Title: Chapter 1 The Geographers World
1Chapter 1 The Geographers World
- I. Geographers look at the world
2I. Geographers look at the world
- A. The 5 themes of geography
3A. Themes of geography
- Location - tells where a place is on the surface
of the Earth
4A. Themes of geography
- Location
- Absolute location (site) - a precise place, the
exact spot where something is found
1101 Bastogne Avenue, Ft. Campbell, KY 36 40' N
87 29' W
5A. Themes of geography
- Location
- Relative location (situation) - the position of
a place in relation to other places
High School
6A. Themes of geography
- Place
- Special characteristics make every place
different from other places
7A. Themes of geography
- Place
- Can be described in terms of its physical
characteristics land features, weather, plants,
and animals
8A. Themes of geography
- Place
- Can be described in terms of its human
characteristics peoples, cultures, ideas
Hotel in Yosemite National Park
9A. Themes of geography
- Human-environment interaction
- How people and the environment interact
10A. Themes of geography
- Human-environment interaction
- How people adapt to or change their environment
11A. Themes of geography
- Movement
- People, goods, and ideas move continuously -
also known as spatial interaction
12A. Themes of geography
- Movement
- People meet their needs by traveling or trading
13A. Themes of geography
- Movement
- As the amount of movement and kinds of
transportation change, so do other geographic
14A. Themes of geography
- Region
- An area defined by common characteristics
Tuareg village in the Sahel
15A. Themes of geography
- Region
- Regions can be defined by more than one
Climate Religion Language
16A. Themes of geography
- Regions can be either formal or functional
17A. Themes of geography
- A formal region is an area in which a certain
- characteristic is found
Bible Belt
Corn Belt
18A. Themes of geography
- A functional region is a central place and the
- surrounding places affected by it
New York Metropolitan Area
19B. Geographers help in many ways
- Help solve world problems such as
- drought or flooding
20B. Geographers help in many ways
- Help solve world problems such as
- air, land, and water pollution
21B. Geographers help in many ways
- Help solve world problems such as
- environmental degradation
Bird's eye view of environmental degradation in
22(No Transcript)
23II. The Wide World of Geography
24A. Branches of geography
- Human geography -
- The study of how people and their activities
vary from place to place
25A. Branches of geography
- Human geography -
- Includes political, economic, and cultural
26A. Branches of geography
- Physical geography
- The study of how Earths natural features vary
from place to place
27A. Branches of geography
- Physical geography
- Includes the study of landforms, weather and
climates, and plants and animals -
28B. Geography as a profession
- Cartography
- Branch that studies maps and the art of
29B. Geography as a profession
- Cartography
- Computers have revolutionized map production
30B. Geography as a profession
- Cartography
- The U.S. Geological Survey is largest employer
of cartographers
USGS Cartographer using stereoplotter to make a
topographic map
USGS cartographer measuring elevation
31B. Geography as a profession
- Cartography
- The USGS produces all topographic maps for the
32B. Geography as a profession
- Meteorology
- Field of geography that specializes in weather
and weather forecasting
33B. Geography as a profession
- Meteorology
- The TV weather person is a meteorologist
34B. Geography as a profession
- Applied geography
- Researchers map and analyze environmental
35B. Geography as a profession
- Applied geography
- Environmental managers that suggest land usage
or investigate misuse
36B. Geography as a profession
- Applied geography
- Geographers help determine locations for new
stores, airline or truck routes, or to identify
new markets
37B. Geography as a profession
- Teaching geography
- Geographic knowledge is necessary for good
citizenship -
38B. Geography as a profession
- Teaching geography
- Geography teachers help develop an informed and
aware public -