Title: A1257787539kXzdF
1Research project on Evaluation of a foliar
spray with soluble (oligomeric) silicon and (low
dose) boron in aerobic and wetland rice Funded
by Kondes Ltd, Hilversum, The Netherlands
2- Oligomeric Silicon (Agroforce)
- Composition
- Silicic acid Oligomeric as SiO2 1.7
- Potassium as KCl 1.3
- Boron as Boric acid 0.2
- Peg 400 46.0
- Water as semi water up to 100
3- Oligomeric Silicon (Agroforce)
- Dilution
- 50 ml of concentrated Oligomeric Silicon in 250
ml of DW (15) dissolved for 1hr - pH of the 15 ratio solution 1.57
- pH of the concentrated solution 0.59
- pH of the solution 2 ml L-1 6.26
- pH of the solution 4 ml L-1 5.93
- pH of the solution 8 ml L-1 5.10
4- Procedure for preparation of Spray solution
- Dilute the concentrated solution in 1 5 ratio
using tap water - Stir properly and kept for 1 hour
- Dilutions are prepared with recommended quantity
before spraying - 1ml HNO3 was added to 2 ml recommended spray
Treatment Recmn Dilution made ml /2 ltr
T1 0 0
0 Oligomeric Silicon alone T2 2ml/l
105 10 T3 4ml/l
105 20 T4 8ml/l 105
40 Oligomeric Silicon along with pesticide and
fungicide T5 2ml/l 105
10 T6 4ml/l 105 20
T7 8ml/l 105 40
5Present locations of the experiments
6Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron in
wetland rice at Mudigere kharif -2007
7Geographical features of experimental location
 Mudigere  Mudigere
Zone 9 Hilly zone
Taxonomic classification Pale ustults
Latitude 12o 00' to 15o 40' N
Longitude 74o15' 10' to 76o
Average rainfall (mm) Â 3300
8Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron in
wetland rice
Treatments for field Experiment T1- Control T2-
2 ml L-1 of Oligomeric Silicon T3- 4 ml L-1 of
Oligomeric Silicon T4- 8 ml L-1 of Oligomeric
Silicon T5- 2 ml L-1 of Oligomeric Silicon ½
dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide T6- 4 ml
L-1 of Oligomeric Silicon ½ dose of insecticide
½ dose fungicide T7- 8 ml L-1 of Oligomeric
Silicon ½ dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide
9Operations to be carried out during kharif 2007
 Mudigere  Mudigere
Cultivation condition wetland
variety IET 13901
Date of planting 01.08.2007
Spacing (cm) 20X15
Rec. NPK (kg ha-1) 1005050
plot size (m2) 8
Pesticide used Bavistin
Fungicide used Ekalux
Date of harvesting Nov 2007
10Spray Schedule of Oligomeric silicon during the
experimental period at Mudigere
Treatment Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot
Treatment I Spray (2 L/ plot) 28/08/07 II Spray (2 L/plot) 15/09/07 III Spray (3 L/plot) 30/09/07 IV Spray (3 L/plot) 15/10/07 V Spray (3L/plot) 30/10/07
T1 0 ml 0 ml 0 ml 0 ml 0 ml
T2 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml
T3 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml
T4 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml
T5 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml
T6 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml
T7 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml
0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Ekalux 0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Ekalux 0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Ekalux 0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Ekalux 0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Ekalux
11Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron on
growth and yield parameters in wetland rice at
ZARS, Mudigere during k-2007
Treatments Plant height (cm) No. of panicle No. of tillers Panicle length (cm) Grain yield (Kg ha-1) Straw yield (Kg ha-1)
