Title: Prof Pallapa. Venkataram,
1Network Reference Model
- Prof Pallapa. Venkataram,
- Electrical Communication Engineering,
- Indian Institute of Science,
- Bangalore 560012, India
2What is Network Reference Model?
- A network is a group of computers, printers and
other devices that are connected together either
with a cable or wireless media. - The network users share hardware or software over
the network. - A network reference model clearly defines the
functions of communication softwares in a
generalized and structured manner which helps to
carry out the network product development
3Network Architecture
Abstract representation of network architecture
4Network Reference Model
Layered architecture,
5Features of Layered Architecture
- Collection of protocols
- network reference model.
- An entity could be a software (or a process) or
hardware (circuit/chip) entity. - The entities in the same layer on different
machines are called as peer entities. - succession of logically distinct entities
- 'n'th entity provides services to 'n1'th entity
and gets service from 'n-1'th entity.
6Peer to Peer Model
Interaction between two layers
7Advantages of the Layered Model
- Explicit structure allows identification of the
relationship among a complex system's pieces. - Modularization eases maintenance and updating of
the system. - Change of implementation of a layer's service
transparent to rest of system. - Without layering, each new application has to be
re-implemented for every network technology.
8Network Services Interfaces
- Service
- A set of service primitives (operations) that a
layer provides to the layer above it. - A service relates to an interface between two
layers, with the lower layer being the service
provider and the upper layer being the service
user. - Interface
- a point at which the services are accessible to
the layers. - The services are available through the Service
Access Points (SAPs). - The layer 'n' SAPs are the places where layer
'n1' can access the services offered. - Each SAP has an address that uniquely identifies
- Fig. 2.3 Layer interface and the control units
9Protocol Functions
- Protocol
- a set of rules governing the format and meaning
of frames, packets, or messages that are
exchanged by the peer entities within a layer. - Functions of a Protocol
- Encapsulation, segmentation and reassembly of
messages - Connection control
- Ordered delivery
- Error control, Flow control Multiplexing
- Addressing
10Encapsulation, Segmentation and Reassembly of
- Encapsulation
- is the technique used by layered protocols in
which a layer accepts a message from a layer
above it and places it in the data portion of the
lower level layers message unit. - As data moves down the layers, additional
information will be appended to it, and it may be
segmented into smaller pieces. - Segmentation
- Multiplexing and error control require messages
to be of a maximum length, and application
messages must be divided into segments that match
the transmission criteria. - Application messages that are divided must be
reassembled before being presented to destination
11Error control, flow control and multiplexing
- Error control is needed for reliable end-to-end
(host-to-host) and link (network node-to-node)
transmission. - Forward Error Correction or ARQ.
- Link level error control
- Flow control
12Multiplexing Addressing.
- Types of multiplexing
- 1. upward multiplexing, i.e., layer 'n'
multiplexes the connections from the layer 'n1', - 2. downward multiplexing, i.e., layer 'n1'
multiplexes the connections from layer 'n'. - Similarly, the layers demultiplex the connections
at the destination side of the network. - Addressing
- Destination Identification
- Addressing allows the separation of the
application- application dialog from the
selection process. - Layers allow interim addresses for resilient
routing while preserving global application
13OSI Model
14OSI Model Overview
- The upper layers (5-7) of the OSI model deal with
application issues and generally are implemented
only in software. - The highest layer, the application layer, is
closest to the end-user. - Both users and application layer processes
interact with software applications that contain
a communications component. - The lower layers (1-4) of the OSI model handle
data transport issues. - The physical layer and the data link layer are
implemented in hardware and software. - The lowest layer, the physical layer, is closest
to the physical network medium (for example,
network cabling) and is responsible for actually
placing information on the medium.
15Data transfer across the OSI layers
Where a message 'x' is transmitted from host A to
host B. At each layer, a header (AH-Application
Header, PH-Presentation Header, SH-Session
Header, TH-Transport Header, NH-Network Header,
DH-Data link Header) is attached to the message.
