Title: How to explain the stock market volatility
1 How to explain the stock market volatility ?
- Option 1
- Stick to the REH.
- Test sophisticated version multiplicity,
horizon - With possibly, some piece of bounded
rationality. - Non standard rationality neu
- Myopia,
- Option 2
- More radical individual bounded rationality.
- Or at the collective level rationality of
expectations. - Eductive test . SREE
- Évolutive learning.
- First option a gallery of phenomena.
- Erratic fluctuations of stock prices.
- Herd behaviour
- Krachs and multiplicity .
- Asymmetric information bubbles.
- Irrational agents and bubbles.
2Volatility without bubbles
- Followers and market disturbances
3Soros and Positive Feedback traders
- Soros strategy !
- Bet not on fundamentals
- But on the future behaviour of the crowd
- Insiders destabilize by driving the price up
and up, selling out at the top to the outsiders
whosell out at the bottom Kindleberger (1978) - Rationalizing Soros strategy the framework.
- Rational Speculator
- Private Info. on fundamental value
- No market power, risk-averse
- Mechanism Rational investor destabilize the
market - Positive feedback traders buy when the price
has increased recently. - Rational investors anticipate the overreaction of
the market.
- Real Sphere.
- F, ? r.v zero mean.
- Period 0 fundamental0
- Period 1
- Period 2 shock gt F.
- Period 3
- Random shock gt F?
- Information
- Positive feedback traders know past pt-i .
- Passive Investors know F in period 2, ? in 3.
- Speculators receive (a signal of ) F at period 1
- Agents actions.
- Passive Invest. , Speculators.
- Mean-Var
5A summary of history.
6Equilibrium destabilisation
7Equilibrium mechanics.
- In the absence of speculators (u 0)
- At period 1, no news gt p1 p0 0
- At period 2, Df0,
- Passive investors expect no trade from positive
feedback, hence equilibrium is no trade and De
0, p2 F - Destabilisation (u gt 0)
- Perfect forecast of p2 by specul.
- -u(p1-p2)-(1-u)p1 0, gt p1 up2
- If p1 gt 0, Df2 gt 0 gt p2 gt F.
- Equilibrium.
- Period 2 equilibrium 0 ß p1 a (F - p2)
- With u1, p1 p2 p2 a F /(a - ß)
- Then p2 gt F
- Destabilisation by rational agents.
8Herd behaviour..
- Herd behaviour and
- 1- Followers
- 2- Bubbles.
9Herd behaviour
- The logic reminder..
- Two choices, A and B.
- Two observations, R (A), V(B), N (No observation.
- Sequential decisions Agents, 1,2, N have to
decide sequentially. - Cascade
- 1 observe R, go to A.
- 2 observes
- R, go to A.
- N, go to A.
- V, go to B.
- 3 observes.
- Go to A, if 1 or 2, even if B
- Go
- Then,
- Characteristics.
- Rational expectations equilibrium it is
rational to follow the crowd. - Fragile everybody understands that a long queue
at A carries little information.
10Herd behaviour and financial markets.
- A simple model
- (from Avery-Zemsky AER, (98))
- Each informed agent receives a signal on the
value of fundamental V. - He buys, (sells) if his expected value
greater,(smaller) than the price - The price of the asset equals its expected value
given the history of trades (market maker). - Noise traders come into the sequence with
probability 1-u and act randomly.. - With standard signals,
- no herd behaviour.
- The price reflects all previous public
information - Wtih fixed price, back to previous story..
- The price converges towards the fundamental
11Herd behaviour and financial markets.
- A simple model with event uncertainty.
- V0, ½, 1
- A single type of informed tradersignal x
- x ½ , iif V ½
- P(x1/1) P(x0/0)pgt ½.
- If plt1, then herd behaviour occurs with positive
probability. - Increases with ?(½).
- Typically no herd behaviour at the outset for a
number of periods - For a long period, the price remains close to ½ ,
while there is herd behaviour, buy or sell,
possibly in the wrong direction
12Herd behaviour and financial markets.
- A simple model with event uncertainty.
