Title: EXCEL: Did you know you could
1EXCEL Did you know you could?
Use the Formula Palette to help create formulas?
MS EXCEL Click on an item to go directly to its
Copy your formatting from cell(s) to cell(s)?
Filter your records for easy queries?
Wrap text within cells?
Build vertical titles in Excel?
Use AutoFill to copy values, formulas or formats?
Add a calculator to the Excel Toolbar?
See all your Column Headings and/or Row Labels
even when you scroll?
2Using the Formula Pallette
Click on the cell where you want to formula to go
and click on the sign
Excel displays the Formula Palette directly below
the edit line. The Formula Palette prompts you
for each argument of the function you selected.
You can enter the arguments manually or (if they
are cell references) point to them in the
worksheet. The Formula Palette displays the
result. When you've specified all of the required
arguments, click OK.
The formula populates the cell
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3Copy Formatting from Cell to Cell
Click on the cell that has been formatted
Click on the Format Painter (paintbrush) icon
Click on the cell(s) that you want to have this
new format
Notice how these new cells have bold,
right-justified text
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4Filtering Records in Excel
Point your cursor on any cell within a range of
cells (this wont work if you have blank rows
within your spreadsheet Excel must recognize the
range as a series of records
Click on Data/ Filter/ AutoFilter
Notice that there are now drop-arrows in each
header column click on any of these arrows to
filter the list You can Choose all Top
10 Custom filter Any value in the list
If you choose custom, you can choose different
relationships and add a second set of criteria
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5Wrap Text within Cells
If you want all the text to show in a cell
without making the column any larger, you can
wrap the text
Click on the cell or range of cells or the
column, right-click and choose Format Cells
The Format Cells window will appear click on the
Alignment tab and click Wrap text
Notice that the text is now wrapped
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6Build Vertical Titles
Highlight the range of cells that you want the
vertical title to span
Right click and choose Format Cells
Click on Merge Cells and set the Orientation to
90 Degrees
Finish formatting the title
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7Using AutoFill
To copy formats, formulas or values, click on the
cell that contains the format, formula or value
Point to the bottom, right corner of the cell
when you do, the cursor will turn into a
Right click and drag the corner over all the
cells that you want to copy to.
You can choose Copy Cells to copy the whole
cell Fill Format top copy only the format without
the value Fill Value to copy only the value
without the format
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8Add a Calculator to your ToolBar
Click on View/ Toolbars/ Customize
On the Commands tab, choose Tools under
Categories, and Custom (the one with the gray
calculator graphic)
Drag the icon to your toolbar
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9Using Freeze Panes
Highlight the cell just under the Column Header
and to the right of the row you want to see always
Click on Window/ Freeze Panes
Notice the Vertical and Horizontal lines under
Row 1 and after Column A
Scroll up and down or right and left and the
column headers and row labels will stay
stationary for easy viewing of data
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