Title: Swing part 1
1Swing part 1
- Examples using
- Basic widgets and features
2How to learn new a widget
- How does it looks?
- The Swing tutorial has a visual index
- What does it do?
- What properties does it have?
- What meaningful events does if fire?
- What data does is supplies?
- Data properties, like value or text
3Hierarchy of Swing p1
4Hierarchy of Swing p2
5The JComponent class
- Root class for Swings widgets (except top-level)
- Based on AWT container
- A simple Swing widget is a composite AWT widget
- But it doesnt mean you should exploit this!
- Supports basic properties and events
- Widgets state
- Basic appearance
- Layout properties
- Mouse and key events
6Widgets state properties
- Visible or not
- Enabled / disabled
- Disabled widgets do not respond and are grayed
out - Tool tip text
- Important for helping the user
- Name
- Each widget has a name which identifies it within
the containing widget
7Basic appearance properties
- Foreground and background color
- Mostly handled by the look feel
- Opaque or transparent
- Font (for text)
- Border
- Borders can surrounds all widgets
- Useful mainly for panels
- To be mentioned in details later
8Basic layout properties
- Usually the laying out will be done by the layout
manager of the containing widget - The programmer can supply tips for the layout
- Minimum and maximum size
- Preferred size
- X and Y alignment
- Most widgets (buttons, labels, toolbars...) will
handle size automatically
9Common events
- All widgets support mouse and key events
- Mouse event occurs in respond to mouse pointer
actions - Motions
- Clicks
- But usually the widget will handle those
- Key events respond to key pressing
- Used for key accelerators
10Example One Your First Swing Program
- We will write simple program HelloWorldSwing
- And here's the full code for HelloWorldSwing
- import javax.swing.
- public class HelloWorldSwing
- / Create the GUI and show it. For thread
safety,this method should be invoked from the
event-dispatching thread. /
11- private static void createAndShowGUI()
- //Make sure we have nice window decorations.
//Create and set up the window. - JFrame frame new JFrame("HelloWorldSwing")
- frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOS
E) - //Add the ubiquitous "Hello World" label.
- JLabel label new JLabel("Hello World")
frame.getContentPane().add(label) - //Display the window.
- frame.pack()
- frame.setVisible(true)
12Main function
- public static void main(String args)
- createAndShowGUI()
Basic code of every swing program 1.Import the
pertinent packages. 2.Set up a top-level
container. 3.Display the container.
13Thread envelope
- javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new
Runnable() - public void run()
- / create and show the GUI / )
14Example Two SwingApplication
- Topics illustrated in this example
- Look and Feel
- Setting Up Buttons and Labels
- Adding Components to Containers
- Adding Borders Around Components
- Handling Events
15Example Two SwingApplication
Each time the user clicks the button (JButton),
the label (JLabel) is updated.
16Setting Up Buttons and Labels
- JButton button new JButton("I'm a Swing
button!") - button.setMnemonic('i')
- button.addActionListener(/...create an action
listener.../) - ...// where instance variables are declared
- private static String labelPrefix "Number of
button clicks " - private int numClicks 0
- ...// in GUI initialization code
- final JLabel label new JLabel(labelPrefix "0
") - ...// in the event handler for button clicks
- label.setText(labelPrefix numClicks)
17Look and Feel
GTK look and feel
Java look and feel
Mac OS look and feel
Windows look and feel
18Look and Feel code
- String lookAndFeel null
- lookAndFeel UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFe
elClassName() - try UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lookAndFeel)
catch (Exception e)
19Adding Components to Containers
- JPanel panel new JPanel(new GridLayout (0,1))
- panel.add(button)
- panel.add(label)
- panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBord(
- 30, //top
- 30, //left
- 10, //bottom
- 30) //right ))
20Handling Events
- public class SwingApplication implements
ActionListener - JButton button new JButton("I'm a Swing
button!") - button.addActionListener(this)
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
numClicks - label.setText(labelPrefix numClicks)
21Example Three CelsiusConverter
- JTextField tempCelsius null
- tempCelsius new JTextField(5)
- convertTemp.addActionListener(this)
- tempCelsius.addActionListener(this)
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
//Parse degrees Celsius as a double and convert
to Fahrenheit. - int tempFahr
- (int)((Double.parseDouble(tempCelsius.getText()))
1.8 32) - fahrenheitLabel.setText(tempFahr "