- V0, ½, 1
- Informed tradersignal x
- x ½ , iif V ½
- P(x1/1) P(x0/0)pgt ½.
- But two types of informed traders H, L.
- p(H)1, p(L) gt ½.
- Proportion of H,L unknown well W or poorly
informed P market - A price bubble
- ?(½) close to 1, strong a priori for W.
- p(L) close to ½ , no H trader in the poorly
informed market - 50/50 in the W market.
- The truth is (0,P)
13Herd behaviour and financial markets.
- Period 1 (0-50)
- Price almost fixed.
- Herding (buy..).
- Period 2.
- the market-maker believes that activity reflects
good news (since the market is a priori
well-informed) and that a poorly informed market
generates herd behaviour that mimicks activity of
a well-informed market. - price rises.
- Period 3.
- Fall in activity due to herding,
- The market-maker learns that the market is poorly
informed. - Hence drop in prices.
- Remarks on the limit of the model no
forward-looking behaviour
- Without followers and/or herd behaviour
15About bubbles.
- The bubble problem
- Price greater than fundamental value.
- Definition of FV
- Ruled out in general equilibrium ?
- Sunspots ?
- The internet bubble
- Reminder
- March 2000,
- Tulip mania (1630), South Sea bubble
(1720.Newton !) - funds managers between Charybde and Scylla.
- Irrational , to play or not.
- Error 1 JR, Tiger Hedge Fund dissolved end
1999. - Error 2 SD, Quantum Fund resignation 04-2000.
16The model.
- The Background.
- Vague
- Price p(t)exp(gt).
- The bubble.
- Price gtFV from t(0), (1-b(t-t(0)))p(t),
- b increasing.
- t(0) random, Poisson
- ?(t(0))1-exp(-?t(0))
- Bursts.
- for sure at t(0) ?,
- Bursts if cumulative selling pressure. ? lt1
- Definitive selling of one unit.
17Information on the bubble.
- Sequential information of actors.
- Uniform density (1/?)
- Random awareness window
- t(0), t(0) ?.
- Facts and beliefs.
- After t(0), bubble
- After t(0)??, order 1 bubble
- After t(0)2?? ..
18Asking help from a statistician.
- Beliefs, next.
- On the arrival of the bubble. (Bayes)
- ?(t(0)/ti)exp(??)-exp(?(ti-t(0))/exp(??)1.
- On the duration life of the bubble ?,/ it bursts
at ?t(0), - Note ? ?t(0)- ti
- duration depends on / ti
- ..
- ? (?/ti) exp(??)-exp(?(?-?)/exp(??)1.
- Hasard rate
- d??/(1- ?) ? /(1-exp(-?(?- ?)))
- Call it h
19Individual decision to ride the bubble ?
- Calculations.
- For fixed strategies of others
- Endogenous bursting t(0)T gt t(0)??.
- Min(T,?) bursting bubble.
- Loss / s, One unit. b(s-T)p(s) or b(t)p(t)
- Criteria compare
- h(?/ti)(b(t-T) and (g-r)., tti ?
- h instantaneous probability of crash
- or
- h(t/ti) and (g-r)/(b(t)).
- Hint h (?/ti)(? /(1-exp(-(?- ?))), ? T
- Equilibrium with trigger strategies
- Trigger strategy witing time /ti .
- Type 1 Equilibrium bubble bursts exogenously.
- Type 2 endogenously.
- Type 1 Equilibrium.
- Each informed agent sells possibly / a waiting
period of - t ? (1/?)Log((g-r)/g-r-?b(?))
- Proof and conditions.
- ? /(1-exp(-?(t-?)))(g-r)/(b(t)).
- If for ? t- ??, lhs lt rhs ?
/(1-exp(-???))lt(g-r)/(b(t)). - tgt t- ??, the bubble does not burst.
- Comments
- Opinion dispersion intensity prevent bursting.
- Type 2 Equilibrium bubble bursts under attack.
- Each informed agent sells (if possible) after
waiting ? - ? b-1(g-r)(1-exp(-?(??))/?)-??
- Proof and conditions.
- If all have the trigger strategy ?,
- The bubble will burst at t(0) ???, (t(0) ?)
