Title: ConsumerDirected Services
1Services Facilitator Training
Mental Retardation Waiver
November - December 2005
2SF Duties Prior to CD Services beginning . . .
- During Initial Comprehensive home Visit . . .
- Develops with input from individual
- ISARs - Individual Service Authorization
- Obtain from
- DMAS website
- OMR - Community Resource Consultant
- Case Manager
4- CD Services MUST BE Pre-authorized
Personal Assistance, Respite, Companion
5ISAR Points To Remember . . .
- SF not Pre-authorized
- SF Start Date included on the CD Service ISAR
6ISAR Points To Remember . . . (contd)
- One ISAR per service, using the required form
- Completed by SF
- Initially when services begin
- When hours or SF changes
7ISAR Points To Remember . . . (contd)
- Must match ISP content
- Check type of ISAR on form
- Complete ALL blanks
8ISAR Points To Remember . . . (contd)
- Enough narrative to justify request
- Complete hours in service on the schedule
- Start date of SF AND CD Service listed on ISAR
9ISAR Points To Remember . . . (contd)
- End date determined by CSP unless short-term
- Dated and signed by Services Facilitator
10SF Duties Prior to CD Services beginning . . .
- Forwards completed copy of ISAR(s) to CM
SF keeps copies
11Case Manager will . . .
- Review ISAR for required elements
- Approve OR
12If approved, Case Manager will . . .contd
- Sign ISAR keep a copy
- Fax to assigned PA Consultant for authorization
on or prior to requested CD service start
date!! - Keep fax confirmation (sent log)
13OMR PreAuthorization Consultant will . . .
- Authorize
- Pend
- Deny
- Reduce
14OMR PA Consultant will . . . Contd
If authorized
- Enter CD service(s) into VaMMIS (DMAS computer
system) - Return copy of authorized ISAR to Case Manager
15Services Facilitator will . . .
If authorized, by OMR
- Receive a computerized DMAS PA Notice
- Check the PA Notice for errors
- Keep a current copy
16Case Manager will . . .
If denied or pended, receive from OMR
- Status of MR Request form
- reason for pended or denial
17Case Manager will . . . (contd)
If denied or pended
- Forward copy of Status of Request to SF
18Services Facilitator will . . .
If pended
- Submit requested information to CM by specified
19Case Manager will . . . (contd)
If pended
- Resubmit ISAR packet to PA Consultant by
specified deadline
20Case Manager will . . . (contd)
If denied or reduced
Issue Right To Appeal Letter
21Services Facilitator will . . .
Once the ISAR is approved by OMR
continue with more in-depth EMM training
22Questions about Services Facilitation for the
Mental Retardation Waiver . . .
Can be directed to the regional OMR Community
Resource Consultant
See handout for contact information