T1 91 8 8 20 5057 7261
T2 95 8 8 21 5932 8294
T3 97 10 9 22 6380 8929
T4 93 7 7 20 5474 7392
T5 93 8 8 21 6022 8759
T6 96 9 9 22 6679 9697
T7 93 7 8 20 5424 7326
SEM 2 1 1 1 174 99
CD (5 ) 5 2 2 2 428 244
T1- Control T2- 2 ml L-1 of OS T5- 2 ml L-1 of
OS ½ dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide
spray T3- 4 ml L-1 of OS T6- 4 ml L-1 of OS ½
dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray T4-
8 ml L-1 of OS T7- 8 ml L-1 of OS ½ dose of
insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray
12Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron on per
cent increase of yield over control in wetland
rice at ZARS, Mudigere during kharif - 2007
Treatments Grain yield (Kg ha-1) Increase over control Straw yield (Kg ha-1) Increase over control
T1 5057 7261
T2 5932 17 8294 14
T3 6380 26 8929 23
T4 5474 8 7392 2
T5 6022 19 8759 21
T6 6679 32 9697 34
T7 5424 7 7326 1
T1- Control T2- 2 ml L-1 of OS T5- 2 ml L-1 of
OS ½ dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide
spray T3- 4 ml L-1 of OS T6- 4 ml L-1 of OS ½
dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray T4-
8 ml L-1 of OS T7- 8 ml L-1 of OS ½ dose of
insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray
13Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron on Si
per cent and its uptake in grain and straw in
wetland rice at ZARS, Mudigere during kharif -
Treatments Si content () Si content () Si uptake (kg ha-1) Si uptake (kg ha-1)
Treatments Grain Straw Grain Straw
T1 0.89 2.63 45.13 191.03
T2 0.98 3.01 58.45 249.64
T3 1.01 3.20 64.28 285.42
T4 0.92 2.86 50.54 211.55
T5 1.10 3.21 67.05 280.70
T6 1.19 3.27 79.65 317.50
T7 0.94 3.11 51.07 227.90
SEM 0.06 0.07 4.50 4.84
CD (5 ) 0.17 0.21 13.87 14.90
T1- Control T2- 2 ml L-1 of OS T5- 2 ml L-1 of
OS ½ dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide
spray T3- 4 ml L-1 of OS T6- 4 ml L-1 of OS ½
dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray T4-
8 ml L-1 of OS T7- 8 ml L-1 of OS ½ dose of
insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray
14Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron in
wetland rice at Mudigere Summer -2008
15Operations carried out during summer-2008
 Mudigere  Mudigere
Cultivation condition wetland
Variety Rasi
Date of planting 03.03.2008
Spacing (cm) 20X15
Rec. NPK (kg ha-1) 1005050
plot size (m2) 15
Pesticide used Bavistin
Fungicide used Ekalux
Date of harvesting June 2008
16Spray Schedule of Oligomeric silicon during the
experimental period at Mudigere
Treatment Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot
Treatment I Spray (2 L/ plot) 28.03.08 II Spray (2 L/plot) 14. 04 .08 III Spray (3 L/plot) 30.04.08 IV Spray (3 L/plot) 15.05.08 V Spray (3L/plot) 14.05.08
T1 0 ml 0 ml 0 ml 0 ml 0 ml
T2 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml
T3 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml
T4 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml
T5 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml
T6 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml
T7 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml
0.5 g/L Bavistin 1 ml /L Ekalux 0.5 g/L Bavistin 1 ml /L Ekalux 0.5 g/L Bavistin 1 ml /L Ekalux 0.5 g/L Bavistin 1 ml /L Ekalux 0.5 g/L Bavistin 1 ml /L Ekalux
17Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron on
growth and yield parameters in wetland rice at
ARS, Mudigere during Summer-2008
Treatments Plant height (cm) No. of tillers Panicle length (cm) Grain yield (Kg ha-1) Straw yield (Kg ha-1)
