Title: Building the knowledge map : an industrial case study
1Building the knowledge map an industrial case
Suyeon Kim Euiho Suh Hyunseok Hwang
- Introduction
- Related works
- A conceptual framework
- Procedures of building the knowledge map
- Defining organizational knowledge
- Process map analysis
- Knowledge extraction
- Knowledge profiling
- Knowledge linking
- Knowledge map validation
- Case study P steel company
- Conclusion
31. Introduction(1/2)
- Knowledge management
- Many organizations currently engage in knowledge
management in order to leverage knowledge both
within their organization and externally to their
shareholders and customers - (Rubenstein-Montano, 2001)
- A significant and time consuming problem for
knowledge-based system developers is how to
efficiently elicit knowledge from experts and
transform this elicited knowledge into a machine
usable format (Walczak,1998)
Capturing and representing knowledge buried in
people and an organization are the fundamental
building blocks of knowledge management
41. Introduction(2/2)
- This paper provides
- Practical methodology
- Six-step procedure
- Knowledge map
- Several techniques roadmap
- A case study (lessons learned from an industrial
case study)
52. Related works(1/5)
- Frame
- A powerful knowledge representation system that
is accessible to both humans and machines. - A collection of information and associated
actions that represents a simple concept (Gordon,
2000) - Petri net
- Petri net can depict important knowledge about
the structure and dynamic behavior of the system - Rudas and Horvath (1997) used Petri net for
process model entities and their evaluation
Petri net model
62. Related works(2/5)
- Semantic network
- Each node is specific knowledge and links show
the interrelationship between knowledge. - This means that they can also become a vehicle to
archive company knowledge (Gordon, 2000).
72. Related works(3/5)
- Concept mapping
- Node-link structure (a concept map), in which
nodes denote concepts, and links show the
relationships between these concepts - A type of structured conceptualization used by
groups to develop a conceptual framework which
can guide evaluation or planning (Trochim, 1989)
82. Related works(4/5)
92. Related works(5/5)
- Knowledge mapping
- The process, methods and tools for analyzing
knowledge areas in order to discover features or
meaning and to visualize these in a
comprehensive, transparent form, such that the
business- relevant features are clearly
highlighted (Speel,1999) - A navigation aid to explicit and tacit knowledge,
illustrating how knowledge flows throughout an
organization - (Grey, 1999)
- Developing a knowledge map involves locating
important knowledge in the organization and then
publishing some sort of list or picture that
shows where to find it - (Davenport and Prusak, 1998)
103. A conceptual framework(1/3)
- Knowledge map is approach to represent explicit
and tacit knowledge - within an organization
ltA conceptual model of knowledge mapgt
- Diagram Graphical representation of knowledge
(node, linkage) - Node Rectangular object, Knowledge captured from
business process - Linkage Arrow between nodes implying
relationships among knowledge - Specification Descriptive representation of
113. A conceptual framework(2/3)
- Advantages from building knowledge map
- Formalization of all knowledge inventories in
organization - Perception of relationships between knowledge
- Efficient navigation of knowledge inventory
- Promotion of socialization / externalization of
knowledge by connecting domain experts with
knowledge explorers - All captured knowledge can be summarized and
abstracted through the knowledge map - also gives a useful blueprint for implementing a
knowledge management system (KMS)
123. A conceptual framework(3/3)
ltA knowledge management frameworkgt
The knowledge map plays a key role in the KM
project because it gives a knowledge profile
(knowledge warehouse), knowledge link (navigation
aids among knowledge), and expert finder
13Question 1
J.H. Lee
- I agree that the knowledge map is very helpful
for creating KMS.However, I wonder whether it is
also helpful for maintaining KMS or not. Who
maintains KMS (updates old knowledge and create
new knowledge)? if every worker maintains their
each knowledge, should they also understand the
knowledge map fully?
Create, Update
Search, Query
Knowledge map Self construction
144. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(1/10)
ltProcedures of building the knowledge mapgt
154. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(2/10)
- Step.1 Defining organizational knowledge
- Defining knowledge ontology
- To provide a uniform, text-based intermediate
representation of the knowledge types specific to
a development effort that is comprehensible by
either humans or machines - Defining knowledge and baseline taxonomy of an
organization - The scope and level questionnaires and
interview techniques - Entire company or a specific organization
- Determine detail level (granularity) of knowledge
analysis - Trade-off of granularity
- Analyzing the source of knowledge
- Operation manuals, meeting minutes, external
data, project deliverables, customer contact
It is important to determine the proper level of
detail to meet organizational knowledge demand
164. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(3/10)
- Step.2 Process map analysis
- Extract organizational knowledge base (experience
and know-how) on the business process - Process map
- Process, Flow (dependency), Event, External object
ltAn example of a process mapgt
174. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(4/10)
- Step.3 Knowledge extraction
- Three types of extracted knowledge
- Prerequisite knowledge before process execution
- Used knowledge during execution
- Produced knowledge after execution
- Knowledge extraction techniques
- Interviewing (structured, unstructured,
semi-structured) domain experts using a prepared
questionnaire - Document analysis documents, such as operation
manual, organization chart, training material and
external documents. - System analysis information stored in database,
including system log and file structure - Knowledge workshop (KW) in a specified
knowledge area. KW is highly interactive. - ontology definition, building knowledge consensus
among participants, knowledge extraction session
184. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(5/10)
- Step.4 Knowledge profiling
- Describe knowledge with pre-defined items
(attributes) and derive relationships with
process - Junnarkar (1997)
- knowledge management has two aspects connecting
people with information and connecting people
with people - Informational attributes
- keywords, description, importance, and
194. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(6/10)
ltSample attributes of knowledge profilegt
204. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(7/10)
- Step.5 Knowledge linking
- Identify navigation path of knowledge.
