Title: A First Year Experience:
1- A First Year Experience
- Teaching
- How Things Work
- for non-science freshmen
- at Sewanee
- Course Design Assessment Workshop
- The ACS Reform of Introductory Science Courses
- for Non-Science Majors Program
- Rollins College, January 9-10, 2004
- Supported by the W.M. Keck Foundation of Los
Angeles - Ben Szapiro
- Department of Physics
- The University of the South
- The First Year Program (FYP)
- Design of the new course (HTW)
- Implementation
- Course materials
- Examples
- Assessment and Evaluations
- Conclusions, Questions
3The First Year Program
- Implemented in 2002, second year. Increase
retention, improve advising, enrich academic
life. - 1,200 FYP Budget plus 7,000 Faculty
Replacement. - Restricted to first semester freshmen plus AP.
- Students pre-enrolled over the summer
(preferences). - Seminar style (under 15 students).
- Faculty is also advisor, all students live in the
same dorm. - Writing intensive.
- Hands-on, Minds on.
- Minimize lectures, engage students in active
410 TIPS FOR FYP SUCCESS Diane W. Strommer 1)
Understand Your Students (where are they coming
from, where are you coming from). 2) Clarify
Course Objectives (assignments, activities,
quizzes are supporting elements of course goals,
not goals themselves). Content to cover vs.
what students will achieve at the end of the
process (able to understand, to do, to apply
general principles, or other outcomes). 3) Pay
particular attention to the first class (sets the
tone, is the appetizer that provokes hunger or
spoils appetite?). Explain course goals and then
use Icebreakers (for instance, pair students to
gather info about one another and then introduce
them to the class). Use nametags. Pose a
question like Name 3 ways in which college will
be different from high school. Skills needed to
succeed in college? Share a defining event with
the class (identify common experiences). 4)
Establish a Climate for Learning (comfort zone to
participate, build self-confidence and trust).
Create base groups (4-5 students, cooperative
learning). Research on learning suggests
beginning a class with a brief activity to foster
reflection (What is the most important thing
learned from our last class or assigned
reading). 5) Abandon the Non-Stop Lecture
(active vs. passive learning). In lectures
students pay attention about 50 of the time and
retain about 50 of that. Traditional Discussion
(professor posses a question to the whole class)
is not much better (80 of the time is the
professor talking). Learning as a spectator
sport. vs. Small Group Discussion. To learn
means break new info into meaningful chunks,
make connections between them and things we
already know. Students need to generate their own
examples of the concepts and explain them to
someone else. Faculty teach as faculty like to
learn, but not as students learn best.
Abstract/Reflexive learners are only 10 of high
school seniors. Variety of learning styles
requires variety of teaching styles. Attention
span, learning styles, lifelong learning skills
need to be at the forefront of teaching
5- 6) Involve Students with Varied Activities. Break
class in small groups. Active learning Maybe a
good idea to explain to the students (who might
prefer a passive lecture style) - a) Research on learning shows that students
learn more when they work actively and
collaboratively in groups in class. - b) Developing skills in working in groups will
impact future employment. - c) Content in the group tasks will be on exams or
projects. -
- 7) Provide opportunity for Reflection. Quality
journal writing might help. -
- 8) Take Risks. Takes about 3 years of experience
to get it right. Be aware of teachers fears not
adequately prepared, expose ignorance, glazed
eyes and bored faces from students, ambivalence
about power (grade and credentials) over their
lives. -
- 9) Include Upper-Class Students. Student mentors
are key, use them wisely, empower them, and
assign them responsibilities in guiding
discussions. -
- 10) Develop a Support Group. Steal liberally from
the activities and ideas of other FYP faculty,
regular meetings and communication.
6Some Cognitive Principles (Joe Redish) Principle
1 Individuals build their knowledge by making
connections to existing knowledge they use this
knowledge by productively creating a response to
the information they receive. Corollary 1.1 .
Learning is a growth, not a transfer. It takes
repetition, reflection, and integration to build
robust, functional knowledge. Corollary 1.2 .
Building functional scientific mental models does
not occur spontaneously for most students.
Repeated and varied activities that help build
coherence are important. Principle 2 What people
construct depends on the context including
their mental states. Principle 3 It is
reasonably easy to learn something that matches
or extends an existing schema, but changing a
well-established schema substantially is
difficult. Corollary 3.1 . It's hard to learn
something we don't almost already know. Corollary
3.2 . Much of our learning is done by
analogy. Corollary 3.3 . Touchstone problems
and examples are very important. Corollary 3.4 .
It is very difficult to change an established
mental model.
7You are presented with 4 cards and told that the
only rules are that if one side of the card shows
a vowel then the back side must show an odd
number.. As a rigorous and skeptic person you
are asked to check if the cards comply with this
rule. What is the least number of cards you need
to flip if presented with the 4 cards below?
ANSWER (Circle one) 0 1 2 3
4 ?_at_!
