Title: 1' Jeffrey Archer resigns'
11. Jeffrey Archer resigns.
22. Archer is accused.
33. Archer hides with his family.
44. Prostitute Monica Coghlan
55. Archer and Margaret Thatcher.
6 6. Archer and understanding Mary.
77. Jeffrey Archer wins suit against The Daily
Star in court.
8 8. Archer wins suit beyond reasonable doubt
99. Archer very convincingly wins suit.
1010. Archer spins gold on the suit.
1111. Archer and Mary leaving court.
1212. Archer and Mary celebrating.
1313. The Daily Star, not on Jeffrey Archer this
time, though.
1414. Jeffrey Archer receives peerage.
1515. Saddam Hussein. Archers peerage is forhaving
raised funds for Kurds.