Title: The Cultivate Character Pack
1The Cultivate Character Pack
You can make your presentations stand out from
the crowd with the Cultivate Character Pack
By adding faces and expression to the story you
want to tell.
2Interpret the Characters
Each character has been posed 15 ways, and then
photographed from 10 different angles. However
some interpretation is needed.
Let my friend Desmond illustrate
3Confident. Poses 1-10
This is pose 1, the first pose from the first
Now Ive got a great idea
And it could represent
For instance Desmond could be saying
4Confident. Poses 1-10
But in another context it could be
Now Ive got a great idea
And Desmond could be saying
Theres no way Im doing that
5Confident. Poses 1-10
Guys, we can do this
Thats just the beginning of the possibilities
Now Ive got a great idea
Say that again and youre in trouble
I know the figures look bad, but if we persist
well succeed
Theres no way Im doing that
Ok, lets get this problem sorted out
6Confident. Poses 1-10
Then you can view the pose from one of 10 angles,
depending on the perspective of your background
All the characters follow this pattern, including
7Questioning. Poses 11-20
I dont understand that
Questioning is the next pose, and is found in
shots 11-20.
That cant be right
Youre joking, right?
I dont know who did it.
It wasnt me
8Questioning. Poses 11-20
Remember you can view the pose from a different
My image here is number 80 in my folder, whilst
Desmonds is 20 in his.
The second digit of the pose number (0) matches,
indicating the camera angles are the same, so
your picture will look consistent
9Relaxing. Poses 21-30
Desmond relaxes..
I suppose that could be the case
This pose is found across shots 21-30
That was hard work.
Ok. Lets go!
Sure, that sounds like a good plan
Gentle explanation
Actually I think its like this
10Reflecting. Poses 31-40
Thats a good point
Desmond Reflects. This pose is found across
shots 31-40
How could it have been different?
Will the 18.45 get me home in time, or should I
catch the earlier train
And remember all the characters, including me
follow this pattern of poses
Surely, thats not right?
11Greeting. Poses 41-50
Hi, how are you?
Desmond offers an outstretched hand, in this
greeting pose.
Im so glad you could join us
Speaking to a group
So do you think Hamlet was mad?
Its over this way
12Explaining. Poses 51-60
13Seated. Poses 61-70
14Reserved. Poses 71-80
This list isnt exhaustive, just suggestive,
youll find many other contexts where these poses
will communicate something else
15You may have noticed a sense of time and
progression through this presentation
PowerPoint can animate elements of your slides
it works especially well with speech bubbles.
16You can specify the order objects appear. To find
the feature, look in the Slide Show pull down menu
17Lets move on to a few more poses
18Skeptical. Poses 81-90
19Teaching. Poses 91-100
20Presenting. Poses 101-110
21Looking at the time. Poses 111-120
22There are a lot of these poses, I know
But it all gets richer when you put us together
And create a scene
23So when can you do lunch Desmond?
Next Tuesday!
How about next Tuesday?
24Looking at P.D.A. Poses 121-130
Lets take a look at the last few poses
25With file. Poses 131-140
26Seated in a chair. Poses 141-150
27We hope youve enjoyed this tour of the character
Finally, when you add in a background it looks
even better
That your audience will remember long after the
session has finished
And look forward to helping you create compelling