Title: On the Agenda Control Problem for Knockout Tournaments
1On the Agenda Control Problem for Knockout
- Thuc Vu, Alon Altman, Yoav Shoham
- thucvu, epsalon, shoham_at_stanford.edu
2Knockout Tournament
- One of the most popular formats
- Players placed at leaf-nodes of a binary tree
- Winner of pairwise matches moving up the tree
3Knockout Tournament Design Space
- Very rich space with several dimensions
- Objective functions
- Predictive power vs. Fairness vs. Interestingness
etc - Structures of the tournament
- Unconstrained vs. Balanced vs. Limited matches
- Models of the players/ Information available
- Unconstrained vs. Monotonic vs. Deterministic
etc - Sizes of the problem
- Exact small cases vs. Unbounded cases
- Type of results
- Theoretical vs. Experimental
4Related Works Axiomatic Approaches
- Objectives Set of axioms
- Delayed Confrontation, Sincerity Rewarded,
and Favoritism Minimized in Schwenk00 - Monotonicity in Hwang82
- Structure Balanced knockout tournament
- Model Monotonic
- The players are ordered based on certain
intrinsic abilities - The winning probabilities reflect this ordering
- Size Unbounded number of players
5Related Works Quantitative Approaches
- Objective function Maximizing the predictive
power - Probability of the strongest player winning the
tournament - Structure Balanced knockout tournament
- Model Monotonic
- Size Focus on small cases such as 4 or 8 players
- Appleton95, HorenRiezman85, and Ryvkin05
6Related Works Under Voting Context
- Election with sequential pairwise comparisons
- Model
- Deterministic comparison results Lang et al.
07 - Probabilistic comparison results Hazon et al.
07 - Structure
- Consider general, balanced, and linear order
- Objective function control the election
- Show that with balanced voting tree, some
modified versions are NP-complete - Computational aspects of other control methods
Bartholdi et al. 92Hemaspaandra et al. 07
7Our Work
- We focus on the following space
- Structure Knockout tournament with
- Unconstrained general structure
- Balanced structure
- Tournament with round placements
- Model of players
- Unconstrained general model
- Deterministic
- Monotonic
- Objective function
- Maximizing the winning probability of a target
8The General Model
- Given input
- Set N of players
- Matrix P of winning probabilities
- Pi,j probability i win against j
- 0 ? Pi,j1- Pj,i ? 1
- No transitivity required
- A general knockout tournament K defined by
- Tournament structure T binary tree
- Seeding S a mapping from N to leaf nodes of T
- ? Probability p(j,K) of player j winning
tournament K can be calculated efficiently
9The General Problem
- Objective function Find (T,S) that maximizes the
winning probability of a given player k - With the general model
- Open problem
- Optimal structure must be biased
10New result with structure constraint
- Balanced knockout tournament (BKT)
- Tournament structure is a balanced binary tree
- Can only change the seeding
- Theorem Given N and P, it is NP-complete to
decide whether there exists a BKT such that
p(k,BKT)d for a given k in N and d0
11How about deterministic model?
- Win-Lose match tournament
- Winning probabilities can be either 0 or 1
- Analogous to sequential pairwise eliminations
- Question Find (T,S) that allows k to win
- Complexity of this problem
- Without structure constraints, it is in P
Lang07 - For a balanced tournament, it is an open problem
12NP-hard with round placements
- Knockout tournament with round placements
- Each player j has to start from round Rj
- The tournament is balanced if Rj1 for all j
- Certain types of matches can be prohibited
- Theorem Given N, win-lose P, and feasible R, it
is NP-complete to decide whether there exists a
tournament K with round placement R such that a
given player k will win K
13Complexity Results
General Win-Lose
General Open (Biased) O(n2) Lang07
Balanced NP-hard Open
Round-placements NP-hard NP-hard
14Sketch of Proof
- Reduction from Vertex Cover
- Vertex Cover Given GV,E and k, is there a
subset C of V such that Ck and C covers E? - Reduction Method Construct a tournament K with
player o such that o wins K ltgt C exists - K contains the following players
- Objective player o
- n vertex players vi
- m edge players ei
- Filler players fr for o
- Holder players hrj for v
15Sketch of Proof (cont.)
vj ej fr hrt
o 1 0 1 0
vi arbitrary 1 if vi covers ej, 0 o.w. 0 1
ei - - 1 1
fr - - arb. 1
hrt - - arb.
