Title: tt spin correlations with semileptonic channel
1tt spin correlations with semileptonic channel
F. Hubaut, E. Monnier, P.
Pralavorio CPPM 01/2004 Top WG meeting
- Goal
- Update the tt spin correlation study in
semileptonic channel using production and decay
density matrices - Reminder
- Last meeting, we reproduced our Prague
colleagues dileptonic results at the parton level - Since last meeting
- Tools upgrade for semileptonic analysis
- Event topology reconstruction
first results
- Standard PYTHIA does not include spin
correlations - Upgraded to Toprex4.1 and Pythia6.221 with
Atlfast2.60, Tauola2.6, Photos2.5
- Use TOPREX (developed by CMS) with LO full
density matrices - Pythia for hadronization, fragmentation and
decays - Tauola package for t decays
- Generalist can do single top, Higgs resonance,
rare top decays (FCNC, t Hb), - Evolutive (future integration in Athena
3Event generation and reconstruction
- 2 processes in Toprex are well suited
- CTEQ5L structure function set
- 5.4fb-1 of events in the semileptonic channel
with process 20, with process 50, and with
standard Pythia 6.221, w/wo ISR/FSR (no
pile-up) - Events reconstructed with Atlfast2.60
- process 20 tt production in the Breit-Wigner
approach with off-shell W bosons - process 50 tt production in the on-shell
approximation, with the possibility to switch on
an intermediate Higgs resonance (switched off in
the following)
can help to understand the theoretical
4Asymmetry coefficient
- T (T-) angle between chosen spin axis and
spin analyzer direction in the t(t) rest frame.
Spin axis is t(t) direction in the parton c.m.s.
(helicity basis) - 9 ltCosT CosT-gt unbiased estimator for the
asymmetry coefficient A, which measures the spin
correlations - leptonic side lepton (?1)
- hadronic side W or b (?0.4)
- least energetic jet (lej) (?0.5)
A-0.33? ?-
Standard Pythia Mean 0.00?0.02 A
In the following, statistical errors 0.02
9 CosT CosT-
5Asymmetry at parton level
(lej as hadronic spin analyzer)
Toprex 20
Toprex 50
- Toprex reproduces the LHC expected asymmetry
(-0.3310.5) - Good agreement between Toprex processes
6tt invariant mass
Higher asymmetry for low tt invariant mass
(lej as hadronic spin analyzer)
Mtt (GeV)
All events
Mtt lt 500GeV
Cut on Mtt can increase asymmetry
7Signal reconstruction
(similar to top mass analyses)
- Selection
- 1 lepton gt 20GeV (?lt2.5)
- PTmiss gt 20GeV
- at least 4 jets gt 40GeV (?lt2.5)
- at least 2 b jets among them
- Reconstruction
- Jet calibration and B-tagging are performed with
Atlfast-B - Select the 2 non-b jets with Mjj closest to MW
- Select the b jet with Mjjb closest to Mt
- Use PTmiss for the PT? and compute Pz? by
constraining Ml? to Mw - Select the b jet closest to the lepton
- Select the ? with Ml?b closest to Mt
- Quality cuts
- Select events with lMwREC - Mwl lt 20GeV and
lMtREC - Mtl lt 35GeV - Cut on Mttlt500GeV
all cuts 2 efficiency (25 kevents
after cuts)
8Mass reconstructions
Hadronic W
Mean 80.4 GeV Sigma 6.0 GeV
Hadronic top
Leptonic top
Mean 173.1 Sigma 10.7
Mean 172.4 Sigma 10.9
- in agreement with top mass paper
- same results with Toprex or Pythia
- spin correlations do not influence
top mass reconstruction
9Asymmetry results
(lej as hadronic spin analyzer)
- at all levels good agreement toprex20/toprex50
and Pythia compatible with 0 (error 0.02) - Asymmetry still mesurable after reconstruction
- Necessary to study the systematics induced by
cuts and reconstruction
10Idem without ISR/FSR
- without ISR/FSR, reconstruction level similar to
parton level after cuts - ISR/FSR dilute asymmetry
11W or b instead of lej as spin analyzer
- W (or b) is a less powerful spin analyzer
- different sensitivity to systematics?
- Production of semileptonic events performed with
Toprex4.1 Pythia6.221 Atlfast2.60 for tt
spin correlation studies - Analysis at parton level gives expected results,
as for dileptonic channel - Event topology reconstruction performed good
agreement with top mass paper - Asymmetry still measurable after reconstr., even
if ISR/FSR degrade it
Our semileptonic results Our semileptonic results Our semileptonic results Our semileptonic results
Pythia Toprex, lej Toprex, W
No ISR/FSR -0.02 ?0.02 -0.20 ?0.02 -0.17 ?0.02
ISR/FSR 0.03 ?0.02 -0.15 ?0.02 -0.08 ?0.02
Prague dileptonic results Prague dileptonic results Prague dileptonic results Prague dileptonic results
ISR/FSR -0.07 ?0.02 -0.18 ?0.02 -0.18 ?0.02
(statistical errors only, no background)
- Near term
- study systematics
- include background (S/B70 after cuts), pile-up
- Look at angles in laboratory frame (less
sensitive to systematics) - sign correlation effects
- easier at beginning of data taking
- Perform a likelihood on normalised shapes (as
Toprex/Pythia) with a well tuned MC (acceptance
effects, ) - get absolute asymmetry measurement
14Asymmetry results
(lej as hadronic spin analyzer)
- at all levels good agreement toprex20/toprex50
and Pythia compatible with 0 (error 0.02) - Asymmetry still mesurable after reconstruction
- Necessary to study the systematics induced by
cuts and reconstruction
15W or b instead of lej as spin analyzer
- W (or b) is a less powerful spin analyzer
- different sensitivity to systematics?