Title: Imaging Photoelectron Dynamics in Doped Helium Nanodroplets
1Imaging Photoelectron Dynamics in Doped Helium
- Chia C. Wang
- Department of Chemistry, UC Berkeley
- Chemical Science Division, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory - APS California Meeting, Berkeley CA
- Oct 27, 2007
- Helios, God of light, discovered in 1868
- The second abundant element in universe
- The only substance remains liquid at almost 0 K
- Undergoes ?- transition at 2.18 K, exhibiting
3 Helium Nanodroplets
- Physical properties
- Helium clusters with 102 108 atoms
- nm scale
- Ultracold 0.37 K
- Finite-sized Superfluid gt 64 atoms
- Capability to dope foreign species
- General applications
- As an ideal spectroscopic medium
- As a platform to stablize transient species,
and to fabricate unusual complex
J. Peter Toennies, Andrey F. Vilesov Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed. 43, 2622 (2004).
4Helium Droplets Project at LBNL
- Goal To understand the coupling between charged
particles and He droplets -
- - How are photoelectrons generated
inside the droplets ? - direct or indirect? - - How is the ejected photoelectron
affected by He droplets? e-He coupling ? - - How does the electron transport in
the superfluid He droplets? any energy
dissipation? - Approach Photoionization
5Helium Droplets Machine
- Excitation scheme
- - VUV synchrotron radiation
- - or, UV laser
- - or, XUV (under construction)
- Detection method
- - Photoelectron imaging
- - Photofragment imaging
- - Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
6VUV Photoionization By Synchrotron Radiation
Beamline 9.0.2 at Advanced Light Source
- High intensity
- Tunability
- Single photon process
7Photoelectron spectrum of Xe doped in Helium
Ultraslow e-
Xe in vacuum, 21.6 eV
Xe in droplets, 21.6 eV
broad feature
Xe in droplets, 20.6 eV
Photoelectron Kinetic Energy
8Penning Ionization via Excitation Energy Transfer
He Droplets 2p state
atomic He 2p
- He 2p (1s2p 1P) state
- - 21.2 eV (atomic He)
- - 21.6 eV (He droplets)
N 1750
Total Ion Yield KrHen
N 550
N 200
N 120
N 50
Excitation Energy (eV)
M. Joppien, R. Karnbach, and T. Moller, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 71 (16), 2654 (1993)
J. H. Kim, D. S. Peterka, C. C. Wang, and D. M.
Neumark, J. Chem. Phys. 124 (21) (2006).
9PES of Xe doped in various sized He droplets at
21.6 eV
10Destiny of excited He droplets at 1P state
- Transfer excitation to foreign species
- Decay to lower excited state
- 2p 3P0,1,2, 2s 1S0, 2s 3S1 states
- Fluorescence
11Competition of excitation transfer between 1P1
and 1S0 state
- indirect pathways more efficient
- - He atoms act as antenna
- decaying to 1S state
- compete with excitation transfer
- Dipole-dipole hopping transfer
12Post ionization dynamics
- Electron transport and escape
- Energy dissipation?
- Formation of electron bubble ?
- Electron-ion recombination effect ?
13 Photoelectron relaxation in the droplet
- Broad feature shows
- Strong Helium droplets size dependence
- Independence of dopant species and
- pickup cell pressure
- Maximum shifts to higher eKE as increasing
size - A cut-off edge shows clearly at largest
Photoelectron Kinetic Energy
14Freedom isnt free !
- Minimum energy required to move freely in He
He droplets radius (Å)
15Across the borderline
- A barrier caused by the Coulomb interaction near
the interface - Responsible for the appearance of ultraslow
electrons - (observed in both pure and doped He
Crandall and Williams, Phys. Rev. A., 5, 2183
Pure 0.6 meV
Kr doped 1.0 meV
Xe doped 1.6 meV
eKE (meV)
eKE (meV)
eKE (meV)
16Coming soon Ultrafast XUV Photoelectron
Imaging of He droplets
- Prof. Daniel M. Neumark
- Dr. Darcy S. Peterka
- Dr. Jeong Hyun Kim
- Dr. Musa Ahmed
- Dr. Oleg Kornilov
- Dr. Oliver Gessner
18TOF- MS of Kr and Xe doped helium droplets
- Photon energy dependence -
Xe (a) 21.6 eV
Kr (a) 21.6 eV
(b) 22.75 eV
(b) 22.8 eV
(c) 25.5 eV
(c) 25.5 eV
Jeong Hyun Kim, Darcy Peterka, Chia Wang and
Daniel Neumark J. Chem. Phys. 124, 214301
Mass (amu)
19At 21.6 eV - Excitation Transfer Rules !
20Formation of Helium Droplets
Droplet Temperature
J. Peter Toennies, Andrey F. Vilesov Angew.
Chem. Int. Ed. 43, 2622 (2004).
Nozzle Temperature
J. Harms, M. Hartmann, B. Sartakov, J. P.
Toennies, and A. F. Vilesov, J. Chem Phys 110
(11), 5124 (1999).
21Picking-up dopants of interest
- He droplets passes through a pick-up cell
- containing 10-6 - 10-5 torr of the species
- Probability for picking up k particles
- is given by Poisson distribution
- Pk(z) (Z)k / k! exp(-Z)
- Z average number of collision