16Three phases of the tournament
- Phase 1 (n-k) rounds
- o and vi start at round 1
- At each round r, there are (n-r) new holders hri
- o eliminates v not in C at each round
17Three phases of the tournament
- Phase 1 (n-k) rounds
- o and vi start at round 1
- At each round r, there are (n-r) new holders hri
- o eliminates v not in C at each round
Round 3
Round 2
18Three phases of the tournament
- Phase 1 (n-k) rounds
- o and vi start at round 1
- At each round r, there are (n-r) new holders hri
- o eliminates v not in C at each round
Round (n-k)
At most k vertex players remain
19Three phases of the tournament
- Phase 2 m rounds
- o plays against fr
- ej starts at round j and plays against the
covering v - The (k-1) remaining vi play against holders hri
k vertex players
Round 2
Round 1
(k-1) vertex players
20Three phases of the tournament
- Phase 2 m rounds
- o plays against fr
- ej starts at round j and plays against the
covering v - The (k-1) remaining vi play against holders hri
k vertex players remain iff all es eliminated
by vs
Round m
Round (m-1)
(k-1) vertex players
21Three phases of the tournament
- Phase 3 k rounds
- o eliminates the remaining vs
- At each round r, there are (k-r) new holders hri
- o wins the tournament iff all edge players were
eliminated by one of the k vertex players
22Three phases of the tournament
- Phase 3 k rounds
- o eliminates the remaining vs
- At each round r, there are (k-r) new holders hri
- o wins the tournament iff all edge players were
eliminated by one of the k vertex players
o wins the tournament iff there are k vertex
players at the beginning of phase 3
Round k
Round (k-1)
23Win-Lose-Tie Constraint
- Win-Lose-Tie (WLT) match tournament
- Winning probabilities can be 0, 1, or 0.5
- Question Find (T,S) that maximizes the winning
probability of a given player k - Complexity of this problem
- Without structure constraints, it is in P
- For a balanced tournament, it is an NP-complete
24Complexity Results
GeneralModel Win-Lose-Tie Win-Lose
General Structure Open (Biased) O(n2) O(n2) Lang07
Balanced Structure NP-hard NP-hard Open
Round-placements NP-hard NP-hard NP-hard
25Balanced WLT Tournaments
- Theorem Given N, and win-lose-tie P, it is
NP-complete to decide whether there exists a
balanced WLT tournament K such that p(k,K)d for
a given k in N and d0 - Sketch of Proof Similar to hardness proof for
round placement tournament - Need gadgets to simulate round placements
- Make sure any round placement at most O(log(n))
- Possible since the players can have ties
26How about Monotonic Model?
- Tournament with monotonic winning prob.
- Very common model in the literature
- The winning probability matrix P satisfies
- Pi,jPj,i1
- Pi,jPj,i for all (i,j) ij
- Pi,jPi,j1 for all (i,j)
- Open problem for both cases
- Balanced knockout tournament
- Without structure constraints
27NP-hard with Relaxed Constraint
- e-monotonic relax one of the requirements
- Pi,jPi,j1 e for all (i,j) with e gt 0
- Theorem Given N, and e-monotonic P, it is
NP-complete to decide whether there exists a
balanced tournament K such that p(k,K)d for a
given k in N and d0
28Complexity Results
General Win-Lose-Tie Win-Lose e-mono Mono
General Structure Open (Biased) O(n2) O(n2) Lang07 Open Open
Balanced Structure NP-hard NP-hard Open NP-hard Open
Round-placements NP-hard NP-hard NP-hard NP-hard Open
29Conclusions and Future Works
- Addressed the tournament design space
- Showed that for balanced tournament, the agenda
control problem is NP-hard - Even for win-lose-tie or e-monotonic
probabilities - Future directions
- Balanced tournament with deterministic results
- Approximation methods
- Other objective functions such as fairness or
30Thank you! Questions?
General Win-Lose-Tie Win-Lose e-mono Mono
General Structure Open (Biased) O(n2) O(n2) Lang07 Open Open
Balanced Structure NP-hard NP-hard Open NP-hard Open
Round-placements NP-hard NP-hard NP-hard NP-hard Open