- Each node denoting knowledge item and link
denoting pre- and post-relationship between
214. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(8/10)
ltAn example of a knowledge linkgt
22Question 2
H.B. Kim
- Q In page 20, I can see the sample knowledge
link. and this is very simple with only two
notation rectangles and arrowsI like this
diagram because it's very simple and easy
understandable. but I wonder if this diagram can
show and explain sufficiently. - In order to just explain a navigation path of the
knowledge, I think the arrow having a direction
is enough. - And other attributes explaining knowledge
are included in another step such as knowledge
23Question 3
- Q In page 20,
- Authors say that make link denoting pre- and
post-relationship between knowledge items. Then,
in my opinion all link in page 20 should be
bidirectional. How do you think? and, second
simple question is what S(ij) denote in page 20? - The direction of the arrows represents the
direction of the knowledge. So the direction can
be bidirectional in case of two knowledge are
mutually related or mutually effective. - and the S(ij) denotes the direction of the
knowledge itself, - i.e. S23 means the knowledge K2 is
post-related to knowledge K3
24Question 4
- On slide 20,
- there is a figure showes an example of a
knowledge link. What do Kn and Sij stand for?
Would you please explain the figure in detail? - What are the Kn and Sij in the figure given
in slide 20? - Kn denotes Knowledge
- K5 a knowledge objective
- Sij denotes relations between knowledge
- S12 Knowledge 1 relates (effects on) with
knowledge 2
25Question 5
- I think "knowledge linking" might be one ofthe
most difficult and important step in knowledge
building procedure.Who usually conduct this
"knowledge linking", I think It needs a dedicated
expert, and, - Isn't there any methods to do automatically
by s/w nowadays? - There of course, is many solutions for knowledge
management. From standalone solution to web based
solution. which helps constructing knowledge map
and searching proper knowledge. And also provides
a efficient way to building knowledge map, - but, most companies are having their own
characterized (distinguishing) process and work
flows - so, the solutions are also need some
adoption or customization for companies own
264. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(9/10)
- Step.6 Knowledge map validation
- A structured walkthrough
- domain experts, business managers, and knowledge
map producer - Review checkpoints
- Are all knowledge extracted? (Unidentified
knowledge should be found) - Is any knowledge redundant over organizations?
- Are profiles and links fully described for all
knowledge? - Are the knowledge profile and knowledge map
274. Procedures of buildingthe knowledge map(10/10)
- Knowledge mapping procedures deliverables
- (Speel and Shadbolt, 1999)
- Knowledge mapping deliverables a standardized
terminology, new knowledge creation, knowledge
maps, knowledge gaps - Knowledge dissemination deliverables final
report, an electronic system containing the
captured knowledge - People-oriented deliverables a network of
285. Case study P steel company(1/7)
- Overview
- P steel company
- Most competitive company with 30 year in Steel
industry - 15 thousand employees (regular)
- The total sales 25 billion
- Operating profit 4 billion dollars
- Net profit 3 billion dollars
- Hot rolling process is constructed
295. Case study P steel company(2/7)
- Step.1 Defining organizational knowledge
- Define knowledge which occurs in a hot rolling
mill - Knowledge workshop on ontology
- Knowledge requirements
- Analyze input sources
- Develop basic taxonomy
- Knowledge categories mechanical, electrical,
instrumental, information system, and control
305. Case study P steel company(3/7)
- Step.2 Process map analysis
- Process maps based on task flow
ltProcess map of hot rolling millgt
315. Case study P steel company(4/7)
- Step.3 Knowledge extraction
- Interview and questionnaires (experts 20 years
field experience) - Five items per experts, Describe characteristics
and evaluate
ltAn example of knowledge extractiongt
325. Case study P steel company(5/7)
- Step.4 Knowledge profiling
- matching the knowledge with process map based on
interview results - reviewing the knowledge list with domain experts
- Confirm the final knowledge profile
- title, creating date, author, expert, location,
and a brief description
ltAn example of a knowledge profilegt
335. Case study P steel company(6/7)
- Step.5 Knowledge linking
- helpful in identifying knowledge flow and
345. Case study P steel company(7/7)
- Step.6 Knowledge map validation
- A structured walkthrough with domain experts to
validate the knowledge map
35Recent trend
- Changing Trend
- Functional change
- Multi-dimension knowledge map multimedia etc
- Knowledge based process management
- Combined with human resource management
- Expert training, scouting
- Mileage, employee evaluations, reward
- Enterprise knowledge portal
- Provides connection between work process and
366. Conclusion(1/2)
376. Conclusion(2/2)
- In this paper
- Define knowledge ontology to represent
organizational knowledge - Analyze business process using a process map
technique - Extracting knowledge based on the business
process - Produced a detail profile of each knowledge
- Construct a knowledge map representing a
knowledge link by investigating the pre- and
post-relationship - Lessons
Maintaining knowledge is more difficult than
creating knowledge. Promotion of knowledge
sharing culture is indispensable. Top management
support on knowledge management project is
Inevitable. Reward system is clearly declared to
enhance knowledge sharing. Knowledge management
system should satisfy knowledge requirement.
38Thank You !
Building the knowledge map