Title: Harnessing%20Energy%20
1Harnessing Energy Generating Excitement at
Your 1st Parent Meeting
Shana Moore, PTA President Castillero Middle
2What usually happens after the 1st meeting?
3Why?We cant just write the non-participants
off as flakes!
- The leaders role in this dynamic
- The year is already planned out
- Newcomers dont feel welcome
- People are turned away or never contacted
- Meetings are all about tasks efficiency
4Set The Vibe
- Establish an inviting and inclusive tone
- Charge board members committee chairs with role
of ambassadors at every meeting event - Make connect an invisible item on your agenda
- Actively solicit new ideas
5Specific Tactics for 1st Meeting
- Nametags! (at every meeting)
- Special recognition for new parents
- Year-at-a-glance
- Silent Auction for participants
- Create energy at the first meeting by having all
committee chairs present their events/programs
with a brief synopsis, date and time commitment.
Use actual silent auction paddles to have parents
bid on events theyd like to get involved with.
Have the secretary prepare a sign-in roster with
numbers that match the paddle numbers. Every time
someone raises their hand to get involved,
secretary logs their number as a contact for the
committee chair. Why? Sure, its easier to do a
time and talent survey, but this is much more fun
and creates a public energy to propel people to
say YES. -
- Why Were Here message
- (a combination of fear inspiration works best)
6Why Were Here, Explained
- Slides 7-15 are actual slides I used as a message
to incoming 6th grade families just entering
middle school. I wanted to let the parents know
that they had every reason to be afraid of this
transition, yet walk away motivated and empowered
to stay involved (both at home and at school).
Feedback from these parents that I received after
the presentation included remarks like this one.
I wasnt even planning on joining PTA, but now
Im not only joining but coming to the meetings.
- People need to know WHY their participation is
important and feel VALUED when they show up. It
is important for them to know that even though
there might not be enough busy work to keep
everyone occupied, just showing up to the events
and programs sends a huge message to their kids,
staff and other parents that they are part of a
caring and dynamic community and that you value
education and involvement.
7Parent Involvement atCastillero Middle School
8Why stay involved?
- Because your fears are justifiable!
9WHY youre scared
- Switch teachers every hour
- More personal accountability
- Influence of older teenagers
- It happens here, too
- First time school tracks grade point average
(GPA) - Hormones!
10The sobering statistics
- In a study by Search Institute, Bay Area middle
school students reported having only 18 of the 41
developmental assets that put them on the path to
success. A score of 31 or higher is considered to
be thriving. - Low scores HIGH risk behavior
11What YOU can do to help
- Say No to Facebook My Space
- Monitor texting
- Know your childs friends
- Make sure your child feels supervised
- Provide opportunities for good, clean fun
- Attend Castilleros monthly parent meetings
12The good news at Castillero
- Administration Reasonable, Knowledgeable Open
to change - Teachers Competent Caring
- Course offerings Bonanza of electives
- Parent Groups PTA, Foundation, music boosters,
Project Cornerstone, SELAC
13From Mr. Mac, beloved 7th and 8th grade social
studies teacher at Castillero
- Kids who have fun at school like coming to
school. When kids like coming to school, they do
better in school. When kids do better in school,
test scores go up. When test scores go up, we
attract better teachers. This ultimately even
affects real estate value.
14How you can get involved
- PTA Project Cornerstone
- Academic Foundation
- Music Boosters
- 3 School Dances
- Ice Breaker Day
- Student Appreciation Day
- Last Blast Carnival
- Family Fun Night Fundraisers
- Character Awards Lunches
- Principals Club Lunches
- Hospitality Staff Appreciation Committees
- Book Club (We still need a 6th grade parent!)
- Upstander Program
15 Its as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1- Join PTA
(Sep.9th _at_ 700 PM) 2- Be a part of our Project
Cornerstone parent group (Sep.9th _at_
630) 3- Join Castilleros Yahoo Group
16Why Were HereWhat parent involvement does for
- Connected parents help kids socially
- Shows you value education
- Helps you have a more rounded view of your child
- Socially acceptable way to be involved with older
17What parent involvement
does for US
- Stay informed older kids not as communicative
- Stay connected with parents in same phase of life
for validation and sharing ideas - Gives us a voice in programs that affect our
kids. - The school becomes a form of community for us, as
well, because when you step up to do whats right
for kids, you meet other people with similar
values. Its good for the kids and its good for