T1 88 8 21 3012 5880
T2 89 9 22 3663 6801
T3 90 10 22 3896 7455
T4 89 9 22 2927 6024
T5 92 9 22 4071 7375
T6 92 11 22 4308 8534
T7 90 9 22 3289 6352
SEM 0.50 0.40 0.10 169 271
CD (5 ) 1.60 1.10 0.40 519 834
18Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron on per
cent increase of yield over control in wetland
rice at ZARS, Mudigere during summer - 2008
Treatments Grain yield (Kg ha-1) Increase over control Straw yield (Kg ha-1) Increase over control
T1 3012 5880
T2 3663 22 6801 16
T3 3896 29 7455 27
T4 2927 -3 6024 2
T5 4071 35 7375 25
T6 4308 43 8534 45
T7 3289 9 6352 8
T1- Control (Recommended NPK ) T2- T1 Foliar
spray of silicon _at_ 2 ml L-1 T5- T2 half dose of
insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray T3- T1
Foliar spray of silicon _at_ 4 ml L-1 T6- T3 half
dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray T4-
T1 Foliar spray of silicon _at_ 8 ml L-1 T7- T4
half dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray
19Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron in
wetland rice at Mangalore summer -2008
20Geographical features of experimental location
 Mangalore  Mangalore
Zone 10 Coastal zone
Taxonomic classification Typic kandiustultsÂ
Latitude 13o24'45" to13o25'30"N
Longitude 74o45' to 74o46'E
Average rainfall (mm) 3392
21Operations carried out during summer- 2008
 Mangalore  Mangalore
Cultivation condition wetland
variety Jaya
Date of planting 02.02.2008
Spacing (cm) 20X15
Rec. NPK (kg ha-1) 1005050
plot size (m2) 10.8
Pesticide used Bavistin
Fungicide used Monocrotophos
Date of harvesting May 2008
22Spray Schedule of Oligomeric silicon during the
experimental period at Mangalore
Treatment Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot Quantity required/plot
Treatment I Spray (2 L/ plot) 07. 03 .08 II Spray (2 L/plot) 24.03.08 III Spray (3 L/plot) 15.04.08 IV Spray (3 L/plot) 29.04.08
T1 0 ml 0 ml 0 ml 0 ml
T2 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml
T3 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml
T4 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml
T5 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml 30 ml
T6 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml 60 ml
T7 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml 120 ml
0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Monocrotophos 0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Monocrotophos 0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Monocrotophos 0.5 g/L Bavistin 0.75 ml /L Monocrotophos
23Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron on
growth and yield parameters in wetland rice at
ARS, Mangalore during summer-2008
- Variety Jaya DOS Jan 2008
- DOP Jan 2008 Replication 3
- Design RCBD Plot size 1.86 m2
- Season Summer DOH May 2008
- Location Mangalore
Treatments Plant height (cm) No. of tillers Panicle length (cm) Grain yield (Kg ha-1) Straw yield (Kg ha-1)
T1 88 8 21 3864 5969
T2 89 9 22 4642 7389
T3 90 10 22 4821 8074
T4 89 9 22 4000 6296
T5 92 9 22 5037 8130
T6 92 11 22 5173 9019
T7 90 9 22 4364 7037
SEM 0.50 0.40 0.10 84 229
CD (5 ) 1.60 1.10 0.40 260 706
24Evaluation of foliar spray with soluble
(oligomeric) silicon and (low dose) boron on per
cent increase of yield over control in wetland
rice at ARS, Mangalore during summer- 2008
Treatments Grain yield (Kg ha-1) Increase over control Straw yield (Kg ha-1) Increase over control
T1 3864 5969
T2 4642 20 7389 24
T3 4821 25 8074 35
T4 4000 4 6296 5
T5 5037 30 8130 36
