Title: Exercise 2 SDD
1- Exercise 2 SDD
- Due date 10.12.04
- The specification should contain the following
- Class Diagram
- Component Diagram
- Statecharts (for some complicated scenarios)
- Activity Diagrams (for some complicated
scenarios) - Sequence Diagrams (for some complicated
scenarios) - Timing Diagram (for some complicated scenarios)
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3Exercise can we determine whether the following
tasks are schedulable using RMS?
4Reminder The RMS Critical Zone Theorem
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6Utilization bound 3 (2 1/3 - 1)
0.78 Tasks are schedulable!
7Lecture 6Task Synchronization and Resource
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13Bounding Priority Inversion
In this case the priority inversion is bounded by
the maximum time a lower priority task can block
a higher priority task.
142. Highest Priority Locker
153. Priority inheritance protocol
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17The deadlock problem.
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25Dekkers algorithm Uses explicit signaling of the
right of the other task to enter its critical
26- If class_0 is granted to enter its critical
section, then claim0 returns true. - When class_1 wants to enter its critical section,
it asks if claim_0 is free and if turn1. If
claim_0 is free and turn1, then class_1 enters
the critical section. When class_1 finishes, it
sets turn0 and claim_1 free. - If claim_0 is busy and turn1, then class_1 loops
and waits for explicit permission. - If claim_0 is busy and turn0, then class_1 frees
claim_1 and will try later again.
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28- Spinlocks
- It is a locking construct in which the calling
tasks loops iteratively, trying to lock a
resource. - This makes sense only in multiprocessor
environment, because when the caller spins, it
burns CPU cycles and does not allow the current
resource owner to release the semaphore. - Usefull when resources are locked for short
periods, but is overhead when reources are locked
to long period. - Limited spinlock the loop is limited to a
maximum number of iterations before it gives up
and becomes blocked.
29- Condition Variable
- Used to synchronize a task, when the task must
wait for event to occur. - A task waits on some condition in a sleeping
state and is signaled when the predicate
condition is changed.
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31If RTOS does not provide condition variables,
they can be implemented
32- Barrier
- Is a conditional variable in which the predicate
on which the task waits is a specific number of
tasks that are currently blocked on the condition
variable. - This allows the tasks to meet at some
synchronization point and continue only when all
synchronizing tasks are ready.
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35Theoretical Analysis
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39It means that 10,000,000 cycles are executed in 1
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43Analysis of aperiodic events
44- Ineffective for high-priority, short-deadline
aperiodic events. - The handling of the event is delayed until the
next polling cycle.
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48Low Level Programming
49 Hardware Watchdog example Watchdog timer in
VxWorks -Allows C function to be connected to a
specific time delay. -Is invoked as part of the
system clock ISR, meaning that at the systems
clock interrupt level. All restrictions on ISRs
apply to routines connected to watchdog
timer. wdCreate() - create a watchdog
timerwdDelete() - delete a watchdog
timer wdStart() - start a watchdog
timerwdCancel() - cancel a currently counting
50In the fragment below, if maybeSlowRoutine( )
takes more than 60 ticks, logMsg() will be called
with the string as a parameter, causing the
message to be printed on the console. Normally,
of course, more significant corrective action
would be taken. WDOG_ID wid wdCreate ()
wdStart (wid, 60, logMsg, "Help, I've timed
out!") maybeSlowRoutine () / user-supplied
routine / wdCancel (wid)
51Software Watchdog example
void WdClassInit() taskSpawn( "tLX",
/ task name /
WD_LO_TASK_PRIORITY, / task priority /
NULL, / task option word
/ WD_TASK_STACK_SIZE, / stack size
(bytes) / WdTaskFnGW, / task
entry point / 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 )
/ optional params / taskSpawn( "tHX",
/ task name /
WD_LO_TASK_PRIORITY, / task priority /
NULL, / task option word
/ WD_TASK_STACK_SIZE, / stack size
(bytes) / WdTaskFnGW, / task
entry point / 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 )
/ optional params /
52Software Watchdog example
STATUS WdClassWdTaskFnGW( ) return (
(this)-gtWdTaskFn() )
53Software Watchdog example
STATUS WdClassWdTaskFn() while ( true
) taskDelay( 2SECOND ) // Wait between
cycles // Check if low priority task got cpu
in last 'sw_wd_timeout_' seconds UINT32 now
tickGet() UINT32 delta (now -
low_pr_task_act_time)/sysClkRateGet() if( delta
gt sw_wd_timeout_ ) logMsg(Help, Ive timed
out!) taskDelay( SECOND ) UINT32 now
tickGet() low_pr_task_act_time now
54Software Watchdog example
SysInit() WdClass software_watchdog sof
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72- Different methods are used for controlling when
interrupts occur. - The following mechanisms are used to ensure that
interrupts are handled in the correct order - status-word-control device or program status
word that enables /disables interrupts of
particular devices. - mask control bit mask control indicates which
interrupts can be handled and which ones
are blocked. - level control processor interrupt level
indicates that devices of higher level
may interrupt.
