Family- Are you originally from here? How long
have you lived here? Tell me about your
family! Interest-What special hobbies do you
have? Religious Background- When you attend
church, where do you usually attend?
3Exploratory Questions
Exploratory Questions- Let me ask you a
question Have you come to a point in your life,
that you can be certain that you have eternal
life, and that you will go to Heaven when you
die? GOD tells us we can be certain In 1Jn
513 GOD declares
These things have I written unto
you that believe on the name of the Son of GOD,
that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and
that ye may believe on the Son of GOD.
Now I know I have eternal life, and that when I
die I will go to Heaven. Let me ask you
another question Suppose you were standing
before GOD right now, and He ask, you why should
I let you into my Heaven? What do you think you
might say?
GOD'S PURPOSE GOD loves us and He has a
purpose for our lives. GOD'S purpose for
every-one is eternal and abundant life. Listen
to how He explains this in Jn 316
" For GOD so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth
on Him should not perish, but have
everlasting life." But having eternal life
also means, that we can have a full and
meaningful life right now no matter what our
circumstances are. JESUS said in Jn 1010b
" I have come, that
they might have life, and they might have it more
abundantly." And the great thing is, that we
receive eternal life as a free gift from GOD!
Thats what the Bible tells us in Ro 623b "
the gift of GOD is eternal life trough JESUS
5Prelude to SIN facts
But many people are not certain they have
eternal and abundant life. You know I as I
searched for real meaning in my life, I
discovered that my sinful nature, kept me from
fulfilling GOD'S purpose for my life.
6Facts About SINThe BIBLE teaches Four Critical
Facts About Sin
First, we are all sinners by nature and by
choice. That's what the BIBLE declares in Ro
323 "For all have sinned and come
short of the glory of GOD." I'm sure you would
agree, that we didn't have to teach our children
to do wrong! Second, sin is the universal
problem of mankind for this reason God is Holy
and man is sinful...., and Holiness cannot allow
sin into His presence. So, it is our sin that
separates us from GOD, and prevents us from
having a personal relationship with Him. GOD says
in 1Co 129
That no
flesh should glory in his presence. Third,
we can do nothing about our sin problem. That's
what GOD tells us in Isa 646 all our
righteous acts are as filthy rags before Him
Do you know why? Because all the righteous acts
that we could ever do...., do nothing to remove
our Sin, which separates us from Holy GOD.
We cannot save ourselves. Fourth, GOD
declares that all sin must be paid for. That
makes sense doesn't it? If we are found
guilty of a crime we must pay the penalty for it.
(Example of speeding ticket) The Bible
declares that because of our sin we deserve death
and hell. GOD states this in Ro 623a
"For the wages of
sin is death." The word wages means
payday. The BIBLE says the payday for sin is
death and eternal separation from GOD in hell.
Do you know, GOD is Holy and just, and He must
punish all sin. But here's the GOOD
passionately loves us and has provided a
way, for us to be forgiven and to be saved
from the wages of sin.
That way is JESUS. That's exactly
what JESUS proclaims in Jn 146 " I am the way,
the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the
Father, but by Me." JESUS is GOD'S solution
to man's sin problem, for this reason JESUS paid
for our sin by dying on the cross. GOD
explains this in 1Pt 318
" For Christ also hath once suffered for
sins, the just for the unjust, that He might
bring us to GOD."
JESUS took upon Himself all the punishment that
our sin deserves
(Now let me illustrate it this way) My
left hand represents me, and my right hand
represents JESUS. Now this book represents all
my sins. See how my sins stand between myself
and a personal relationship with GOD? GOD
loves me, but He hates my sin and must punish
it. because of His love for me, GOD sent JESUS
into the world. The BIBLE proclaims in Isa
536 " All we like sheep have gone astray we
have turned everyone to his own way and the LORD
hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all."
(remove the book from your left
hand with your right hand) Do you see it?
God put all my sin on JESUS and on the cross,
JESUS took GOD'S judgment for my sin...., thereby
setting me free to come to GOD. Jesus
took all the punishment our sin deserves. You
can surely see why this is called the GOOD
9Response to SIN Removal
But nothing changes until a person, personally
receives JESUS. The BIBLE says in Jn
112 " But as many as received Him, to them
gave He, power to become the sons of GOD,"
Let me illustrate Let's say you
have a huge 50,000 debt, and you have no way to
repay it. I call you and tell you that I have
50,000 for you, as a gift to you. Is it
yours? No, not until you personally receive
it! Your debt can be totally paid off, but not
until you receive the gift of 50,000. That's
exactly how it is with JESUS. He paid for your
sin, but that does not become reality for you
until you personally receive, Him and the gift He
offers you, through His death on the cross.
Now to personally receive JESUS we must do three
First, to receive JESUS, we must repent of
our sins. The Bible says in Acts 319
" Repent ye therefore,
and be converted, that your sins may be blotted
out," But repentance is not just feeling
sorry for our sins. Repentance is turning
from our sins, and turning to JESUS. (to the rear
march illustration)
Third, trusting JESUS means, we must surrender
to Him as Lord. (Lord means supreme authority and
controller) Surrendering to JESUS is not
just saying we receive Him. Surrendering to
JESUS as Lord is giving JESUS control of our
lives. Let me illustrate this for
you. Picture JESUS and I are driving down the
road of life, with me in the drivers
seat.....that means I'm in control. But before
long, I am lost on a dangerous back road.
Now suppose JESUS says," (your name) , I'm not
lost. If you will let me drive, I
can get us out of here safely." So I
make the decision to pull over and let JESUS
drive. Now, He is in control.
" JESUS, I give You control of my life, I will go
where You want me to go." That's exactly
how we must turn control of our lives to JESUS.
Second, to receive JESUS, we must place our
trust in JESUS. The Bible says in Eph 28" For
by grace are ye saved through faith and that not
of yourselves it is the gift of God" Let
me illustrate We can compare placing our
faith in JESUS to making a trip on an airplane.
Now before that plane can take you, from where
you are, to where you want to go, you have to do
several things have a ticket, be to the airport
on time, believe that the plane will take you to
where you want to go. But there's one other
crucial thing you must to do you have to get on
the plane! You will never go from, where you
are to where you want to be, until you trust the
airplane enough to get on it. That's exactly how
we must respond to JESUS- you will never go from
where you are(a sinner), to where you want to
be (heaven), until you get on board with JESUS,
by placing your faith in Him. We must put our
total trust in Him, because He is the only way to
As evidence of giving JESUS control, we
will want to identify with Him. The new
testament way is to confess JESUS publicly and to
follow Him in baptism and church
membership. (1). Does what we have been
discussing make sense to you? (2). Is there any
reason why you would not be willing to receive,
GOD'S gift of eternal
life? (3). Are you willing to turn from your
sin and place your faith in JESUS right
If your answer is Yes, You should ,
remember to receive JESUS you must
(a). Repent of your sin (b). place
your faith in JESUS (c). surrender to
JESUS as Lord You can pray by yourself,
or I will help you. The Lord is more
concerned with the attitude of your heart than
your words. Which
would you like to do. Remember the key is
that you mean what you pray. Let's bow our
heads and you repeat after me. Dear Lord,
I know that I have sinned and that I need
forgiveness. I repent of my sin. I now
receive JESUS into my heart as my personal Savior
by faith. I commit my life to You. Thank
you for hearing my prayer and giving me eternal
Welcome to the family of
God! You just made the most important
decision of your life. You can be sure you are
saved and that you have eternal life. I
would like to thank the Lord right now for saving
you, and I'm sure you would to.
If the answer is no,