Title: WebVoyage OPAC Customization
1WebVoyage OPAC Customization
- Current State, Future Possibilities
2What does I-Share mean, and how do we use the
name in the interface?
- I-Share is neither a consortium nor a subset of
a consortium - I-Share is the name of the union catalog shared
by 65 of the CARLI libraries
3What does I-Share mean, and how do we use the
name in the interface?
- More loosely, I-Share is the CARLI service that
includes the I-Share catalog itself and the 65
variously named local library catalogs that
currently run on Voyager software on the CARLI
server. - I-Share libraries are the libraries that
contribute to I-Share.
4What is the Future of WebVoyage?
- Short term (in the next few months)
- The IUAG OPAC Customization Task Force plans to
make a few changes at the time of the Voyager
upgrade this summer.
5What is the Future of WebVoyage?
- Medium term (over the coming year or so)
- OPAC Customization work will be on-going (under
some new CARLI committee structure) on both
I-Share and the default design for I-Share
libraries local catalogs. - Libraries may find they de-emphasize use of the
catalog interface, in favor of access to the
catalogs data via federated search systems (like
WebFeat), campus portals, etc.
6What is the Future of WebVoyage?
- Longer term (in the indeterminate future)
- Endeavor has announced plans for a whole new,
highly configurable public interface to the
catalog, based on XML. - http//www.endinfosys.com/prods/MW05digitalbreakfa
stpublic.pdf, slide 36 - http//support.endinfosys.com/cust/community/vgrou
p/eu2005/produpdate_voy.pdf, slides 32-33
(SupportWeb username and password required)
7What is Planned for FutureI-Share Releases?
- Minor adjustments to the buttons and other
graphical elements that were introduced in
January - More help from the MyAccount page
- Design changes suggested by usability test
results - The New Titles add-on, as developed at the
University of Texas, Arlington
8What Is Under Consideration for Future I-Share
- Additional columns of data on the Titles Page
- Format icons
- IP-recognition, to affect the order in which
holding libraries are listed on the single-record
View page in the Universal Catalog - A third partys spellchecker, integrated into the
9What Might be Included in Future I-Share
Releases, If We Upgrade?
- Keyword-in-heading searches
- Wildcard support
- Different default operator on keyword searches
- MyOPAC features re-enabled in the local catalogs
10What Can Be Customized within the Consortial
Default Design?
- Welcome page (currently bypassed by default)
- Institutional banner (can be image map)
- Request button visible?
- Quit buttons destination
- Call number search type
- Location limits
- Quick Limits
11What Can Be Customized within the Consortial
Default Design?
- For more information, see http//office.ilcso.illi
nois.edu/Docs/021120_stand.html - For information about what trained customizers
can (technically) and may (within consortial
guidelines) customize, beyond the
CARLI-staff-supported default, see
12Whats It Like To Be a Customizer in the I-Share
- Real Life Experiences of Amanda Pippitt, Millikin
13If You Were To Customize Your Local Catalog, What
Would You Change?
14What Would You Change?
15What Would You Change?
16What Would You Change?
17What Would You Change?
18What Would You Change?
19For More Information
- Visit the ILCSO/CARLI web site
stom - Or contact the CARLI office oncall_at_listserv.ilcso