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1Social Policy in a Development Context The case
of Brazil
UNRISD Workshop on Social Policy in a Development
Context Social Policy in Late Industrializers A
Comparative Study of Latin America Santiago,
Chile, 13-15 October 2003
Sônia Miriam Draibe UNICAMP
2Brazil. Some Social Indicators 1 1940-2000
3Brazil. Some Social Indicators 2 1940-2000
4Brazil, 2002. Social Inequalities Indicators
5Brazil, Social Inequality Indicators
 2002. Schooling attendance by age groups and by
quintiles of family per capita income ()
6Brazil 2003. Racial Inequality
7Brazil. Poverty Indicators
8BRAZIL Some Economic and Social Indicators
9Brazil 1930-2000Political and socieconomic
10The Brazilian Social Policy System A
- 1930-1985 - Emergence and institucionalization
- 1930-1964 Emergence and fragmented expansion
- 1930-1943 Emergence
- 1943-1964 Fragmented and selective
expansion - 1964-1978 Institutional consolidation, massive
expansion - 1964-1967 - Institutional consolidation
- 1967-1977 Massive expansion
- 1978-1985 Political liberalization - crisis
11The Brazilian Social Policy System A
- The first cycle of reforms
- 1985-1989 Democratic Transition, economic
crisis - 1985-1998 - The new agenda s formation
process - 1988 - Restructuring the SPS the New
Constitution - 1988 -1990 - Conservative Stagnation
- The second cycle of reforms
- 1990-2002 - Democratic Consolidation, Economic
Adjustment and Pro-market Reforms - 1990-1993 - Neoliberal Inflexion the Collor
era - 1993-1994 - Limited Stabilization
- 1995-2002 - Liberal reforms under the
universalistic model
12Brazil. 2003. Brazilian Welfare State Morphology
13Brasil 2002. Gross Tax Revenues by Levels of
Government and Major (selected) Tax Sourcesas
percentage of GDP
14BRAZIL Social Funds / Contributions
15Brazil, 1995. Consolidated public spending in the
social sphere, by tier of administration and
social area - make-up and percentage of GDP
Sources IPEA/DIPOS based on the SIAFI/SIDOR
systems for the Federal Government, IBGE/DECNA
for state and municipal administrations
16Brazil. Social Policies Reform1995-2002
17Brazil. Cash benefits to Poor Families and
Subsided Transfers
18Brasil, 1990/1999. Education coverage Age group
19School Atendance by age groups()