Title: Controlling the illegal elements of the motor trade
1Controlling the illegal elements of the motor
Peter Hiland, General Manager
Compliance Enforcement
2Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
Key principles of CAVs enforcement approach
- Proportionality
- Consistency
- Transparency
- Targeting
3Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
Enforcement objectives
- Stop the unlawful conduct
- MCTA s.33A
- FTA civil remedies
- Substantiation notices s.106A
- Show cause notices s.16B
- Suspension of licenses s.106C
- FTA remedies under Part 11
4Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
Enforcement objectives
- Secure compensation or other redress for those
affected by the unlawful conduct - VCAT compensation orders
- Sentencing Act 1991 compensation order
- Ensure compliance with the law
- Raise awareness of legislative requirements
through publicity of enforcement outcomes - Punish deter people from further breaches of
the law - Prosecution with criminal sanctions
- VCAT disciplinary proceedings
5Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
CAVs performance last 2 years
6Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
CAVs performance this year
7Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
Current matters
- Odometer tamper (x3)
- Unlicensed trading (x3)
- Consignment selling (x1)
- Failure to discharge a security interest (x1)
8Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
Enforceable undertakings
- Not a soft option
- Must address each of CAVs enforcement objectives
- Will be monitored
- Must contain acknowledgement of breach
- Will be publicised
- Will be enforced
9Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
10Controlling the illegal elements of the motor car
- Unfair terms
- Consumer contracts