Title: Black Holes and the EinsteinRosen Bridge: Traversable Wormholes
1Black Holes and the Einstein-Rosen Bridge
Traversable Wormholes?
- Chad A. Middleton
- Mesa State College
- September 4, 2008
- Distance in 3D Space 4D Spacetime
- Light Cones
- Einsteins General Relativity
- The Schwarzschild Solution Black Holes
- The Maximally Extended Schwarzschild Solution
White Holes Spacelike Wormholes
33D Euclidean Space
- Line element in Euclidean space
- is the line element measuring distance
- is invariant under rotations
4In 1905, Einstein submitted his Theory of
Special Relativity
- Length depends on reference frame
54D Spacetime Interval
- Line element in Minkowski (Flat) spacetime
- is the line element measuring length
- is invariant under rotations
6Line Elements are Coordinate Independent
- The flat line element in Cartesian coordinates
- perform a coordinate transformation to
spherical coordinates -
- Same length, nothings changed!
- ? GR is coordinate independent
7Spacetime Diagram Light Cones
- Flat line element in spherical coordinates
- Notice
- For constant time slice, spherical wave front
- Light cone is a one-way surface
Future Light Cone
Past Light Cone
8- Consider radial null curves (? ? const, ds 2
0) - this yields the slopes of the light
cones - For two events..
- Notice
- r 0 is a timelike worldline
9In 1915, Einstein gives the world his General
Theory of Relativity
- describes the curvature of space
- describes the matter energy
10Space is not an empty void but rather a dynamical
structure whose shape is determined by the
presence of matter and energy.
- Matter tells space how to curve
- Space tells matter how to move
11Line element in 4D curved space
- defines the geometry of spacetime
12The empty space, spherically-symmetric,
time-independent solution (i.e. spherical star) is
Coordinate Singularity
Spacetime Singularity
13- Black Holes
- For fixed radius R
- For Mstar3-4 Msun, star collapses to a Black
Hole - Notice
- Black Holes dont suck!
- (External geometry of a Black Hole
- is the same as that of a star or planet)
14Consider radial null curves (? ? const, ds 2
0) this yields the slopes of the light
cones Light cones close up at r 2GM!
15Radial plunge of an experimental physicist..
- Proper time
- Coordinate time
It takes a finite amount proper time ? to reach r
2GM and an infinite amount of coordinate time
16In Eddington-Finkelstein Coordinates
- The slope of the light cone structure of
spacetime is
For rlt2GM, light cone tips
17In Eddington-Finkelstein Coordinates
- r 2GM is the Event Horizon
- ? One-Way Surface
- For r lt 2GM,
- all future-directed paths are in direction of
decreasing r !
18In Eddington-Finkelstein Coordinates
- For r lt 2GM, r const.,
- ds2 gt 0 - spacelike interval
- The r 0 singularity is NOT a place in space,
- but rather a moment in time!
19In Kruskal Coordinates
- Notice
- Kruskal coordinates cover entire spacetime
- r 0 singularity is a spacelike surface
- The slopes of the light cones are
- For r lt 2GM, all worldlines lead to
singularity at r 0!
20The Maximally Extended Schwarzschild Solution
- Consider entire spacetime.
- Two r 0 spacelike singularities (V?? U21)
- Upper singularity is a Black Hole
- Lower singularity is a White Hole
- Universe appears to emerge from the past
21The Maximally Extended Schwarzschild Solution
- Two asymptotically flat regions (U ? ??)
- Consider V 0
- move from U ? to U -?
- ? Spacelike Wormhole!!
22Coordinate Singularity i.e.
- 2D Line element in polar coordinates..
- Perform a coordinate transformation
- 2D Line element becomes..
- Notice
23In Kruskal Coordinates
- Where
- Note
- For r const., U2- V2 const. ? Hyperbolas
- For r 2GM, U ?V ? straight lines w/ m ?1
- For r 0, V?? U21 ? Hyperbolas
- For t const., U/V const. ? straight lines
thru origin - For t ? ??, U ?V ? straight lines w/ m ?1
- For t 0, V 0 for r gt 2GM
- U 0 for r lt 2GM