A header and trailer is attached at data link
layer. The trailer includes checksum bits for
error detection at link level.
16Physical Layer
- Provides direct mechanical and electrical
connections between the computer system and the
network nodes. - The physical layer has set of interfacing rules
to communicate with devices like modems, the
broadband, carrier-band or other modulation
techniques that puts signals on the network. - Physical layer specifications defines
characteristics such as voltage levels, timing of
voltage changes, physical data rates, maximum
transmission distances, and physical connectors.
17Data link layer
- establishes and maintains a communication path
between nodes of the network. - responsible for transferring frames from one
computer to another, without errors. - establishes connections upon request by the
network layer and disconnects them after the
completion of the transmission. - perform flow control, which moderates the
transmission of data so that the receiving device
is not overwhelmed with more traffic than it can
handle at one time. - Data link layer is divided into two sub-layers
- Logical Link Control (LLC) manages
communications between the devices over a single
link of a network, and supports both
connection-less and connection-oriented services
used by upper layer protocols. - Media Access Control (MAC) manages protocol
access to the physical network medium. The MAC
defines MAC addresses, which enable multiple
devices to uniquely identify one another at the
data link layer.
18Network Layer Transport Layer
- Concerned with routing of data from one network
node to another. - defines network layer implementations, network
addresses in a way that route selection can be
determined systematically by comparing the source
network address with the destination network
address and applying the subnet mask. - It also has the responsibility of interconnecting
two or more similar/dissimilar networks. - TRANSPORT LAYER
- accepts the data from session layer and segments
the data for transport across the network. - responsible for making sure that the data is
delivered error-free and in the proper sequence. - decides to multiplex transport connections either
upwards (from a single network connection to
several transport connections) or downwards
(splitting a single transport connection among
many network connections).
19Session layer Presentation Layer
- establishes, manages, and terminates
communication sessions. - Communication sessions consist of service
requests and service responses that occur between
applications located in different network
devices. - It determines which of the three modes of
interaction the communication may take simplex,
half-duplex, or full-duplex. - It synchronizes and checks the points to keep the
two end devices in step with each other. - PRESENTATION LAYER
- Provides a variety of coding and conversion
functions that are applied to application layer
data. - These functions ensure that information sent from
the application layer of one system would be
readable by the application layer of another
system. - Some data coding and conversion schemes used in
presentation layer include common data
representation formats, conversion of character
representation formats, common data compression
schemes, and common data encryption schemes.
20Application layer
- The application layer is the OSI layer closest to
the end user, which means that OSI application
layer interacts with the user through the user
interface programs. - Its primary function is to provide the mechanisms
and interfaces that enable an end user to
communicate within the network environment. - Functions may include logging in, checking
password, file request, file transfer, etc.
21TCP/IP protocol suite
22TCP/IP protocol suite functioning
23MAC Protocols
- used for sharing a single broadcast channel among
several users by avoiding conflicts between the
sending hosts. - three types of MAC protocols
- Channel partitioning divides the channel into
smaller pieces (in terms of either time slots or
frequency) and allocates a piece to a node for
exclusive use. - eg. TDMA, FDMA and CDMA.
- TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
- access to a channel by the hosts is in rounds,
- i.e., each station gets a fixed length slot
(length packet transmission time) in each
round. - The unused slots by nodes go idle and hence
bandwidth is wasted. - FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access)
- channel spectrum is divided into frequency bands
where each host is assigned a xed frequency
band. - The unused transmission time in frequency bands
go idle and hence bandwidth is wasted.
