Title: Predictable Scheduling for a Soft Modem
1Predictable Scheduling for a Soft Modem
- Michael B. Jones Microsoft Research
- Stefan Saroiu University of Washington
2Why Study Soft Modems ?
- Signal Processing done on host CPU
- requires predictable scheduling
- requires low latency responses
- While coexisting with other system activities
- Soft Modem is a background real-time task
- Successful in home computer market
- Low cost
- Easy to update software upgrade
3Driver versions (INT/DPC/THR/RES)
- Vendor version (INT)
- 1. DMA transfers between A/D and D/A and physical
memory - 2. when enough data samples, the modem raises an
interrupt - 3. inside ISR, process incoming data and provide
outgoing samples, before buffers exhausted - Signal processing routines executed
- in a DPC context (DPC)
- in a thread context (THR) scheduled by NT
scheduler - in a thread context (RES) scheduled by a
real-time scheduler based on Rialto/NT
4Interrupt Rate
3 different phases, interrupts very regular
5Elapsed Times in ISR (INT)
1.8 ms on a Pentium II 450 with a repeatable
worst case of 3.3 ms
- PC 99 recommends maximum time during which a
driver-based modem disables interrupts should not
exceed 100 µs
6CPU Utilization
16 sustained CPU load
7CPU Reservation Abstraction and Implementation
- CPU Reservation abstraction
- ongoing reservation for X time units out of every
Y units for a thread - Implementation limitation
- CPU Reservations must be multiples of milliseconds
8File Transfer Times
Results for 10 copies of 200,000 bytes each
For 1/8, 2/15, 3/17, 4/17, 7/20 no test passed
9Modem Reservation Ranges
Nonlinear behavior
If period lt 12.5ms, must get 16 to work If
period gt 12.5ms, (period amount) gt 12.5ms must
also hold
- Signal Processing in interrupt context is
- Unnecessary
- Detrimental to the predictability and latencies
of the coexisting activities - The DPC version has similar problems
- Threads help alleviate these problems
- Modem runs well with real-time priorities and
non-real-time competition - Real-time scheduler allows control over modems
degree of interference with other time-sensitive
11For More Information
- See Mike Jones (mbj_at_microsoft.com)
- research.microsoft.com/mbj/
- or me, Stefan Saroiu (tzoompy_at_cs.washington.edu)
- www.cs.washington.edu/homes/tzoompy
- Tech Report available shortly