Title: MedicalDental Integration Realignment
1Medical/Dental Integration(Realignment)
- Road Ahead
- CAPT Ken Wright, DC, USN
- The Dental Officer, HQMC
2Guiding Thoughts
" Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we
lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming,
after all, is a form of planning." - Gloria
Steinem "Progress lies not in enhancing what is,
but in advancing toward what will could
be. -Kahlil Gibran "Don't take down a fence
unless you are sure why it was put up.
-Robert Frost
3WG Agenda
- Membership
- Validate End State
- Review Current COAs
- Initial Posture Statement
- Milestone Brief
- Outbrief to RDML Cullison/RADM Woofter tomorrow
4Statement of Need
- DON transformation goals REQUIRES Navy Medicine
to totally commit to and fully explore every
opportunity to organize more effectively. - Judicious consolidation of essential
infrastructure at any level could result in a
more efficient and effective use of resources. - Although unequivocally successful, Marine Forces
medical and dentals ability to ensure continued
mission effectiveness may benefit from a
comprehensive review and analysis of current
organizational structures.
5Major Objectives
- Conduct a review of Marine Corps medical and
dental requirements. - Review current Marine Corps medical and dental
organizational structures. - Evaluate the effectiveness of current Marine
Corps medical and dental capability. - Evaluate alternative Marine Corps medical and
dental organizational structures. - Develop the Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for a
Health Services Battalion command structure - Provide an impact analysis of MED/DEN BN
Alignment alternatives. - Develop and recommend a Concept of Deployment
for the most efficient organizational (MEO)
structure that will obtain economies of scale
while ensuring continued mission effectiveness.
6Key Constraints
- The results of the realignment should not drive
additional resource requirements. - A comprehensive analysis of the impact of BSO 18
DTF/MTF Integration has yet to be completed.
7Proposed WG Membership
- Co-Chair CAPT Greg Huet, MSC, USN
- Co-Chair CAPT Ken Wright, DC, USN
- LTCOL Thomas White, USMC
- CAPT Gary Prose, DC, USN
- CAPT Robert Schultz, MC, USN ? (QOC WG!)
- CAPT Charles Fairchild, DC, USN
- CAPT Doug Freer, MC, USN ? (QOC WG!)
- LCDR Victor De La Ossa, MSC, USN
- CAPT Darryl Taylor, DC, USN
- CAPT Paul M Desimone, MC, USN
- CDR Dave Gibson, MSC, USN
- CAPT John Weisner, DC, USN
- CAPT Dave Davis, MSC, USN
- CAPT Steve Pachuta, DC, USN
- RDML (Sel) Richard Jeffries, MC, USN (AD HOC)
- BUMED Resources REP (AD HOC)
Voting Members
8Phase Development Milestone Chart
Mature Finalize Deliverable (Business Plan for
Preferred Alternative)
Submisison of Preferred COA (Approval Hand Off)
Project Definition Risk Reduction (Evaluation
of Alternatives)
Concept (COA)Exploration (Identification of
Potential Alternatives)
Determination of Mission Need
Tailored for HQMC MED/DEN BN WG
- Assess current and projected capabilities.
- Identify fundamental business questions
- Identify, document and validate Mission Needs.
- Develop Requirements Document (UNS?)
- Develop charter
- appointment letters
- Complete environmental scan
- Initial requirements analysis (COAs)
identification of generic alternatives - Strategy development initial resource
- Develop and complete detailed evaluation of
alternatives - Identify Life Cycle Costs funding
considerations - Identify coordination implementation issues
- Recommend preferred option
- Finalize project requirements
- Develop business plan
- Develop initial implementation timetable
- Complete DOTMLPF checksheet
- Submission of preferred COA to MCCDC via DC, I
L - Execute approved implementation timetable
- Full integration into life cycle
- Institutionalize and monitor
Full Implementation
Projected End Date DEC 05
Start Date 09/05
Milestone III Approval of Preferred Alternative
for Full Implementation (Phase II)
Milestone 0 Approval of NeedsStatement
Milestone II Approval of Preferred Alternative
(Phase I)
Milestone I Approval of Initial Concept
Alternatives (Phase 0)
Milestone IV Full implementation? (Phase III)
Decision Points
Current Issues
1. Co-Flag Champions RADM Woofter/RDML Cullison
WG membership
On Going
Progress Stopped
Current Phase