Title: Canadian Fishing Trip 2006
1Canadian Fishing Trip 2006
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2Skiff fueling the plane
3Skiff fueling the plane
4The Mississippi River at 5000 feet
5Beautiful, Beautiful Scenery
6Some Light Cloud Cover on the flight to Flin Flon.
7The Three Amigos at the Border
8Unbelievably quiet at the border crossing. We
had a little picnic lunch and listened to the
silence. A very strange feeling.
9Skiffs new GPS equipment. We listened to MP3s
for most of the flight, and there was no
in-flight beverage service.
10Arrival at the Flin Flon airport. Jim was there
waiting for us, and was a couple hours early,
confused about local time at the airport, versus
the Campground time.
11Skiffs plane, and in the background is a plane
used for fighting forest fires in the wilderness.
12Our original plan was to land on this grass
landing strip, but with a huge amount of rainfall
we changed our flight plan. Good decision.
13This is the most luxurious cabin available. Jim,
Chris and Jared stayed there and this is where
our meals were served. Running water from the
14This was our cabin. Skiff, John and myself slept
there. Most of the time we spent in the main
15Shower and bathroom facilities. The shower
actually had hot water, but a key must be
acquired from the office to use. They keep it
locked, so that the Indians dont steal
16Sleeping quarters with single beds. Everyone
brought their sleeping bag to put on top of the
17Here are the three man fishing teams for the
18Skiff says, Where the fucowi!
19Fishing was pretty slow the first day, and John
I won the two man competition.
20Chris landing a nice one with John and Jared
21Portage day. Picture on the right is the reason
for the portage.
22The portage into the lake starts with a short,
but steep upgrade, followed by a long downhill
run. Taking pictures of this was quite
23As you can see, we made the trip with two boats.
This made the photography even more challenging,
trying to capture both boats.
24Not sure what the Indians in the background were
talking about, but I kept waiting for an arrow to
stick in a tree. Again the toil of photography.
25The three Baileys with their limit of Walleyes.
26The three-man competition winners are pictured
27Cocktails after a hard, long day of fishing are
28The rain came, and a card game broke out. Here,
Skiff is racking his brain trying to determine if
he has a good hand.
29John, feeding the local watch dogs. They do tend
to bark if a bear or Indian sneak into the
campground at night.
30Canada 2006