Title: Weathering, Erosion,
1Weathering, Erosion, Deposition
- By Brett Meisinger
- November 24, 2008
- Photographs by Ahlene Shong
- (except delta photos)
Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks
into smaller pieces to form sand and soil. Agents
of Weathering are wind, water, plants, ice, and
This picture shows a large bolder that over time
it turned black, their for American Indians could
scrape the chemical off to make a picture.
In this picture, moss is breaking down the rock
into smaller pebbles and sedaments.
Erosion is the process of earths materials moving
from their original place. Agents of erosion are
gravity, running water, ice, waves, wind, and
This picture shows a waterfall moving small rocks
and sand from its original place.
This picture shows a prehistoric riverbed in Camp
Cullen located in Trinity, Texas.
Deposition is the process of sediments being laid
down into layers. Sedimentary rocks are made when
sediments are laid down in layers at one time.
This shows a picture of a beach or a sand bar.
In this picture, a delta is flowing into an ocean
but started out as part of a river or a stream.