24MAC Protocols
- CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
- a unique code is assigned to each host in a
network. - used in wireless broadcast channels (cellular,
satellite, etc.) where all hosts share same
frequency, but each host has its own chipping
sequence (i.e., code) to encode the data. - The encoded signal is given as product of
original data and chipping sequence. - The decoding inner-product of encoded signal and
chipping sequence allows multiple hosts to
coexist and transmit simultaneously with minimal
interference (if codes are orthogonal). - Random Access protocols allows collisions
between the nodes, and uses some mechanisms to
recover from collisions - eg. pure Aloha, slotted Aloha, CSMA/CD, etc.
- pure Aloha
- the nodes can start transmission as and when the
frames are ready. If transmission is not
successful, a node retransmits the frame. - This protocol has higher collision probability.
25MAC Protocols
- Slotted Aloha
- considers all frames of same size since it
divides time into equal sized slots which is
given as the time to transmit one frame. - The nodes start transmitting frames only at
beginning of a slot (nodes are synchronized). - In case if two or more nodes transmit in a slot,
all nodes will detect the collision and try
retransmitting in each subsequent slot with
probability 'p' until success.
26MAC Protocols
- CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access)
- if a node senses the channel to be idle, it
transmits an entire frame, otherwise defers the
transmission. - CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision
Detection) - same as in CSMA but collisions are detected
within a short time, and the colliding
transmissions are aborted and scheduled after
some random time, thus reducing channel bandwidth
wastage. - The MAC protocols IEEE Standards 802.3 (CSMA/CD),
802.4 (token bus), 802.5 (token ring), and 802.11
(wireless CSMA/CA, i.e., Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Avoidance) are used for
accessing media in wired bus, wired logical ring,
wired ring and wireless network topologies,
27MAC Protocols
- Taking Turn protocols share the channel either
by polling or token passing methods. - Polling
- a master node invites the slave nodes to transmit
in turn. - Issues polling overhead, latency, and single
point of failure (master). - Token Passing method
- a control token is passed from one node to next
sequentially where presence of token indicates
transmit permission. - issues token overhead, latency, and single point
of failure (token).
28LLC Protocols
- Logical link control (LLC)
- used for storing the data in the buffers until
media is accessed and data sent is acknowledged. - a. Simple stop-wait protocol
- assumes an error free channel with finite buffer
capacity - processing speed at the nodes
- prevents a sender from flooding the receiver.
- Senders send one frame at a time and then waits
for ACK (acknowledgment) before proceeding to
transfer next data. - b. Stop-wait protocol with timers and ARQ
(Automatic Repeat request) - used in case of error prone channels
- Sender could send a frame and timeout, and send a
frame again if it does not receive ACK from the
29LLC Protocols Cont.
- c. Sliding window protocols
- It considers two channels (forward and reverse)
in which regular frames will be sent in forward
channel and ACKs will be sent in the reverse
channel. The protocol maintains a sender and
receiver window. - d. Go-back protocol
- sender sends N frames and waits for an
acknowledgment, if rth frame is in error, it
starts sending from rth to Nth frame and early
packets received after rth frame will be discarded
30Standard Data link Protocols
- HDLC (High level Data Link Control)
- packetization standard for serial links
connecting the remote devices in the network with
central computer either point-to-point or
point-to-multipoint. - supports sliding window mode for reliable
delivery mode of operation among others - SLIP (Serial Line IP)
- used to connect a computer to Internet over
dial-up line using the modem. - does not support error checking, correction,
detection and authentication. - It supports only IP networks and uses character
stuffing for data framing. - PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
- It is approved and widely used protocol to
connect home PCs to Internet over dial-up lines. - The protocol handles error detection.
- It has two components
- LCP (link control protocol) It is used for
authentication, bringing up lines, negotiating
and bring down lines when needed. - NCP (network control protocol). This of handles
negotiation with network layer and gets the IP
address allocated at connection time. It supports
multiple protocols.
