Title: High achievement for all
1Cardiff Council Schools Service
Cyngor Sir Caerdydd Gwasanaeth Ysgolion
Roamer / Logo at Key Stage 1 and 2
Kevin Stroud IT Advisory Teacher
High achievement for all Cyrhaeddiad uchel I
2Aims and Objectives This course will examine
the Modelling Strand of the National Curriculum,
covering the following areas. to look at the
skills required to be taught. to consider how
the County Scheme of Work supports teaching
and learning in this strand. to consider
available and suitable software.
3- Course Schedule
- Using the Roamer at Key Stage 1
- Instructions
- Units of Work
- Skills Progression
- Using Logo at Key Stage 2
- Instructions
- Units of Work
- Skills Progressions
- Hands-on Resources
4Modelling IT National Curriculum
- Pupils should be taught to
- Key Stage 1
- use ICT-based models or simulations to try things
out and explore aspects of real and imaginary
situations, e.g. use a mouse to move items of
clothing displayed on the screen to dress a child
or teddy bear, use an adventure game. - Key Stage 2
- explore the effect of changing variables in
simulations and similar packages, to ask and
answer questions of the What would happen
if...? type, e.g. change the values in a given
Logo procedure and see the results - recognise patterns and relationships in the
results obtained from ICT-based models or
simulations, predicting the outcomes of different
decisions that could be made, - e.g. use a prepared spreadsheet to enter sales,
income andpayments to the school tuck shop and
produce a short report to identify sales for each
item and how changes could improve profitability,
use a mathematical adventure game. - x
5Modelling Resources
- Cardiff Modelling in Primary IT
- http//acce.cardiffschools.net
- Roamer Resources
- http//www.valiant-technology.co.uk
- BlackCat Logo (50/250)
- http//www.r-e-m.co.uk
6Hands on
Course Title Roamer / Logo at Key Stage 1 and 2