Title: Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with Muslim Prayer Postural Changes
1Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated
withMuslim Prayer Postural Changes
G. Ryan Berger MD, Douglas L. MacKenzie MD, Malik
Y. Kahook MDRocky Mountain Lions Eye
InstituteUniversity of Colorado at Denver
Health Sciences CenterAurora, CO 80045
2Financial Disclosure
- None of the authors have financial relationships
relevant to the subject discussed
Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with
Muslim Prayer Postural Changes
- Practicing Muslims assume various positions
during daily prayer - Each of the five daily prayers take from five to
ten minutes, and additional prayers are performed
during important religious times of the year - In this study we investigate the effect of
positional changes during traditional Muslim
prayer on intraocular pressure (IOP) in normal
Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with
Muslim Prayer Postural Changes
- Twenty-one consecutive patients with no
historical or clinical evidence of intraocular
pathology other than cataracts
- Tonopen applanation was performed as part of the
routine eye exam and in each of the three basic
positions (standing, bowing, and kneeling) of
Muslim prayer - Analysis of variance and paired students t-test
were utilized to compare IOP between positions
Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with
Muslim Prayer Postural Changes
Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with
Muslim Prayer Postural Changes
- Bowing and kneeling led to significant increases
in IOP compared to that measured while seated - The mean IOP while bowing (19.47 /-1.95 mm Hg)
was greater than while seated (14.65 /-3.12 mm
Hg, plt0.0001) - Kneeling resulted in the greatest increase in
mean IOP (23.26 /- 2.49 mm Hg), and the change
was statistically significant (plt0.0001) when
compared to both seated and bowing positions - The increase in IOP while kneeling ranged between
4 and 16 mm Hg (Mean 8.85 /-3.73 mm Hg) for all
those tested
Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with
Muslim Prayer Postural Changes
- Dependent positions, such as those encountered
during yoga and other exercises, are known to
result in increased IOP - Muslim prayer requires individuals to bow and
kneel five times each day and appears to be
associated with IOP fluctuations - Those unable to assume prayer positions safely
are allowed to pray from a seated position
Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with
Muslim Prayer Postural Changes
- Muslim prayer positions appears to be associated
with significant fluctuations in IOP - Further studies are needed to better understand
the implications of repeated IOP fluctuations
during positional changes associated with Muslim
prayer, particularly in those who suffer from
Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with
Muslim Prayer Postural Changes
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Intraocular pressure changes and ocular biometry
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Aug113(8)1327-32 - Chiquet C, Custaud MA, Le Traon AP, et al.
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Intraocular Pressure Changes Associated with
Muslim Prayer Postural Changes