Title: Welcome to Print Journalism
1Welcome to Print Journalism
- 7th Grade
- Period 1 900-940
- Period 2 940-1020
- Period 3 1020-1100
- 8th Grade
- Period 5 1200-1245
- Period 6 1240-120
- Period 7 120-200
- Period 8 200-240
3Your final grade will be determined by the work
you complete in the following areas
- Project/Quiz 30
- Articles 25
- Homework 20
- Journals 15
- Participation 10
- Notebook
- Folder
- Flash Drive
5General Classroom Expectations Respect for Self I
will always do my best. I will positively
participate in all classroom activities. Respect
for Others I will stay on task without disturbing
or distracting others. I will not use put downs
or harass others. I will respect other peoples
differences or opinions. Respect for School I
will raise my hand to speak. I will enter and
exit the room quietly. I will complete all
assignments on time. I will actively listen when
the teacher is speaking
6Consequences and Rewards
- One Warning
- Check to Homebase Teacher
- Detention/Phone Call
- Removal from classroom-referral to the Dean
- Verbal Praise
- Positive phone call or letter home
- A reward decided by the class
7Computer Vandalism Any student who damages or
defaces the property of the school district shall
be subject to the penalties provided for such
offences by the statutes of the State of Illinois
and the Board of Education. The student
and/or/his/her/parent/guardian shall be compelled
to reimburse the Board of Education for the
damages thus committed. (Board Policy 5130.3)
8Internet Any student caught going to
inappropriate Web Sites or saving inappropriate
files onto their username will be referred to the
Dean of Students. Loss of Internet and computer
privileges may occur.
9Topics We Will Cover This Trimester Descriptive
Writing/Journal Writing Article writing Newspaper
exploration/ The newspaper today Comparing
different newspapers Photography Captions
Headlines Editorials Sports Page Features Design
Layout MS Publisher Producing a newspaper
8th Grade
10Topics We Will Cover This Trimester Descriptive
Writing/Journal Writing Exploring the
newspaper History of the newspaper Headlines Photo
graphy Captions Interviews Editing Article
writing MS Publisher design Movie
reviews Advertising Creating a newsletter Page
7th Grade
11Journals Journals will be completed every
day View the Photo of the Day You will have 6-8
minutes to complete your journal Descriptive
writing and opinion about photo Must be
dated Journals will be collected and graded every
other week You may keep your journals in the
12Homework Homework is always due the following
class period, unless given notice of extended
time At the beginning of class, place your
homework in the appropriate bin 1 day lateCheck
to Homebase Teacher 2 or more days late-5
points per day 3 or more missing assignments will
result in a phone call home Label all assignments
with period If you are absent, see me for
make-up days
13Extra Credit You will have extra credit
opportunities four times per Trimester.
Information will follow