Title: Tucson Womens Transportation Seminar
1TucsonWomens Transportation Seminar
- Current Future Transportation
Andrew T. Singelakis Deputy Director, Tucson
Department of Transportation and Michael Barton,
P.E. HDR, Inc.
June 14, 2007
2Oracle/Drachman/Main Intersection
- June December 2007
- Eliminate traffic circle install signal
- Allows redevelopment of northeast corner
- One of several improvements along Oracle Stone
- 2.2 Million
3Speedway/Main Intersection
- July 2008 January 2009
- Dual southbound left turn lanes
- Northbound right turn lane
- Northbound bus pullout
4Granada Re-stripe to 3 Lanes
- July - August 2007
- Two travel lanes, one center turn lane
St. Marys to Alameda - Bicycle Lanes
55 Points Intersection
- July - November 2007
- Re-establish two-way traffic on Stone and 6th
Avenues Broadway to 18th - Bicycle lanes
- Remove and replace existing pavement with
rubberized asphalt - Reconstruct signal system
- 3.2 Million
6El Paso Southwestern Greenway
- Distance 4.7 miles
- From Speedway/Main
- to Kino Sports Complex
- Est. Cost 6-10 million
- Funding
- RTA 3.267 M
- TE Grant 470,000
- 2008 Pima Co. Bonds 2 M
- Challenges Retrofitting Greenway through
established urban core
7Fourth Avenue Underpass
- July 2007 Fall 2008
- One lane each direction
- Lighted pedestrian walkways
- Bicycle lanes
- Rail for Old Pueblo Trolley Modern Streetcar
- 26 Million
8Modern Streetcar
- Construction 2009 2010
- COT, RTA FTA project
- Fixed guideway electric rail system
- Operates in mixed traffic
- 100110 Million Capital
9Modern Streetcar
- Shares transit
- stops with buses
- Enhances
- Mobility
- Land use
- Connection between major activity centers
10Clark Street Bridge
- 2008 2009
- New bridge crossing over Santa Cruz River
- Accommodate streetcar
- Río Nuevo project
- 10 Million
11Grande Traffic Circle
- July November 2007
- New gateway to Convention Center
- 385,000 Rio Nuevo
12Downtown Links
- 2011 2014
- 4-lane roadway connecting Broadway/ Barraza-
Aviation Pkwy to I-10 - In planning/design
- Bicycle pedestrian access
- New RR underpass at 6th St.
- Tucson Arroyo
- 75 Million
13Broadway Boulevard Euclid to Country Club
- Construction after 2011
- Alignment not yet determined
- RTA County Bond Funds
- Beginning planning process
- High capacity transit
- Widen to 8 lanes
- 71 Million
1422nd Street to 6 LanesI-10 to Tucson Blvd
- After 2011
- Beginning planning process
- Alignment not yet determined
- Bridge over RR Tracks
- RTA project
- 104 Million
15Euclid Ave./Park Ave. Bicycle-Pedestrian Bridge
- Underway October 2007
- 240 ft. Basket Bridge
- Bicycle/Pedestrian
- Connect existing Park Avenue/14th St. cul-de-sac
bike path to Snake Bridge - 3.5 Million
- TE Enhancement
16TucsonWomens Transportation Seminar
- Current Future Transportation
Andrew T. Singelakis Deputy Director, Tucson
Department of Transportation and Michael Barton,
P.E. HDR, Inc.
June 14, 2007