Minimum Competency Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Minimum Competency Testing


The post-Sputnik - many educational reforms initially targeted to science and ... curriculum (Lomax, West, Harmon, Viator, & Madaus, 1995; Shepard & Dougherty, 1991) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Minimum Competency Testing

Minimum Competency Testing
  • Do you mean that you spent a billion dollars
    and you dont know whether they can read or not?
  • John F Kennedy

History and Policy Context of Minimum Competency
  • The post-Sputnik - many educational
    reformsinitially targeted to science and
    mathematics educationwere instituted in the
    United States, minimum competency programs became
    popular in this country.

Problems with these early minimum competency
  • There was not an agreed upon definition of
    minimum competency as a result, policymakers
    defined these requisite skills within each
    jurisdiction (Winfield, 1990).

Minimum competency testing policies were
originally intended
  • To add meaning to a high school diploma i.e.,
    students had to demonstrate at least minimum
    levels of knowledge and skills if they were to
    graduate or at least move on to the next grade
  • For graduation, it was assumed that these
    minimum levels would translate into successful
    job performance.

Theoretical Assumptions of Minimum Competency
  • These fall into three main categories of
  • workplace readiness,
  • school reform,
  • and learning theory.

Workplace Readiness.What is it?
  • Fortunately, the Secretary of the U.S.
    Department of Labor undertook defining the skills
    and knowledge U.S. student will need to be
    successful in the work force.

Workplace Know-How
  • Workplace Competencies Effective workers can
    productively use
  • ResourcesThey know how to allocate time, money,
    materials, space,
  • Interpersonal skillsThey can work on teams.
  • InformationThey can acquire, evaluate, organize,
    communicate, and process information.
  • SystemsThey understand social, organizational
  • TechnologyThey can select equipment and tools

Workplace Know-How
  • Foundational Skills Competent workers in the
    high-performance workplace need
  • Basic SkillsReading, writing, mathematics,
    speaking and listening.
  • Thinking SkillsThe ability to learn, to reason,
    to think creatively, to make decisions, and to
    solve problems.
  • Personal QualitiesIndividual responsibility,
    self-esteem and self-management, sociability, and
  • (From SCANS,
    1992, p.6).

Beliefs about School Reform
  • Proponents of competency testing programs argue
    that use of such tests creates incentives for
    low-performing schools and students to improve
    their performance

Beliefs about School Reform
  • There appears to be evidence that this strategy
    works, in the sense that it produces a rise in
    test scores.
  • The Resnicks (1992) argued that whether we like
    it or not,
  • (1) you get what you assess... and (2) you do
    not get what you do not assess...

Lake Wobegon Effect
  • All the women are strong, all the men are
    good-looking, and all the children are above

Performance Indicator Loses Its Usefulness When
Used As An Object Of policy
  • The clearer you are about what
  • you want to test, the more
  • likely you are to get it, but the
  • less likely it is to mean
  • anything.

Beliefs about Learning
  • This approach to testing is closely linked to
    behaviorist learning theory.
  • Behaviorism expects learning in a given domain
    to be the sequential accumulation of requisite
    skills, therefore testing should occur at each
    specific learning step. While this may appear
    logical, its not always true.

  • These new developments in human learning theory
    challenge the factory model of education and the
    adequacy of the one size fits all' presumption
    of standard assessment (Mislevy, 1996, p. 12).

Our believe in basic skills is wrong
  • The facts-before-thinking model of learning
    according to Shepard, 1991 was just wrong.
  • Current information from cognitive psychology
    indicates that students DO NOT necessarily need
    to possess all of the essential basic skills
    before moving on to more complex content.

The Macnamara Fallacy
  • The first step is to measure whatever can be
    easily measured. This is OK as far as it goes.
  • The second step is to disregard that which cant
    easily be measured or to give it an arbitrary
    quantitative value. This is artificial and
  • The third step is to presume that what cant be
    measured easily really isnt important. This is
  • The fourth step is to say that what cant be
    easily measured really doesnt exist. This is
    suicide.(Charles Handy, The empty raincoat, 1994

  • We start out with the aim of making the
    important measurable, and end up making only the
    measurable important.

Another troubling assumption
  • The use of basic competency tests relates to
    the expected unidimensionalilty of the domains
    (e.g., subtraction, spelling).

It follows from the assumption of sequential
  • The domain, as represented on the test, can be
    ordered along a difficulty (complexity)
    continuum. Items on minimum competency tests are
    generally targeted for a certain level along this

Knowledge from cognitive psychology informs us
  • Most students do not have to acquire knowledge
    according to a perfectly ordered sequence.

Intended Effects
  • 1. Improvement in basic mathematics skills
    (Frederiksen, 1994).
  • 2. Increase in basic reading achievement
    (Winfield, 1990).
  • 3. Increase in test scores (Frederiksen, 1994).

Unintended Consequences
  • Increasing dropout rate for more successful
    students (Griffin Heidorn, 1996, Reardon,
  • 2. Narrowing curriculum (Lomax, West, Harmon,
    Viator, Madaus, 1995 Shepard Dougherty,
  • 4. Lack of transfer to high-order skills
    (Frederiksen, 1994

Unintended Consequences
  • Minimum competency testing has also been
    characterized by its opponents as a racist means
    of denying educational credentials such as high
    school diplomas to minority students, and to
    Black students in particular. This argument is
    based on the failure rate of Black students,
    which historically has been greater than that of
    White students on these and other academic
    achievement tests.

Unintended Consequences
  • Competency testing essentially contradicts
    current mandates for having students learn
    rigorous content standards.

Philosophical and Practical Arguments to this
  • Philosophically, it establishes a de facto
    two-track educational system.
  • Thus, the gap between the high and low
    achievers will continue to widen.

  • There have been no evidence demonstrating that
    the use of minimum competency testing positively
    influences the types of skills and knowledge
    needed for work in the 21st century.

  • Now that we have all of this good news gathered,
    what do we do with it?
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