Title: Transport: the shortview and the long view '
1Transport the short-view and the long view .
- John Dowie
- Director, Regional Local Transport Delivery
- Department for Transport
2Discussion topics
- Spending challenge
- Delivery
- Smarter Choices
- Housing Growth
- Congestion TIF
- Regions sub-regions
5The Delivery Challenge
6Achieving Smarter Delivery .
- For DfT
- Project Management
- Communications
- More proportionate assessment
- Proactively use Block, Majors flexibilities
- Simplify Major Scheme Guidance
- Addressing internal bottlenecks, e.g. modelling
- For LAs
- Better options appraisal
- Tackling over-optimism
- Delivery matters
- Monitoring matters
- Regional challenge
- Capacity LAs and Consultants
- The perils of abdicating responsibility
7 And the result
8But whats the point ?
- Light rail scheme unnecessary refurbishment,
gold-plated accessibility requirements - Road bypass traffic management arrangements
ate benefits - Junction improvement most of the benefits arose
from one element - Major HA scheme over-engineered and then some
- Major LA Road scheme cherry-picking the
benefits - Rail scheme maximising the benefits
10Strategic context.
are the planets aligning for sustainable travel?
- Push
- Climate Change Committee et al
- Environment NGOs
- Pull
- Travel Towns results opportunity
- Urban strategy post TIF
- Fiscal constraints
11What is sustainable travel?
Sustainable travel has struggled with definition
Sustainable travel/smarter choices package
- Package of measures
- Holistic
- Different choices for different journeys
- Lock in benefits
- Hard infrastructure also
- Emphasis on influencing choice
- Positive/enabling
- Informing trip choice
- Focus on demand
- Local
- Reflects local needs and topography
- Tailored
Delivers real results
Soft measures
12Where are we now?
Where we are
Smarter measures as a main stream approach not a
bolt-on Sustainable travel at the heart of
local authority transport Locations for new
developments reflect need for sustainable travel
choices Organisations with sustainable travel at
the core of business models and delivering
measurable benefits Government leading by
example both in policy and delivery of their own
Some recognition although misunderstanding and
scepticism about ability to deliver real
change Some LAs strong but others pay lip
service. 80 mention in LTP2 but many fewer
implement PPG13 in place but transport not
always a sufficiently strong consideration in
decisions 6 of business state have travel plans
but many only due to planning requirements and
query whether active. Cycle to work will
help. Govt estate targets include business
travel but not the commute.
13It can deliver
Sustainable Travel Towns (STTs) relative
changes in trips by mode 2004-2008
For some of this period Darlington was also a
Cycling Demonstration Town Source
14So what are we doing now?
15And looking ahead
- Sustainable travel and low carbon best practice
guide for LTP3 - Promote Sustainable Travel Town results in new
year - Major projects/RFA
- sustainable travel should be considered at
initial options stage - and option presented alongside lower cost
alternative at PE - A more flexible tool-kit?
- Planning .. Disseminating recent guidance, more
to reach decision makers in planning system.
Focus on growth points. PPG13 refresh. - Sustainable Travel Cities
- Active Travel Strategy and Cycle to Work Guarantee
16 17Pandoras box
- Northstowe, Cambridge
- North Kent, Thames Gateway
- Kettering, Northants
- Gosport, PUSH
- Or are they?
- The spending crunch (again!)
- Sustainable travel seizing the opportunity
- Mainstreaming transport in land-use planning
- Urban extension versus stand-alone
20 21Some Lessons ?
- One objective or five?
- Public acceptance
- Big bang or incremental
- Get the governance right before attempting
challenging things - The underlying issue remains how best to
divvy-up scarce funds to - maximise the benefits
22 23A transport perspective
- RFAs add value
- Regions sub-regions
- City Regions
- Good governance makes the difference