Title: Framework for segmentation of MRI brain image
1Framework for segmentation of MRI brain image
- NeuroImageing
- Instructor Dr. Klemer
- Presenter Mohammad Habibi
2Automated brain tissue segmentation
- Classify tissue in the brain (GM,WM,CSF)
- Accurate segmentation of MRI image to different
tissue type (GM,WM, CSF) and Regional volume
calculation ? useful diagnostics information - Quantization of GM/WM volume ? neurodegenerative
disorders - White matter metabolic or inflammatory disease
- Congenital brain malformation
- Prenatal brain damage
- Post traumatic syndrome
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4The segmentation framework
Original Image
Skull Strip
Non-uniformity Correct
Extract Brain Surfaces
Classify Brain Tissues
5Spatially Normalised MRI
Original MRI
Affine register
Spatial Normalisation - writing
Grey Matter
Affine Transform
Spatial Normalisation - estimation
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7Very hard to define a one-to-one mappingof
cortical foldingUse only approximate
8Removal of non-brain tissue
9Bias correction
- MRI images are corrupted by inhemogeneity in
magnetic field (bias). - Image intensity non-uniformity artefact has a
negative impact on segmentation - Much better if this artefact is corrected
- We can formulate the effect of inhomogeneity as
10Estimation of the Tissue type
Estimation of the inhomogeneity
11Gaussian Probability Density
- If intensities are assumed to be Gaussian of mean
mk and variance s2k, then the probability of a
value yi is
12Tissue classification
- Some definitions
- Prior probability of pixel ij belong
to cluster k - Probability of pixel ij belong to
cluster k (objective) - Number of pixel in
cluster k, mean and variance of cluster - pixel value in image
- Correction function
- Example
14Tissue Classification - Algorithm
Starting estimates for belonging probabilities
based on prior probability images
Compute cluster parameters from belonging
probabilities and bias field
Compute belonging probabilities from cluster
parameters and bias field
Converged? No Yes
Compute bias field from belonging probabilities
and cluster parameters
15Non-Gaussian Intensity Distributions
- Multiple Gaussians per tissue class allow
non-Gaussian intensity distributions to be
16Tissue Classification - Mixture Model
- Intensities are modelled by a mixture of K
gaussian distributions, parameterised by - Means
- Variances
- Mixing proportions
17Modelling a Bias Field
- A bias field is included, such that the required
scaling at voxel i, parameterised by b, is ri(b).
y r(b)
18The Extended MOG
- By combining the modified P(kq) and P(yik,q),
the objective function becomes - Bias and nonlinear deformations are parameterised
by a linear combination of cosine transform
bases, where a and b are the estimated
19Schematic of optimisation
- Repeat until convergence
- Hold a and b constant, and minimise E w.r.t. g, m
and s2 - - Differentiate E w.r.t. each parameter, and
solve. - - Requires substitution of current belonging
probabilities at each iteration. - Hold g, m, s2 and a constant, and minimise E
w.r.t. b - - Levenberg-Marquardt strategy, using dE/db and
d2E/db2 - Hold g, m, s2 and b constant, and minimise E
w.r.t. a - - Levenberg-Marquardt strategy, using dE/da and
d2E/da2 - end
20Spatially normalised BrainWeb phantoms (T1, T2
and PD)
Tissue probability maps of GM and WM
21Segmentation of Neonatal Brain MRI
- Segmentation of brain tissues of newborn infants
from multimodal MRI - Particular interest in the developing white
matter structure - Motivation
- Analysis of growth patterns, study of neuro
-developmental disorders starting at a very early
- Smaller head size
- Low contrast-to-noise ratio
- Intensity inhomogeneity
- Motion artifacts
- Division of white matter into
- myelinated and non-myelinated
- regions
nonm. WM
myel. WM
Neonate 2 weeks
CNR 2.9
CNR 6.9
24Imaging the Developing Brain
35 weeks
44 weeks
15 months
2 years
- Non-optimal input data, rely on high level prior
knowledge - Intensity ordering (e.g. in T2W)
- wm-myelinated lt gm lt wm-non-myelinated lt csf
- Aligned spatial priors (brain atlas)
- White matter is considered as one entity
26Method Overview
Segmentation - Bias correction
- Segmentation and regional volume calculation of
the brain give us useful diagnostic information - Classification is based on a Mixture of Gaussians
model (MOG), which represents the intensity
probability density by a number of Gaussian
distributions. - Special cases (newborn infant)
28Prior probability image
- Provided by Montreal Neurological Institute
- Project ICBM,NIH P-20
- Derived from accurate scans of 152 young healthy
subjects - Value zero to one
- Website http//www.loni.ucla.edu/
- Pan Lin Yong Yang Chong-Xun Zheng Jian-Wen
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Page(s)53 - 58 - http//www.cma.mgh.harvard.edu/seg/typical_data.ht
ml - http//www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/analysis/research/fast/