Title: Transition in plane Poiseuille flow with a streamwise rotation
1 Transition in plane Poiseuille flow with a
stream-wise rotation
11th EUROMECH European Turbulence
Conference Porto, Portugal 25 28 June 2007
- M. Nagata and S. Masuda
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Graduate School of Engineering - and
- Advanced Research Institute of Fluid Science and
Engineering - Kyoto University, JAPAN
The basic flow , which is the exact solution of
the Navier-Stokes equation, has no
span-wise component. The Coriolis force does not
act in the span-wise direction.
Recktenwald , Ch. Brucker , W. Schröder (2004)
Experiment Oberlack(2006) DNS
Instability of Meridian flow across the equator
- 1. Mathematical formulation
- 2. Linear stability analysis
- 3. Nonlinear analysis
- 4. Summary
5Non-dimensional equations
O rotation number,
Reynolds number,
6Non-linear perturbation equation
perturbation to the basic flow
7Non-linear perturbation equation
on momentum eq.
Averaging the x- and y-compoments of
Navier-Stokes equations
8Non-linear perturbation equation
Non-slip boundary condition
- 1. Mathematical formulation
- 2. Linear stability analysis
- 3. Nonlinear analysis
- 4. Summary
10Linear stability analysis
Neglect the non-linear terms
Non-slip boundary condition
11Linear analysis
Normal mode
collocation points
12Result Linear Stability Analysis
13Linear analysis
14Linear analysis
15Neutral curves
2D instablities set in first Stabilising effect
of rotation
16Neutral curves
- 1. Mathematical formulation
- 2. Linear stability analysis
- 3. Nonlinear analysis
- 4. Summary
18Nonlinear perturbation equations
19The non-linear algebraic equation
21Momentum transport
22Phase velocity
23Mean Flow
24Flow field in the cross section
Snap shots
colour code streamwise velocity
25Flow field in the cross section R70
Colour code stream-wise vorticity
3D structure of the stream-wise vorticity
26Streamwise vorticity
- 1. Mathematical formulation
- 2. Linear stability analysis
- 3. Nonlinear analysis
- 4. Summary
28Conclusion and Future work
- It is found that the basic flow loses its
stability at a low Reynolds number, far below the
critical Reynolds number for the case without
rotation, and a flow with a three-dimensional
structure bifurcates. - Nonlinear analysis exhibits, in particular, that
the bifurcating three-dimensional solution
generates a momentum transport in the spanwise
direction. - Stability of the nonlinear states will be
analysed in future. (Preliminary results in
29Appendix Stability of nonlinear solutions