Title: Preparing Farmers to be Reliable Suppliers
1Preparing Farmers to be Reliable Suppliers
2Sources of Information
3Farm-agribusiness linkages case studies - Tom
- Context
- Linkages established in several sectors
horticulture, rice, dairy, tea - Linkages have to an extent created mutual
business success - Different degrees of success among sectors and
4Farm-agribusiness linkages case studies - Tom
- Development Objective
- Stable income generation by strengthening
farmer-agribusiness linkages
5FFS networks-agribusiness linkages KACE
- Context
- High-potential region comprising small farmers
who produce at subsistence levels - Benefits of the improved technical know-how will
not materialize if farmers cannot access reliable
markets - Farmers risk exclusion from dynamic urban markets
increasingly dominated by supermarkets
6FFS networks-agribusiness linkages KACE
- Development Objective
- Reinforce agribusiness linkages between farmers
in FFSs and agribusinesses
7Enterprise development in coffee-based farming
systems CABI
- Context -
- Prices and returns have fallen
- Productivity and quality continue to decline
- Household income likewise has declined
8Enterprise development in coffee-based farming
systems CABI
- Development Objective -
- High quality coffee and complementary high-value
9EurepGAP compliance costs R. Nyagah and G.
- Context
- Small and medium enterprises must meet major
retailer requirements - Cost of compliance has reduced the margins of
producers - Some have been left out of the compliance net
10EurepGAP compliance costs R. Nyagah and G.
- Development Objective
- Cost reduction in order to enhance smallholder
participation in marketing channels for certified
11Intervention Strategies and Actions
12 Improving Productivity and Product Quality
13Intervention Strategies and Actions
- Viable seed supply systems
- Ensure inputs are packaged in sizes that are
affordable to farmers - Bulk buying to give members low-cost, quality
seed - Enterprise combinations that have synergistic
14Intervention Strategies and Actions
- Training on GAP regulations, control points,
compliance criteria - Training in sorting and grading
- Improve value addition through packaging and
branding - Develop systems for enhancing traceability
15Improving Marketing and Business Management Skills
16Intervention Strategies and Actions
- Capacity building should build skills for
- understanding prevailing market conditions
- using marketing information
- farming as a business
- making decisions based on informed choice
- simple financial management
17Intervention Strategies and Actions
- Capacity building should build skills for
- determining how well doing in farming enterprise
- evaluating alternative contractual arrangements
and negotiating contracts - leadership and group management
- lobbying and advocacy
18Intervention Strategies and Actions
- Link into market information systems operated by
service providers such as KACE - Crop inventory database to match what markets
offer - Investments by FFS networks into ICTs computers,
Internet, mobile phones - Business development services
19Linking Farmers and Agribusiness Companies
20Intervention Strategies and Actions
- Skills for shipping the right quantity and right
quality at the right time - Joint activities for economies of scale - group
marketing, bulking of produce - FFS capacity for planning, feasibility studies,
contract farming - Meetings between FFS and the input suppliers and
21Intervention Strategies and Actions
- Systems for farmer group certification
- Improve quality of transport arrangements to
avoid degradation - Marketing channels that eliminate unnecessary
links in chains - Strengthening of local analytical and
certification institutions
22Other Observations
23- Need evolution in strategies and skills as make
transition from chance marketing to participation
in organized market channels - Particularly for perishable products - farmers
and firms must synchronize production,
transportation and processing - Need for innovative cost-sharing mechanisms to
meet required investments
24Thank you!