31Internet Protocol (IP)
- It is mainly concerned with addressing of network
nodes, security, network quality of service,
fragmentation of packets. - An IP packet consists of sender and destination
addresses to facilitate forwarding of packets. - An IP address is 32 bits long, which is grouped
eight bits at a time, separated by dots and
represented in decimal format (dotted decimal
32IP Address Subnetting
- IP networks can be divided into smaller networks
called subnetworks (or subnets). - Subnetting provides the network administrator
extra flexibility and efficient use of network
33Example IP Address subnetting
34IP Packet format
- Internet has been divided into logical clusters
called as Autonomous Systems (ASs). - An AS consists of group of networks and routers.
- Three types of ASes
- Stub AS Used for small corporation which has
single connection to other ASes. - Multihomed AS Used for large corporation (no
transit) which has multiple connections to other
ASes. - Transit AS Used by service providers to hook
many ASes together.
36Internet Hierarchical Routing
- Intra-AS routing - Routing within the ASs
- Inter-AS routing - Routing between the ASs
- Internet routing protocols are classified into
two types - Intra-AS routing protocol The routing protocol
run by a router in an AS to find the routes
within AS is called as intra-AS routing protocol - Inter-AS routing protocol routing protocol used
by the gateway routers to find the paths between
the ASs is called inter-AS routing protocol. - Gateway routers
- of an AS are connected to routers of others ASs
that run intra-AS routing protocol with all other
routers in AS. - The gateway router also runs intra-AS routing
protocol to find routes within the AS.
37Intra-AS Inter-AS Routing
- Three ASes, A, B, and C.
- AS A has four routers, A.a, A.b, A.c, and A.d,
which run the intra-AS routing protocol used
within autonomous system A, ASes B and C have
three and two routers, respectively. - The gateway routers are A.a, A.c, B.a, and C.b.
- In addition to running the intra-AS routing
protocol in conjunction with other routers in
their ASs, these four routers run an inter-AS
routing protocol among themselves.
38Example Routing Scenario
39Example Routing Scenario...
- Host h1 attached to router A.d needs to route a
packet to destination h2 in autonomous system B. - The packet is first routed on the link connected
to A.d to A.c using A's intra-AS routing
protocol. - Router A.c will receive the packet and see that
it is destined to an autonomous system outside of
A. - A.c's routing table for the inter-AS protocol
would indicate that a packet destined to
autonomous system B should be routed along the
A.c to B.a link. - When the packet arrives at B.a, B.a's inter-AS
routing sees that the packet is destined for
autonomous system B. - The packet is then "handed over" to the intra-AS
routing protocol within B, which routes the
packet to its final destination, h2. - In Figure 2.18, the portion of the path routed
using A's intra-AS protocol is shown on the lower
plane with a dotted line, the portion using the
inter-AS routing protocol is shown in the upper
plane as a solid line, and the portion of the
path routed using B's intra-AS protocol is shown
on the lower plane with a dotted line.
40Routing Protocols
- RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
- an interior gateway routing protocol
- computes the routes within an autonomous system
(intra-AS routing) - Each router maintains a routing table.
- This table contains one entry per destination
network, representing the current best route to
the destination. - OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)
- interior gateway protocol
- For use internal to a single Autonomous System.
- OSPF uses link-state or SPF (Shortest Path
First)-based technology - Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
- an inter-AS routing protocol
- for use between multiple autonomous systems.
- Hosts using BGP communicate using the TCP.
- Multicast protocols
- IP Multicasting uses class D addresses.
- Multicasting provides an efficient way of
disseminating data from a sender to a group of
receivers. - Data destined for the receivers in a multicast
group is sent to a single multicast address.
- IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)
- Used by IP hosts to report their host group
memberships to any immediately-neighboring
multicast routers. - IGMP is an asymmetric protocol
- BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol)
- allows a diskless client machine to discover its
own IP address, the address of a server host, and
the name of a file to be loaded into memory and
executed. - DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
- It is used to control vital networking parameters
of hosts with the help of a server. - DHCP is backward compatible with Bootstrap
43Mobile IP
- Designed to solve problem of mobility.
