Title: Elementary Science
1Elementary Science
2Task Names - Elementary
- 1- Structure and Properties of Matter
- 2-Â Chemical and Physical Changes
- 3- Fundamental Forces and Motions
- 4- Interaction of Energy and Matter
- 5- Organism Characteristics and Needs
- 6- Transmission of Traits
- 7- Interdependence of Organisms in Environment
- 8- Diversity of Species and Adaptation
- 9- Structure of Earth and Material Use
- 10- Change in Lithosphere, Hydrosphere,
Atmosphere - 11- Earth, Sun, Moon
3Administration Big Picture
- Task Content
- Pre-requisite Skills
- Content Prompts
- Materials Preparation
- Scoring
- Anticipations and Possibilities
- Role Play
4 Task Content- Elementary
- Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 Matter, Chemical change, Force,
Energy - Tasks 5, 6, 7, 8 Organisms, Traits, Environment,
Adaptation - Tasks 9, 10, 11 Earth, Atmosphere, Moon, Sun
5 Pre-requisite Skills-Elementary
- Each of the pre-requisites for each task have a
similar sequence of difficulty - All can be answered by pointing or communicating
when the assessor is touching the correct item - Task 6, pre-requisite 5 needs the student
materials from task 5
6 Content Prompts- Elementary
- Picture prompts are used for all items in each of
the 11 tasks - All items in Tasks 1, 5, 8, 9, 11 can be answered
by pointing - Tasks 2, 3, 6, 10 have sequencing items
- Tasks 4 and 7 require verbal or written responses
7Materials Preparation- Elem.
- Task 1 - need to provide objects
- Tasks 2, 3, 6, 10 have student materials to cut
out (for sequencing) could point instead for some
8Science General Scoring
- Full credit
- Partial Credit
- Exceptions
- Open-ended questions
- Typically any one specific thing related to the
answer will count as 2 points - The answer should always be related to the
construct (title) of the task
9Anticipations and PossibilitiesElementary
- Pointing by student to pictures - majority of
responses in elementary science - Tasks 4 and 7 are the most difficult
- Graphics will be available with the final version
of the assessment
10Standard Administration and Scaffold
11Middle/High Science
12Task Names - Middle/High
- 1- Changes of State
- 2-Â Force, Mass, and Motion
- 3- Force/Gravity
- 4- Types of Energy/Transformations
- 5- Organisms/Structure
- 6- Energy Flow, Photosynthesis/Organisms
- 7- Heredity
- 8- Evolution, Selection, and Adaptation
- 9- Scientific Inquiry and Understanding
- 10- The Earth, Tectonics, and Climate
- 11- The Earth in Space, Water Cycle, Resources
13Task Content- Middle/High
- Tasks 1-3 Liquid, Solid-Changes, Force, Motion,
Gravity - Tasks 4-6 Energy, Photosynthesis, Organisms
- Tasks 7-8 Heredity, Evolution
- Task 9 Scientific Inquiry
- Tasks 10-11 Earth, Climate, Resources
14 Pre-requisite Skills- Middle/High
- Each of the pre-requisites for each task have a
similar sequence of difficulty - All can be answered by pointing or communicating
when the assessor is touching the correct item - Task 2, pre-requisite 4 add to direction or
show/tell me when I roll a pencil.
15 Content Prompts- Middle/High
- Picture prompts are used for the majority of
items - Tasks 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 have three or more
pointing items per task - Tasks 2, 6, 8, 11 require more verbal or
substitute means of answering questions
16 Content Prompts- Middle/High
- Rating of the Difficulty of Tasks (based on
initial content review) - Easier Tasks 3, 5
- Medium Tasks 7, 10
- Difficult Tasks 1, 2, 4, 9, 11
- Very Difficult Tasks 6, 8
17Science General Scoring
- Full credit
- Partial Credit
- Exceptions
- Open-ended questions
- Typically any one specific thing related to the
answer will count as 2 points - The answer should always be related to the
construct (title) of the task
18Materials Preparation- Middle/High
- Nothing to cut out except for possibly Task 3
item 5 - Need to provide a book for Task 2
19Anticipations and PossibilitiesMiddle/High
- Content Prompts of the 55 questions, 32
responses by students can be pointing to the
correct picture - Because of the constructs of the grade level
standards, this assessment may be more
challenging for students - Graphics will be available with the final version
20Standard Administration and Scaffold