Title: Salinity retrieval with scale model antenna pattern
1Salinity retrieval with scale model antenna
- S. Kim/F. Wentz
- Aquarius Workshop (GSFC)
- 2008.03
2Tb2 retrieval accuracy scale model (ascending)
Simple Faraday correction before additional
correction ?TB2/2 in Kelvin 2001 Solar
flux 2003 day 303 (IRI 2001 TEC) error reaches
/- 3-4K
Faraday angle
3Tb2 retrieval scale-model (descending)
Before additional correction error reaches
Faraday angle
4Scale model Tb1 retrieval accuracy (ascending)
Before additional Faraday correction
5Scale model Tb1 descending
Before additional correction
6?Tb2 (with scale model) Faraday rotation
- ?Tb2 is strongly related to Faraday rotation
- (theoretical model ?Tb2 is offset by 1.5K simple
correction T2 ?(T22T32))
Ascending horn 1 descending
Theoretical model
Scale model
Faraday angle
Faraday off Simple correction
Faraday off Simple correction
Faraday On Simple correction
Faraday On Simple correction
7Scale model antenna Stokes matrix (modified)
- scale model antennas off-diagonal term is 10-40
times larger than theoreticals
theoretical antenna IHORN 1 0.9777995 0.0222005 0.0018323 0.0000360 0.0236619 0.9763381 -0.0016604 -0.0001937 -0.0012777 0.0011429 0.9584791 0.0017800 -0.0003209 -0.0001290 0.0001374 0.9443555 IHORN 2 0.9698600 0.0301399 -0.0027432 -0.0008946 0.0281496 0.9718504 0.0045488 -0.0004253 -0.0016207 0.0014077 0.9382428 0.0007672 0.0001413 -0.0006906 -0.0013847 0.9365401 IHORN 3 0.9659594 0.0340406 0.0014531 0.0007880 0.0334903 0.9665097 -0.0021459 -0.0001634 -0.0014786 0.0013045 0.9091309 -0.0004642 0.0000453 0.0003553 -0.0006897 0.9228344
scale model antenna HORN 1(n1) 0.9853075 0.0168026 -0.0195433 -0.0085144 0.0154680 0.9870461 0.0065521 0.0043823 -0.0018744 -0.0224793 0.9034507 -0.2914306 0.0063599 -0.0261359 0.2846981 0.9142451 HORN 2(p0) 0.9793472 0.0251813 -0.0082843 -0.0003378 0.0222499 0.9820560 -0.0088156 -0.0069168 0.0027088 -0.0392866 0.9340240 0.0511001 -0.0127451 0.0026349 -0.0496169 0.9496149 HORN 3(p1) 0.9736289 0.0336871 -0.0206253 -0.0046420 0.0273845 0.9800099 0.0076234 0.0009958 0.0049451 -0.0272600 0.8377592 -0.3615281 0.0066785 -0.0258146 0.3477410 0.8623706
8Scale model antenna Stokes matrix (classical)
theoretical antenna IHORN 1 1.0000000 0.0000000 0.0001719 0.0002297 0.0000000 0.9541376 0.0034927 0.0002297 -0.0000674 -0.0012103 0.9584791 0.0002297 -0.0000960 -0.0002249 0.0001374 0.9443555 IHORN 2 0.9999999 -0.0000000 0.0018056 -0.0004693 -0.0000000 0.9417105 -0.0072920 -0.0004693 -0.0001065 -0.0015142 0.9382428 -0.0004693 0.0004160 -0.0002746 -0.0013847 0.9365401 IHORN 3 1.0000000 0.0000000 -0.0006928 0.0009514 0.0000000 0.9324691 0.0035990 0.0009514 -0.0000870 -0.0013916 0.9091309 0.0009514 -0.0001550 0.0002003 -0.0006897 0.9228344
scale model antenna HORN 1(n1) 1.0023122 -0.0002020 -0.0129912 -0.0128967 -0.0002020 0.9700415 -0.0260954 -0.0128967 -0.0121768 0.0103024 0.9034507 -0.0128967 0.0162479 -0.0098880 0.2846981 0.9142451 HORN 2(p0) 1.0044172 0.0001113 -0.0170999 0.0065790 0.0001113 0.9569861 0.0005313 0.0065790 -0.0182889 0.0209977 0.9340240 0.0065790 -0.0076900 -0.0050551 0.0496169 0.9496149 HORN 3(p1) 1.0073552 -0.0000392 -0.0130019 -0.0056378 -0.0000392 0.9462836 -0.0282487 -0.0056378 -0.0111575 0.0161026 0.8377592 -0.0056378 0.0162465 -0.0095681 0.3477410 0.8623706
9Errors in Faraday correction
- For uniform gain, no coupling, simple Faraday
correction gives
- With coupling ( based on Le Vine et al 07)
- The simple correction would produce
10Additional Faraday correction
- No exact way to deconvolve the Faraday effect
because of 4pi integration - The additional correction is applied after APC
(antenna pattern correction, A-matrix approach)
constant value for Tb1/Tb2 10,7,4 for
horn1,2,3 ?f (Faraday angle) is estimate as
11Performance of additional correction for Tb2
Faraday off
Faraday On Simple correction
Faraday On Additional Correction
Land fraction
12Performance of additional correction for Tb1
Faraday off
Faraday On Simple correction
Faraday On Additional Correction
Land fraction
13salinity retrieval accuracy after additional
14salinity retrieval scale model
- Scale model retrieval meets the SSS retrieval
requirement - Optimal case (SST gt 10C), land fraction lt 1e-3,
but with the strongest Faraday rotation effect of
a year and the strong solar effect
With scale model antenna pattern
?SSS(psu,6sec) mean std dev
Inner horn -0.005 0.23
Middle horn 0.054 0.21
Outer horn 0.019 0.21
With theoretical antenna pattern
?SSS (9sec) mean std dev
Inner horn -0.006 0.14
Middle horn -0.013 0.13
Outer horn -0.017 0.12
15salinity retrieval scale model
- All SST and land fraction lt 1e-3
With scale model antenna pattern
?SSS(psu) Mean std dev
Inner horn 0.013 0.44
Middle horn -0.032 0.44
Outer horn 0.052 0.41
With theoretical antenna pattern
?SSS mean std dev
Inner horn -0.007 0.28
Middle horn -0.010 0.27
Outer horn -0.016 0.26
16Practical considerations
- We dont know antenna pattern Faraday angle
- But these may be estimated
- By trial and error, determine Re(Gg)/G2
- -0.014, -0.018, -0.012 empirical
- -0.013, -0.019, -0.012 from scale-model pattern
- Faraday angle 0.5atan(ta3/ta2)
- Truth Faraday angle (forward simulation) works
slightly better than 0.5atan() - Nominal values of Tb1, Tb2 are ok
- Simulation of salinity retrieval is performed
using the scale model antenna pattern - Simple correction of the Faraday effect is not
sufficient, leaving up to 3-4K error in TB2
retrieval (in worst-case Faraday condition) - Additional Faraday correction is implemented
- Now TB1 and TB2 may be retrieved with less than
0.15K error - salinity may be retrieved with an accuracy better
than 0.2psu.