- ? ? ??? ?
- Equilibrium Condition ? ? ?
- ? /(1-exp(-?(??))(g-r)/ (b(???)).
- Comments.
22Crash in information transmission.
- The multiplicity hypothesis..
23 A model with informed and non informed
agents and noisy supply.
- The framework
- Asset value , H or B.
- Proportion a informed.
- Mean-variance pref. .
- Noisy (noise traders).
- Equilibrium Z, Beliefs
- Z(p,I)ad(I,p)(1-a)d(NI, p)e
- p(I,e) clears the market.
- Beliefs NI bayesian
- d(I,p) Dominant Str.
- If p
- e - Z(p,H) ou -Z(p,B)
- Compute
- E(H/p) and
- E(s/p) HE(H/p) B(1-E(H/p))
- d(NI,p) E(s/p) p.
High informed Demand
Non informed Demand
24 Equilibrium in the noisy model.
- Equilibrium Z, Beliefs
- Z(p,I)ad(I,p)(1-a)d(NI, p)e
- p(I,e) clears the market.
- Beliefs NI bayesian
- d(I,p) Dominant Str.
- If p
- e - Z(p,H) ou -Z(p,B)
- Compute
- E(H/p) and
- E(s/p) HE(H/p) B(1-E(H/p))
- d(NI,p) E(s/p) p.
- Properties
- Total demand is decreasing.
- But not necessarily NI demand.
- Function / noise précision.
- Equilibrium is unique.
Z totale/si B
25 Getting multiple equilibria.
- The 1987 crash according to Genotte-Leland.
- Add informatics programs into the picture
- Automatic sale whenever the asset price
decreases. - Again,
- Static framework
- Adding
- A positively sloped curve.
- Consequence
- Total deamand is no longer decreasing.
- Multiplicity.
- The crash passage
- From a high equilibrium
- to a low one.
26Or crash of expectational coordination ?
- Eductive stability of equilibria.
27A reminder of Desgranges
- The setting
- Information transmission à la Grossman-Stiglitz.
- Each small agent receive a piece of noisy
information. - Noise traders.
- Aggregate equilibrium excess demand reflects the
average information of the society. generates
individual and aggregate - The analysis.
- There exists a unique equilibrium.
- But not necessarily strongly rational.
- Contradiction between the confidence in the
market transmission and the amount of information
28 A model with informed and non informed
agents and noisy supply.
- The framework
- Asset value , H or B.
- Proportion a informed.
- Mean-variance pref. .
- Noisy (noise traders).
- Equilibrium Z, Beliefs
- Z(p,I)ad(I,p)(1-a)d(NI, p)e
- p(I,e) clears the market.
- d(I,p) Dominant Str.
- Beliefs NI bayesian
- If p e - Z(p,H) ou -Z(p,B)
- Hence d(NI,p) E(s/p) p.
- The key parameters guess..
- Delta, the amount of information..
- The variance of the noise
- The proportion of informed traders
29Eductive coordination in the noisy model.
- A first answer
- The equilibrium is eductively stable iif ( normal
noise) - ?(1-?)?2lt4?2
- With ?, prop.informed, ? ,gap, ?2 variance of
noise. - Product of an amplification effect and a
sensitivity effect. - Comments.
- A second answer.
- The equilibrium is eductively stable iif
- Aggregate equilibrium demand is enough
decreasing. - With few informed agents, a Necessary condition
is that non informed demand is decreasing. - Comments.
30Crash in expectational coordination.
- Completing the market creates susnpot equilibria.
31Bowman-Faust (1997)
- The model.
- 3 periods, 2 agents, log. Utility..
- one firmequity is exchanged..
- 0 decision on firms investment, reaped at 2.
- 1 one of the agent, randomy picked, desires
immediate consumption, (zero value), the other
one postponement - The equilibrium with one asset
- Is not P.O not zero consumption in the bad
event.. - No sunspot.
- An option
- Completes the market PO with the option..
- Creates sunspots, in fact multiplicity
32Partial equilibrium model of inventories
Guesnerie-Rochet (1993).