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74- Architectural design of device I/O drivers
- Contents
- Mutual Exclusion for Device Access
- Synchronous I/O model
- Asynchronous I/O model
- Latest Input only driver
- Simple Asynchronous Output Driver
- Double-Buffered Input Data Driver
- Serial Input Data Spooler Driver
- Zero Copy DMA Input Spooler Driver
- Printer (Output) Spooler Driver
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76- Device driver may ensure use by no more than one
task at a time. - Use Mutex, semaphore or message queue.
- Example mutual exclusion for single device write
operation. - -Dev_Init() calls to sm_create() and sets initial
value of semaphore to available. - -Dev_Write() calls to sm_take() before the access
to device. - -Dev_Write() call to sm_give() after access to
77- Example 1 Synchronous I/O Model
- Calling task is blocked until I/O transaction is
completed. All the other tasks or ISRs may
- StartIODeviceOperation() HandleHardwareData()
- semTake() semGive()
- //wait for a signal //signal completion
- GetDeviceData END
78- Example 2 Asynchronous I/O Model
- Calling task is not blocked while I/O is taking
- Rcq_recv(D_IN, WAIT ) TransferData
- StartNextInputOperation q_send(D_IN)
- Process D_IN data //send new data
79- Example 3 Free Running Asynchronous Input
- Calling task is not blocked while I/O is taking
place. But hardware can deliver inputs repeatedly
without software request. - READ_OPERATION
- Rcq_recv(D_IN, NOWAIT ) TransferData
- Process D_IN data q_send(D_IN)
- //send new data
80- Example 4 Handling Latest Input Only
- In previous examples an old data is taken. A data
can be queued up and become very old. - To solve we use protected shared data area.
- Protected shared data protects from access
collisions using a Binary Semaphore. - Data Area contains latest measured data only. Old
data is overwritten. - Input device hardware can be free running, giving
interrupts whenever ready.
81sem_take(mysm,SM_WAIT) Read data from shared
data area End access Sem_give(mysm)
/new data is available/ sem_take(mysm,SM_NOWAIT)
If semaphore OK, Write to shared data
area End access sem_give(mysm_ Else EndIF
82- Example 5 Double Buffered Input Data
- One buffer being filled while the other being
processed. - Works OK if buffer processing completes before a
new buffer is filled.
83- Example 6 Serial Input Data Spooler
- Characters arrive via individual interrupts.
Get next message( q_receive() )
Return the buffer( pt_retbuf() )
Queue this message ( q_send() ) Request new
84- Example 6 Zero Copy DMA Input Spooler
- Direct DMA interface to transfer data directly
/Interrupt current buffer full/
Get next message( q_receive() )
Send message ( q_send() ) Request new
buffer(pt_getbuf(NOWAIT)) Direct DMA interface to
new buffer
Return data block( de_read() )
Return the buffer( pt_retbuf() )
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