T6 5173 34 9019 51
T7 4364 13 7037 18
T1- Control (Recommended NPK ) T2- T1 Foliar
spray of silicon _at_ 2 ml L-1 T5- T2 half dose of
insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray T3- T1
Foliar spray of silicon _at_ 4 ml L-1 T6- T3 half
dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray T4-
T1 Foliar spray of silicon _at_ 8 ml L-1 T7- T4
half dose of insecticide ½ dose fungicide spray
25Categorization of soils based on available
silicon content in rice growing soils of
26Categorization of soils based on available
silicon content in rice growing soils of
Sl. No. Category Mangalore Mangalore Mudigere Ponnampet Total
Ammonium acetate Ammonium acetate Ammonium acetate Ammonium acetate Ammonium acetate Ammonium acetate Ammonium acetate
1 Low (lt20 ppm) 15 16 16 26 56 (45.16)
2 Medium (20-40 ppm) 23 18 18 14 55 (44.35)
3 High (gt40 ppm) 4 7 7 2 13 (10.48)
Acetic acid Acetic acid Acetic acid Acetic acid Acetic acid Acetic acid Acetic acid
1 Low (lt20 ppm) 3 3 3 4 10 (8.06)
2 Medium (20-40 ppm) 26 26 26 32 83 (66.9)
3 High (gt40 ppm) 13 13 13 6 31 (25.0)
Based on the Korndorfer et al. (2001) Values
in the parenthesis indicate percentage samples
27Critical levels and categorization of plant
available silicon (ppm) for different extractants
for rice growing soils
Sl No Extractants Critical limit Categorization Categorization Categorization
Sl No Extractants Critical limit Low Medium High
Soils (ppm) Soils (ppm) Soils (ppm) Soils (ppm) Soils (ppm) Soils (ppm)
1 0.5 M acetic acid-1 54 lt44 44 - 116 gt116
2 0.5 M acetic acid-2 54 lt47 47 - 102 gt102
3 0.5 M acetic acid-3 87 - - -
4 0.01 M CaCl2 43 lt42 42 - 65 gt65
5 Distilled water-1 14 lt13 13 - 21 gt21
6 Distilled water-4 30 lt30 30 - 45 gt45
7 0.5M NH4OAc 32 lt29 29 - 57 gt57
8 N NaOAc-1 75 lt67 67 - 95 gt95
9 N NaOAc-2 85 lt80 80 - 110 gt110
10 0.1M Citric acid 185 lt174 - -
11 0.005M H2SO4 207 lt235 - -
28Range of plant available Si and categorization of
soils of different research stations of UAS,
Sl Zone Research station Range of Si (ppm) Based on Korndorfer et al. (2001) Based on Korndorfer et al. (2001) Based on Korndorfer et al. (2001) Based on Narayanaswamy (2007) Based on Narayanaswamy (2007) Based on Narayanaswamy (2007)
Sl Zone Research station Range of Si (ppm) Low Medium High Low Medium High
1 Central Dry Zone Hiriyura 48.0- 56.9 0 0 5 0 5 0
2 Southern Dry Zone Mandyaa 26.9-140.6 0 2 13 3 6 6
3 Southern Transitional Zone Shimogaa 25.1- 60.1 0 12 5 15 2 0
3 Southern Transitional Zone Kathalagereb 61.5 - 93.1 0 0 16 0 16 0
4 Hilly Zone Mudigerea 18.7- 38.5 9 3 0 12 0 0
4 Hilly Zone Ponnampetb 8.3 - 13.0 9 1 0 10 0 0
5 Coastal Zone Brahmavaraa 10.1- 27.1 10 0 0 10 0 0
5 Coastal Zone Mangaloreb 6.4- 30.9 2 8 0 10 0 0
Range Range Range 6.4 - 140.6 30 (31.5) 26 (27.5) 39 (41) 60 (63) 29 (30.5) 6 (6.5)
a - ZARS, b ARS Low lt20 ppm, Medium
20-40 ppm, High gt40 ppm Low lt47 ppm,
Medium 47-102 ppm, High gt102 ppm Figures in
the parenthesis are the per cent samples under
each category.
29Geographical features of future experimental
Gangavathi Mandya
Soil Taxonomy Vertic Ustropepts Typic Rhodustalfs
Soil Type Black cotton soil Red sandy soil
Average rainfall (mm) 850 750
Cropping system Rice-Cotton-Groundnut Rice-sugarcane
30Future line of research
- Evaluate the effect of Oligomeric Silicon in
variable soil type and climate. - Possible fertilizer usage reduction under
repeated cropping system by use of oligomeric
silicon. - Standardization of Oligomeric Silicon usage.
31(No Transcript)
32Thank you