symmetric Breaking the code
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Utilise analysis of the ciphertext to attempt to
    produce a secret key.
  • Sometimes pairs two ciphertexts to attempt to
    deduce a common encoding
  • If key is found, all future messages using that
    key are compromised
  • Brute-force
  • Attempts to try every combination of secret keys
    on the ciphertext to deduce the plain text.

  • Stallings (2000) quotes the times for breaking a
    secret key as follows

  • Public Key
  • Biggest advancement in encryption in years
    because it use Mathematics to calculate the key.
  • Public key cryptography uses two keys, rather
    than one hence, sometimes referred to
  • Symmetric encryption is still in use, and will
    continue to be
  • This is because of the computational overhead
    associated with public key encryption

  • Asymmetric (Public Key)
  • Encryption is made up of 5(6) major areas
  • Plaintext Original method before encryption
  • Encryption algorithm Transforms plain text
  • Public and Private Key Pair of keys that have
    been selected for encryption. One is used as
    encryption, one as decryption.
  • Ciphertext The two new messages that are created
    to be sent, one by the public key, and one by the
    private key
  • Decryption algorithm The encryption secret key
    in reverse algorithm

  • In English
  • Each user generates a pair of keys for encryption
    and decryption.
  • Each user places the public key in an accessible
    file. The companion private key is kept private.
  • If A wishes to send a message to B, A encrypts
    the message using Bs public key.
  • When B receives the message, B decrypts the
    message using its own private key. No one else
    can, because no-one else uses Bs private key

Digital Signatures
  • Confirming the source
  • Used extensively now due to the Internet
  • When a digital signature is sent to the receiver,
    the message is encoded using the senders private
  • At the receiving end, the message should be able
    to be decoded using the senders public key.
  • If it can be decoded, it can be assumed that the
    sender must have made the message and its okay
  • If it cant be decoded, it can be assumed that
    the sender couldnt have made the message, and
    should be disposed of.

Protecting yourself
  • Ports
  • Open ports allow access to a variety of problems
  • Port Scanner
  • Nanoprobe
  • Finding an open port tells you what services are
  • Close down as many as necessary to make the
    system secure.

  • Firewalls
  • Firewalls are used to limit or allow connections
    through a network
  • Firewalls are gateways that provide this
  • They can limit or allow connections based on
  • IP Address
  • Port Number
  • If you like firewalls are watchdogs for your
    computers open doors.

Firewall Sample
Firewall Sample
Security Challenges
Figure 3
Overview of Electronic Security Methods
  • Encryption Encoding and scrambling of messages
    to prevent their access without specific
    authorization. Most commonly used when
    transferring sensitive data electronically across
    (e.g.) the Internet
  • Authentication Providing secure mechanisms for
    accessing specific elements of the ecommerce
    system. Most common method is registration with
    the ecommerce system, and using usernames and
  • Digital signature Digital code attached to
    electronically transmitted message to uniquely
    identify contents and sender. Implemented when
    receiver needs to be assured of author of message
    (adopted now in hardware and operating system
  • Digital certificate Attachment to electronic
    message to verify the sender and to provide
    receiver with means to encode reply
  • Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) Standard for
    securing credit card transactions over Internet
    and other networks

  • Figures 1,2, 3 taken from Laudon.K., Laudon.P.
    2002. Essentials of Management Information
    Systems. New Jersey Prentice Hall.
  • Stallings. W. 2000. Data and Computer
    Communications. New Jersey Prentice Hall
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