- Allows mobile node to use two IP addresses
- home address is static and is used to identify
TCP connections. - care-of address changes at each new point of
attachment and can be called as the mobile node's
topologically significant addres - Mobile IP is a way of performing three related
functions - Agent Discovery Mobility agents advertise their
availability on each link for which they provide
service. - Registration When the mobile node is away from
home, it registers its care-of address with its
home agent. - Tunneling In order for datagrams to be delivered
to the mobile node when it is away from home, the
home agent has to tunnel the datagrams to the
care-of address.
44Mobile IP Routing
- ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
- used for out-of-band messages related to network
operation or mis-operation. - Some of ICMP's functions are to
- Announce network errors.
- Assist Troubleshooting.
- CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing)
- more efficient allocation of IP addresses
- CIDR currently uses prefixes anywhere from 13 to
27 bits. - A CIDR address includes the 32-bit IP address and
information on how many bits are used for the
network prefix. - the "/25" indicates the first
25 bits are used to identify the unique network
and the remaining bits identify the specific
host. - Used to overcome two problems
- Running short of IP addresses.
- Running out of capacity in the global routing
46CIDR Example
- If 1000 addresses were needed, we could supernet
4 Class C networks (A, B, C and D) together as
shown. - Number of hosts connected in the network A, B, C
and D are 241 ( to .240), 251
( to .250), 255 ( to
.254), and 253 ( to .252)
respectively. - Subnet mask for this supernet is
(22 higher bits to determine the supernet
address). - network portion is 22 bits long, the host portion
is 10 bits long. - The network address in CIDR
- RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol)
- used to negotiate with network nodes to reserve
bandwidth to support QoS path setup. - RSVP based reservation
- host A sends a PATH message to host B, and host B
sends a reservation message along the path to
reserve the resources. - In case of unavailable resources, RSVP sends an
reservation error message to host B.
- ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
- maps IP address of a node to its corresponding
MAC address - To determine the 48 bit MAC address of the
destination - host sends broadcast packets onto the network
asking "who owns IP address..." - the machine with that address responds with the
its MAC address. - RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
- maps the 48 bits MAC address to IP address.
- used for thin clients with limited facilities.
- Newly booted machine sends its 48 bit MAC address
asking for its IP address to RARP server in the
network. - RARP server, after seeing the request, looks up
the Ethernet address (MAC address) in its
configuration files and sends back the
corresponding IP address.
49(No Transcript)
50TCP Cont...
a) Establishment of a connection oriented session
using 3 way handshake mechanism. b) The
disconnection takes place using three service
primitives disc_request, disc_response and
disc_confirm after the transfer is over
51TCP Cont...
d) Congestion control
c)TCP uses window management for traffic flow
control. d) Congestion Window vs. Transmission
52TCP Cont...
- RTT Estimation Algorithms
- Exponential averaging
- A smoothed RTT (SRTT) is computed by using the
old esti- mate and the observed estimate. - equations used in estimating SRTT and RTO when an
acknowledgement for (i 1)th packet is received - SRTT(i 1) a x RTT(i 1) (1 a) x SRTT(i)
- RTO SRTT(i 1) x d
- Where SRTT(i1) new estimate of RTT
- RTT currently measured RTT
- SRTT(i) old estimate of RTT and d2.
- The value of a must be less than 1.
- The a term determines how quickly the SRTT
adapts to changes in the most recently measured
RTT. It is empirically shown that values within
0.8 and 0.9 give better RTT estimates.
53TCP Cont...
- RTT Estimation Algorithms
- Jacobson algorithm
- similar to exponential averaging method.
