Title: Hes Gonna Reign Forever
1Hes Gonna Reign Forever
Used by permission. CCLI402487
2Everyone with ears to hear Hes gonna reign
forever We will shout it loud and clear Hes
gonna reign forever Leaders rise and leaders
fall Hes gonna reign forever Jesus is the Lord
of all Hes gonna reign forever
3Of His kingdom theres no end Let our voices
ring We will shout it out again He is the King of
4Though this world could end today Hes gonna
reign forever In His kingdom we will stay Hes
gonna reign forever He is far above all things
Hes gonna reign forever With his glory heaven
sings Hes gonna reign forever
5Of His kingdom theres no end Let our voices
ring We will shout it out again He is the King of
6One day He will split the sky Hes gonna reign
forever Fire and mercy in His eyes Hes gonna
reign forever Every child He calls His own Hes
gonna reign forever Will humbly kneel before His
Throne Hes gonna reign forever
7Of His kingdom theres no end Let our voices
ring We will shout it out again He is the King of
8(No Transcript)