Title: Risk Compensation
1Risk Compensation
- Elizabeth Braun
- University of Idaho
The engineering definition of risk is
2Risk Compensation
- Homeostasis
- Risk Homeostasis
- Risk Homeostasis Theory
- Opponents
- Walter B. Cannon (1929)
- Greek words same steady
- Dynamic process
- Matches actual output to a target
- Self-correcting using negative feedback
4Homeostasis Model
Expected Costs and Benefits of Alternative
Desired (set) Temperature
Desired Adjustment a-b 0
Quality of Switch Function, Inertia
Temperature Reading on Thermometer
Adjustment Action
Sensitivity of Thermometer
Heating Capacity of Furnace
Resulting House Temperature
Lagged Feedback
5Risk Homeostasis
- GSR Galvanic Skin Response
- Electrodemal response (EDR)
- change in skin conductance (electrical
resistance) - Measure of degree of risk, fear, anger, sexual
feelings - One component of polygraph
6Risk Homeostasis
- Donald Taylors Driver study
- Accident rate per vehicle mile
- GSR rate per mile
- Average Speed
- Driver Study Correlations
- Between Accident rate per vehicle mile GSR rate
per mile - 0.61- 0.89 - Between Accident rate per vehicle mile Average
Speed - -0.67 - -0.74 - Between GSR rate per mile Average speed - -0.75
- -0.92 - Drivers kept risk stable
7Risk Homeostasis Theory
Perceived Costs and Benefits of Action
Target Level of Risk
Desired Adjustment a-b 0
Decision making skills
Adjustment Action
Vehicle handling skills
Perception skills
Perceived Level of Risk
Car Road Design
Resulting Accident Toll
Lagged Feedback
8Risk Homeostasis Theory
9Motivating Factors
- Risky Behavior
- Expected Advantages
- Expected Costs
- Safe Bahavior
- Expected Benefits
- Expected Costs
10Risk Homeostasis Theory
Perceived Costs and Benefits of Action
Target Level of Risk
Desired Adjustment a-b 0
Decision making skills
Adjustment Action
Vehicle handling skills
Perception skills
Perceived Level of Risk
Car Road Design
Resulting Accident Toll
Lagged Feedback
11Target Level of Risk
- Deliberately Pursued vs. Passively Accepted
- Long-lasting
- cultural, economy, socio-economic status,
incentives to be accident free, occupation, age,
gender - Shorter-term
- Purpose, arrival urgency,
- pre-occupations, mood, fatigue, alcohol
- Momentary
- Traffic, good progress
12Risk Homeostasis Theory
- Perceived Level of Risk
- Past Experience
- Persons assessment
- Degree of confidence
- Comparator
- Just Noticeable Difference
- Immediate effects
- Long-term effects
- Risk under / over estimators
Target Level of Risk
Perceived Level of Risk
13Risk Homeostasis Theory
Decision making skills
- Resulting Accident Toll
- Sum of actions
- Implications
- Accident
- Risk
- Skills
Adjustment Action
Vehicle handling skills
Car Road Design
Resulting Accident Toll
Perception skills
Perceived Level of Risk
14Risk Homeostasis Theory
- Explains accident rate
- Closed Loop process between loss caution
- Motivate by accident counter measures to act more
safely - Reduce peoples willingness to take risks
Perceived Costs and Benefits of Action
Target Level of Risk
15Art of effective safety management is the art of
reducing the target level of risk
Target Level of Risk
- This theory is so bizarre...not a theory
- A more productive approach determine under
which conditions behavior is altered to maintain
level of risk - As credible as the flat earth hypothesis
- ONeill, B Williams, A, (1998). Risk
homeostasis hypothesis a rebuttal. Injury
Prevention, 4, 92-93. - All the data examined are found to be
incompatible with the risk homeostasis theory - Evans, L, (1996) Risk homeostasis theory and
traffic accident data. Risk Analysis, 6,1,81-94.
- Objective Personality Test
- Hergovich, A, et al. (2004). Zur dimensionalität
und konstukvalidität eine videobasierten,
objektiven persönlichkeitstests zur messung der
risikobereitschaft im straßenverkehr (The
construct validity of a video based, objective
personality test as a measure of risk-taking in
traffic) Zeitschrift für differentielle und
diagnostische psychologie, 25, 2