Title: Learning Environments in Pedagogical Thinking
1Learning Environments in Pedagogical Thinking
Kaisa Vähähyyppä 2008 www.oph.fi
2New learning environments Do we need new
pedagogical thinking as well?
- The aim is to make such learning as occurs
outside the school (building) a solid part of the
curriculum - and to set up a functional network to
support childrens and youngsters learning - .
3Aspects of learning environments
4Aspects of learning environments
5Aspects of learning environments
- Local
- linking diverse local actors to
6Aspects of learning environments
- Local
- libraries
- cultural organisations
- communities
- associations
- sports organisations
- homes
- .
7Aspects of learning environments
- Local
- libraries
- cultural organisations
- communities
- associations
- sports organisations
- homes
- .
- Where should ICTs be?
- positioning
- tasks before and after visits
- measuring
- reporting
- keeping contact
8Aspects of learning environments
- Local
- libraries
- cultural organisations
- communities
- associations
- sports organisations
- homes
- .
- Where should ICTs be?
- positioning
- tasks before and after visits
- measuring
- reporting
- keeping contact
But we can work with a learning environment also
without any ICTs at all!
9Aspects of learning environments
- Physical
- school building, school yard, furniture,
placement of furniture .... - learning while playing
10Aspects of learning environments
- Facebook
- SecondLife
- IRC Gallery
- Wikipedia
- blogs, wikis
- .
- learning on the Net
- themes of learning
- mobile learning
- positioning systems
- virtual worlds
- games
- ....
11Aspects of learning environments
- Social
- - the social network within which learning takes
place. Social learning environments are
influenced by all people who take part in the
learning situation, as well as by the interaction
between these people. - Simultaneous enthusiasm to learn!
- ? creative atmosphere
- Creativity is a game of the mind give it the
space it needs!
12Aspects of learning environments
- Social
- social vis-a-vis
- supporting others, learning team-skills,
developing participatory ways of work - the social web - web 2.0
- virtual worlds
- danger of having instant relationships !
13Anything new under the sun?
- Linking learning firmly into a wider context
- bringing school closer to the surrounding
society - Local safety network can be created around the
youngster - From curriculum to learning environment plan
- sky is our limit
- All levels of education planning and working
14Support to cooperation
- FNBE awards state grants to development of
learning environments - Next application round spring 2008
- learning environments are much more than ICT!
- ict should become a natural part of daily work
15Projects to be financed
- Applications from providers of education will be
assessed against specific learning environment
criteria - Research will be launched simultaneously with the
first projects to be financed
16Find out more about the theme
- Edu.fi ? learning environment portal
- eTwinning an EU project to support
international learning environments