Title: Research Topics in Computational and Mathematical Biology
1- Research Topics in Computational and Mathematical
Biology - Lecture 2B
- Dr. Eduardo Mendoza
- Mathematics Department Physics
Department - University of the Philippines
Ludwig-Maximilians-University - Diliman Munich, Germany
- eduardom_at_math.upd.edu.ph
2Basic Bioinformatics Problems ZIMM02
- illustrates movement of traditional
Bioinformatics to Systems Biology
3Topics to be covered
- Structural ( stoichiometric) analysis of
biochemical networks - Elementary (flux) mode analysis
- Application to E.coli metabolism
- Possible research areas
4Main References
- A. Cornish-Bowden, M.L. Cardenas Metabolic
balance sheets, Nature 420 (14/11/02) - R.Heinrich, S. Schuster The modelling of
metabolic systems, BioSystems 47 (1998) - S.Schuster, C. Hilgetag, J.H.Woods, D.A.Fell
Reaction routes in biochemical systems Algebraic
properties, validated calculation procedure and
example from nucleotide metabolism Journal of
Mathematical Biology 45 (2002) - J. Stelling, S. Klamt, K. Bettenbrock, S.
Schuster E.D. Gilles Metabolic network
structure determines key aspects of functionality
regulation, Nature 420 (14/11/02)
51. Structural analysis of biochemical networks
- Traditional focus of math modelling kinetic
models - Aim predict system dynamics based on knowledge
of network topology and kinetic parameters - Methods
- solve algebraic equations for steady states and
- solve systems of differential equations for time
dependent states - Complementary methods developed recently to
address limitations
6Issues in Kinetic Modelling SCHI02
- Kinetic properties (rate constants, etc) are not
completely known - Discrepancies exist between in vitro and in vivo
behavior - Enzyme activities in vivo are subject to frequent
changes due to inhibition or activation. In
contrast the structure..in terms of how
substances are connected can be considered
constant, unless evolutionary time scales are
7Non-kinetic approaches HESC98
- Structural Analysis aimed at elucidating
relevant relationships between systems variables
on the basis of network stoichiometry without
reference to kinetic properties - Metabolic Control Analysis serves to quantify,
in terms of control coefficients, the extent to
which different enzymes limit the flux under
particular conditions - Evolutionary Optimization analyzes systems
parameters on the basis of evolutionary
optimization principles (eg max reaction rates,
min intermed. concentrations, min transient
8Def example Stoichiometry Matrix
9Structural Analysis aspects
- Conservation relations
- Eg certain linear combinations of several
substances concentrations are constant over time - Imply that some rows of stoichiometrx matrix are
linearly dependent - Can represent conservation of chemical units in
this case, all vector coefficients must be
non-negative - Maximal conserved moieties
- Defined as largest molecular assemblies conserved
in a given reaction system - Frequent situation stoichiometry matrix given
and conserved-moiety structure is sought
(Schuster Hilgetag algorithm 1995) - Steady states (cf. Elementary mode analysis)
102. Elementary (flux) modes
- Elementary (flux) mode analysis introduced by
Schuster Hilgetag (1994)
11Elementary (flux) mode example 2(1)
12Elementary (flux) mode example 2(2)
13Elementary modes mathematical definition and
- Definitions
- index set of zero coordinates S(v)
- vectors in Ker N (called the null space V) with
sign restriction - (flux) mode M
- elementary (flux) mode (also called direct
reaction route) - Concepts related to elementary modes direct
mechanism (chemistry), minimal T-invariant
(Petri nets)
14Steady state, null space
15Definition Flux Mode
16Flux mode (2)
17Key fact about EFMs
- Any real flux can be represented as a
superposition of elementary modes, in fact it is
a linear combination with positive coefficients - I.e. Any stationary state can be decomposed with
respect to the flux values, in elementary modes
which are realizable stoichiometrically and
18Basic idea of EFM-algorithm
- Strategy extend a basis of convex flux cone to
include all EFMs - Algorithm for elementary modes is
extension/adaptation of convex basis algorithm of
Nozicka (1974) - Start
- Tableau with stoich. Matrix N identity matrix,
with N decomposed into rev irr reactions - All metabolites are external ?each reaction is
EFM on ist own - In each step
- Preliminary elementary modes have to be linearly
combined to give new preliminary elem modes in
the next tableau - Final result
- Final tableau contains a submatrix whose rows
represent the elementary modes
193. Elementary modes in E.Coli metabolism
- Key facts
- Cell length 1-3 microns
- DNA length 4500 kb
- 4400 genes
- 1 Chromosome
- 2500 active proteins
- 50-70 sensors on the membrane
20Elementary modes in E.coli some results
Stelling et al Nature Nov 14 02
21Understanding experiments(Cornish-Bowden,
Cardenas Nature Nov 14 2002)
22Elementary modes in E.coli prediction of gene
- Direct correlation between metabolic fluxes and
transcriptome/proteome patterns not yet observed - Concept of a reactions control-effective flux
introduced to measure flexibility-efficiency
trade-off (average flux weighted by mode
efficiency) - Ratio of control-effective fluxes ( theoretical
transciption rates) for E.coli growth on
different substrates compared with DNA microarray
(Stelling et al Nature Nov 14 02)
23Prediction details 1
24Prediction details 2
25Prediction details 3
26Prediction vs. experiment
27Elementary mode analysis prediction potential
- Examples
- (Cornish-Bowden, Cardenas Nature Nov 14 2002)
- Tolerable combination of mutations
- Genetic modifications enabling new properties
- Improvement of yield
- Robustness behavior
28Possible Bio-Network topics
- Presentation of EFM-Algorithm in detail proofs
of underlying theorems - Ref S.Schuster, C. Hilgetag, J.H.Woods,
D.A.Fell Reaction routes in biochemical systems
Algebraic properties, validated calculation
procedure and example from nucleotide metabolism
Journal of Mathematical Biology 45 (2002) - 2. Specification of functional units in metabolic
networks example - Ref A. Kremling, K. Jahreis, J. Lengeler, E.D.
Gilles The Organization of Metabolic Reaction
Networks A Signal-Oriented Approach to Cellular
Models, Metabolic Engineering 2 (2000) -
29Bio-Networks topics (2)
- 3. Analysis and demo of BioSketchpad Modeling
Tool (from BioSPICE) - 4. Analysis and demo of JigCell Modeling Tool
(from BioSPICE) - 5. Dynamics of cell cycle regulation (paper by J.
Tyson et al, BioEssays 24 (Dec 2002) - 6. Model Building and Model Checking for
Biochemical Processes - (paper by Marco Antoniotti, Alberto
Policriti, Nadia Ugel, Bud Mishra-preprint)