8A bartender writes for each order on the front of
a card the drink and on the back the age. As a
bar owner you need to check if he is complying
with underage drinking laws. What is the least
number of cards you need to flip if presented
with the 4 cards below?
ANSWER (Circle one) 0 1 2 3
4 ?_at_!
9Same logic, different difficulty!
- These problems provide a very nice example of
both productive reasoning and context dependence.
In the two cases, most people call on different
kinds of reasoning to answer the two problems.
The second relies on matching with social
experience- a kind of knowledge handled in a much
different way from mathematical reasoning. - This result has powerful implications for our
attempt to instruct untrained students First it
demonstrates that the assumption that once a
student has learned something, theyll have it
is not correct. The example shows that even
changing the context of a problem may make it
much more difficult. Second, it points out that a
problem or reasoning that has become sufficiently
familiar to us to feel like 16/Coke/52/Gin may
feel like K/2A/7 to our students!
Source E.F. Redish, Teaching Physics, J.Wiley
Sons, 2003
10Main Objectives of HTW
- Introduce students to the scientific method and
basic critical thinking (and tinkering!) skills. - Science appreciation. Idea of Leverage A
few basic principles may be applied to a large
number of a situations. - Predictive powers! Increase students confidence
on analytic and synthetic skills - Improve writing and logical skills, scientific
reporting. Library! - De-mystify technology. Use current technologies
as motivation (CDs, cell phones, GPS, bicycles,
MRI, Segways, hydrogen fuel cells, etc.). - Foster interest in life-long learning and ability
to evaluate and decide. - Convince students of the need for both
quantitative and qualitative analysis. - Focus on estimates rather than mathematical rigor.
11Web Page, Blackboard
- http//www.sewanee.edu/physics/PHYSICS111/PHYSICS1
11.html - Team taught Randy Peterson/Ben Szapiro (first
time). Coordination? - Shared advising, grading, alternated front/back
roles. - Fun experience, offered as a summer course in
July 04. - HTW textbook by Lou Bloomfield used sparingly
(large vs. small classes). - Grading C for satisfying requirements (3 papers)
- 1) How fast can you bike?
- 2) The CD player
- 3) Personal Project (3 page summary) reviewed
by a classmate. - Quizzes, special projects, discussion board
contributions, attendance to talks, etc. are for
extra credit (no downside). - PowerPoint Project presentations in lieu of Final
Exam, followed by closing dinner. Best projects
voted by classmates for extra credit. - Dont you wish that all your courses would fall
neatly into place?
12Co-curricular activities
- Dinner at faculty homes and restaurants
- Trip to bicycle shop (hands-on, greasy!)
- Invited speakers/test run of recumbent bikes
- Group bike rides (PE credit)
- Visit to Hospital Cancer Center
- Attendance (rewarded!) to departmental talks by
invited speakers - 1,200 FYP Budget
13Assessment How well are students learning?(As
opposed to How much material did I get to cover?)
Learning can and often does take place without
the benefit of teaching-and sometimes even in
spite of it- but there is no such thing as
effective teaching in the absence of learning.
There are gaps, sometimes considerable ones,
between what was taught and what has been
learned. By the time faculty notice these gaps in
knowledge or understanding, it is frequently too
late to remedy the problems. Thomas A. Angelo/K.
Patricia Cross Classroom Assessment Techniques
14Assessment techniques tried
- Quick recaps (25 minutes, before moving on)
- Break into 4 Groups
- 3 minutes Group Discussion, agree on a summary
- Election of a Group Spokesperson.
- 3 minutes summary given by the speaker Q A
- Quick Quizzes (Individual, 15 minutes, Extra
Credit) - Extensive rewriting of papers, with trail.
- Mutual student grading of first draft of papers.
15Teacher Evaluations
- Students feedback trough informal conversations
plus - 1) Standard Questionnaire
2) FYP Questionnaire - Main pros Intellectually stimulating, close
faculty-student relationships, students feel that
the faculty knows them well, good advising. Other
freshmen saw HTW as the coolest class. 14 out
of the 15 students would recommend it to an
incoming student. Some students got the
inventors spark. Positive role model of the AP
(Melissa Glaser). Is liberating not to have to
cover a given set of materials. - Main cons Some students would prefer more
lecturing and less discussion, disliked
rewriting, disliked crunch at the end, some
complained about math limitations getting in the
way. Some students not used to alternating
teachers, they wanted one single authority
16Preliminary Conclusions
- Effective way to introduce students to science.
- Writing intensive requirement involves lots of
extra work. - Biking, exploring, field trips, etc., add an
important out of classroom element to learning
and getting to know them. - More flexibility on the topics, be more
responsive of students interests. Revise the
issue of discussion board and grading system. Use
of Blackboard CMS? - Is exciting to teach with objects, brain hands
gt cooperative learning. - By comparison, our standard intro physics courses
(with its a chapter a week model) are drier and
less stimulating. - Go into Studio Physics format.
- Q A