Title: Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior
1Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior
2Business Markets
- Business Market g all the organizations that buy
goods and services to use in the production of
other products and services that are sold/rented
or supplied to others - Business buying process g decision making process
by which business buyers establish the need for
purchased products and services and identify,
evaluate and choose among alternative brands and
3Characteristics of Business Markets
Contain fewer, but larger buyers
Customers are more geographically concentrated
Buyer demand is derived from final consumer
Marketing Structure and Demand
4Characteristics of Business Markets
Types of Decisions and the Decision Process
Build Long-Term Partnerships
5Model of Business Buyer Behavior
Buyer Responses Product or service
choice Supplier Choice Order Quantities Deliver
y terms and times Service terms Payment
- The Environment
- Marketing
- Stimuli
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- Other Stimuli
- Economic
- Technological
- Political
- Cultural
- Competitive
The Buying Organization The buying
center Buying decision process (Interpersonal
and individual influences) (Organizational
6Major Types of Buying Situations
7Participants in the Business Buying Process
8Major Influences on Business Buyer Behavior
Environmental Economic developments Supply
Conditions Technological change Political and
regulatory developments Competitive
Developments Culture and customs
Organizational Objectives Policies Procedures
Organizational Structure Systems
Interpersonal Authority Status Empathy Persuas
Individual Age Education Job Position Personality
Risk Attitudes
Business Buyers
9Organizational Factors Influencing Business Buyer
Purchasing- Department Upgrading
Cross- Functional Roles
Centralized Purchasing
Decentralized Purchasing of Small Ticket Items
Internet Purchasing
Long-Term Contracts
Purchasing- Performance Evaluation Pro. Buyers
Lean Production
10Problem Recognition
Stages of Business Buying Process
11Institutional Markets
12Business Buying on the Internet
- Business buyers may purchase electronically by
- Electronic data interchange links (EDI)
- The Internet
- Connecting to customers to
- Share marketing information,
- Sell products services,
- Provide customer support, and
- Maintain on-going relationships.
13Benefits and problems created by buying on the
- Problems
- Cut purchasing jobs
- Erode supplier-buyer loyalty
- Create potential security disasters
- Benefits
- Shave transaction costs
- Reduce time between order and delivery
- Create more efficient purchasing systems
- Forge more intimate relationships
- Level the playing field