- The model
- A manna of crop at each period w(t), t1,2
- Part on the market, the other goes to
inventories. - Inventory Cost Cx2 /2,
- P(t)kd(t) - w(t) (/) S(t), S(t), quantity on
the market. - Profitability of inventories.
- Mean-variance utility E(?) (1/2)b(Var ?)
- ?P(t)k? d(t) -2X- ?w(t), Var(w(2)) v2
- x() k(X_ -2X(e))/bk2v2C
- Inventory mass N
- X kN(X_ -2X(e))/bk2v2C
- Equilibrium inventories
- X X_/2C/kN bkv2/N
- Plausible..
33 The Equilibrium.
- The profitability of inventories
- x() k(X_ -2X(e))/bk2v2C
- Mass of inventory holders N
- X kN(X_ -2X(e))/bk2v2C
- Equilibrium inventories
- X
- X_/2C/kN bkv2/N
- Plausible..
34The eductive process the inventory variant
- An eductive story
- Expectations X(e),
- Realisations
- -2kNX(e))/bk2v2C
- Results
- Nltbk2v2C/2k
- Bad
- More traders
- Less risk averse
- Less uncertainty
- Less costly..
35Inventories with futures markets equilibrium.
- M mass of speculators intervene on the
market of futures, price p(f), one unit of wheat
to morrow. - Hedging behaviour from primary traders
- Np(f)-p(1)/C (NM)p(2)-p(f)/bk2v2.
- Intuition uncertainty cost born by NM agents.
- Computation of equilibrium
- Np(f)-p(1)/C (NM)p(2)-p(1)p(1)-p(f)/bk2v2.
- X1((NM)/N)(C/ bk2v2. )(NM)(.-2kX)/bk2v2
- Previously X X/2C/kN bkv2/N.
- Now X X/2C/kN bkv2/(NM)
- X random
- The ex ante variance of prices has decreased
36Inventories with futures markets the eductive
- M mass of speculators intervene on the
market of futures, price p(f), one unit of wheat
to morrow. - Hedging behaviour from primary traders
- Np(f)-p(1)/C (NM)p(2)-p(f)/bk2v2.
- Now X X/2C/kN bkv2/(NM)
- Intuition uncertainty cost born by NM agents.
- The variance of prices has decreased
- Eductive stability
- More complex timing futures, inventory
decisions, period 1 market - C/kN bkv2/(NM) gt2
- Intuition. N(M), N decreasing function of M. Mgt0
is bad.
37Excess confidence.
- A cognitive bias
- Well established by psychologists ?
- A model investors.
- A r.v v , mean. 0, 2 signals t(1)ve(1),
t(2)ve(2), - e(1),e(2) zero mean, precision(e(i))? ,
- 2 categories of investors A and B
- A, (resp.B) overestimates precision
t(1),c?,(resp.t(2),c?), cgt1 - A model the firm.
- Long term value w uve, u mean u gt0
- A signal s, on u, centered on u, precision ?(s).
- u,v,e, s, normals precision denoted ?(.)
- Absence of cognitive bias E(w/s,t)
- u ?(s)/(?(u) ?(s))s - u
?i?/(?(v)2?)t(i) - ?i1/(?2)t(i), avec ? ?(v)/(?).
38Excess confidence.
- A model the firm.
- Long term value w uve, u mean u gt0
- A signal s, on u, centered on u, precision ?(s).
- u,v,e, s, normals precision denoted ?(.)
- Cognitive bias.
- With bias E(w/s,t)
- u ?(s)/(?(u) ?(s))s- u
- for A c?/(?(v)?(1c)t(1)
?/(?(v)?(1c)t(2) - Difference between a priori belief of A and B
- (c-1)/(?1c)t(1)-t(2)
- Exchange of stocks after observation of t (with
or without s) - Si t2 gt t1 B too optimistic /w B buys stocks A
at his own valuation - Si t1 gt t2 then A too optimistic, but A has to
buy from B. - Ex ante Value of the firm
- V(0) u (c-1)/(?1c)? ?(c1)/2c?(standar
d deviation (v)) - Hint Increase of standard deviation is valuable
for initial owners.
- Effet de revenu domine
- effet de substitution.