- uses variance of a connection's RTT and
incorporates this with an estimate of the RTT to
set the value of the RTO. - The following equations are used to find SRTT
when an acknowledgment is received for an (i
1)th packet. - SRTT(i 1) (1 a) x SRTT(i) a x RTT(i 1)
- SERR(i 1) RTT(i 1) SRTT(i)
- SDEV (i 1) (1-h) x SDEV (i) h x SERR(i 1)
- RTO(i 1) SRTT(i 1) Ăź x SDEV(i1)
- Where SDEV smoothed delay variance, RTT
observed round trip time, and SERR error in
smoothing. - Typical values for a, Ăź and h are 0.125, 4 and
0.25, respectively.
54TCP Cont...
- RTT Estimation Algorithms
- Karn Algorithm
- measures RTT for only those packets that are not
retransmitted. - When an acknowledgment arrives for a datagram
that has been sent more than once, any RTT
measurement based on this datagram is ignored. - The algorithm uses more aggressive RTO
(re-transmission timeout) backoff to enable the
collection of accurate RTT measurements
uncontaminated by retransmission ambiguity. - The backed-off RTO for the retransmitted
datagram is kept for the next datagram. - The RTO is recalculated only when an
acknowledgment arrives for a datagram that has
not been retransmitted.
55Transport Protocols
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
- connectionless transport of data.
- provides a way for applications to send
encapsulated raw IP datagrams and without
establishing a connection. - does not provide reliability, flow control nor
error recovery functions to IP. - UDP headers contain fewer bytes (8 bytes) and
consumes less network overhead than TCP. - The UDP packet comprises of source port,
destination port, length, the checksum and the
data. - Useful for real time multimedia applications by
having error/flow control at the application
layer. - The protocol supports multicast of multimedia
56Transport Protocols
- RTP (Real Time Protocol)
- supports multimedia data transfer over Internet
- uses UDP as a transport mechanism
- services include payload type identification
(type of coding used), sequence num- bering,
timestamping (generation time of packet) and
delivery monitoring. - supports data transfer to multiple destinations
using multicast distribution. - packet sequence numbers included in RTP allow the
receiver to reconstruct the sender's packet
sequence, but sequence numbers might also be used
to determine the proper location of a packet,
(for example in video decoding packet need not be
in sequence.) - It uses RTP control protocol (RTCP), to monitor
the quality of service and to convey information
about the participants in an on-going session.
57Application Protocols
- Client-Server Model
- A client requests service from server.
- Server provides requested service.
- Eg. Web Browser as a client Web Server
58Application Protocols
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- used to make reliable file transfers between the
machines connected across the network by using
TCP as a transport protocol. - TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
- used to perform unreliable file transfers between
two machines connected across the network by
using UDP as a transport protocol.
59Application Protocols
- E-mail
- Facilitates people to communicate with each other
through the network. - Three major components of E-mail are
- User agents for composing, editing, and reading
mail messages. - Mail servers to store outgoing, and incoming
messages - Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) a protocol
between mail servers to exchange email messages,
client is a sending mail server and server is the
receiving mail server
60Application Protocols
- Telnet
- used in emulating the terminal.
- facilitates a user to login to a remote machine
connected across the network and emulate the
remote terminal at the user machine. - POP (Post Office Protocol)
- used to fetch e-mails from the remote mailbox and
store it on the user's local machine to be read
later. - IMAP (Interactive Mail Access Protocol)
- A more sophisticated mail delivery protocol.
- It is designed to help the user who uses multiple
computers, perhaps, a workstation in office, a PC
at home, and a laptop on the road. - maintains a central repository that can be
accessed from any machine.
61Application Protocols
- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
- provides a systematic way of monitoring and
managing a computer network. - request-reply protocol running over UDP.
62 Application Protocols
- DNS (Domain Name System)
- Used for mapping host names and e-mail
destinations to IP addresses. - uses UDP connection to DNS server.
- three types of DNS servers
- Local name server,
- root name server
- Authoritative name server.
63Application Protocols
- HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
- standard web transfer protocol used to retrieve
the HTML documents stored across the hosts in the
Internet. - uses TCP for transport connection.