Title: Compressor Cascade Pressure Rise Prediction
1Compressor Cascade Pressure Rise Prediction
- ME 491 Project
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, IUPUI
- Julia Zafian-Short
- December 2004
- Goals and Approach
- Computational Setup
- Results
- Summary and Conclusions
3Goals and Approach
- To model flow around a NASA/GE E3 rotor blade.
- Apply 2-D CFD using Star-design.
- Quantitative post processing using starviz.
4Computational Setup
- Domain and boundary conditions
- Mesh
- Parameters
- Cell type and sizes (near wall and far field)
- Solution parameters
- Method
- Convergence criteria
5Domain, Boundary Conditions and Mesh
Inlet, velocity
60 m/s
30 m/s
Symmetry No change Normal to Surface
Tetrahedral Cells
7 layers Surface size 0.1 Subsurface Thickness 0.5
Prismatic Cells
- Incompressible flow assumptions
- Upwind differencing
- High Reynolds number K-epsilon
- Convergence on 0.001Mass Flow Residual
- Velocity
- Pressure
- Pressure rise characteristic
- Flow features
9Tangential Velocity, Vy -70 to 20 m/s,
increment of 5 m/s
10Axial Velocity, Vz15 to 45 m/s, increment of 3
11Pressure97,900 to 100,400 Pa, increment 250Pa
12Stagnation Pressure100,400-101,600 Pa, increment
120 Pa
13Stagnation Pressure Coefficient-0.4 to 0,
increment of 0.04
Dimensionless Stagnation Pressure (using
reference values from the inlet)
14Similar Calculations for a Range of Inlet Axial
15Streamline Comparison for Different Inlet
Inlet Velocity
60 m/s
60 m/s
16 m/s
30 m/s
Separation Bubble
16Summary and Conclusions
- The operating limit for the incoming axial
velocity is found to be 20 m/s for maximum
pressure gradient. - As the mass flow drops further, the angle between
the flow and the leading edge of the blade
increases, increasing the wake. -