Title: Parallel Structure of Edge Turbulence
1Parallel Structure of Edge Turbulence S. Zweben,
J. Terry, O. Grulke, D. Stotler, E. Marmar, M.
Greenwald, J. Myra, D. DIppolito, M.
Umansky C-Mod Ideas Forum 12/2-3/04
Goal Determine whether edge turbulence has
any visible structure along the B field line
Method Use a side view of plasma with PSI-4
or PSI-5 cameras (not the normal GPI view) Run
time Can piggy back initially, perhaps on
pellet view
2Previous Results
Side view of toroidal vs. poloidal structure
of edge turbulence in C-Mod seems to have
parallel structure, as if emission were not
constant along a field line (as is expected)
20 cm
Could be a cause of partial decorrelation
found between GPI and probe along field lines
3Possible C-Mod Experiments
- Put PSI-4 or -5 camera(s) at existing side
views of C-Mod, - probaby using a coherent fiber bundle
- Passively view the parallel structure vs.
q(a), collisionality, - RF power, spectral line (D, He, Ne ?), etc.
- Assuming this is real, try to identify
cause - nonlinear ion acoustic wave (Cs 10-20 cm /
4 µsec) ? - fast variations in local ion source (fed by
turbulence) ? - ionization instability (striations from
radiation cooling) ? - Try to perturb the plasma elsewhere along the
field line - and measure parallel propagation (e.g. with gas
- puff, pellet, LH, probe, RF or AE antenna, etc)