Title: The supervision of offshore mutual funds
1The supervision of offshore mutual funds
- Day 2
- Ongoing Supervision of Mutual Funds
2Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsAgenda
- Objectives of ongoing supervision
- Off-site supervision (including review of
financial statements) - On-site supervision
- International standards and best practice
3Ongoing supervision of mutual funds
- What is your role as regulator in the ongoing
supervision of mutual funds and also of their
administrators and managers? - Protection of investors
- Protection of reputation of jurisdiction
- What does that mean in practice?
- Ongoing assessment of fitness and properness
- Is there any scope for supervisory
differentiation between products being authorised
or licensed? - Yes, if a risk-based approach to supervision has
been adopted
4Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsYour
- What is required by your legislation?
- What powers do you have available under your
legislation? - What resources do you have available for ongoing
supervision? - Can you delegate some of the ongoing supervision?
- Do you have the concept of a compliance officer
for each regulated entity? - How do you prioritise the use of resources
vis-Ã -vis risk? - What does ongoing supervision comprise?
5Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsSupervisory
- Most regulators divide their supervisory
functions into three broad categories - Licensing
- Monitoring
- Enforcement
- The licensing process is designed to limit entry
into the financial market to fit and proper
persons - Licensed persons are expected to operate in
accordance with international standards of best
practice but are given scope in applying these
standards to the products and services which they
chose to provide
6Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsSupervisory
- Monitoring adherence to the international
standards requires both off-site supervision and
on-site inspection - Off-site supervision activities encompass ongoing
monitoring and include the following - Review of changes of directors, business plans,
etc. - Prudential meetings to discuss, inter alia,
operations, performance and future strategies - Analysis of returns (financial, compliance and
other) - Analysis of annual audited financial statements
7Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsSupervisory
- On-site inspection involves visiting the offices
of regulated entities, reviewing and assessing
their operations and risk management processes
with respect to regulatory compliance - The inspection cycle depends on the nature of the
regulated entity and the regulators risk
assessment of the regulated entity - The on-site inspection process is used in
conjunction with the regular off-site monitoring
8Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsSupervisory
- The role of the regulator is to ensure that
regulated entities are operated in accordance
with the law and that weaknesses in procedures,
systems or operations are identified and dealt
with - It is not the role of the regulator to ensure
that each regulated entity is operated profitably
and successfully!
9Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsSupervisory
- The role of the regulator is to enforce
- adherence to reasonable prudential limits to risk
taking in relation to the products and services
the regulated entity has chosen to provide and - accurate disclosure so that the public can judge
for itself the risk of conducting business - The regulators goal is to clarify the risks the
public faces in dealing with mutual fund entities
and thus to promote public confidence in dealing
with these regulated entities
10Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
- Generally compliance based
- Complemented by on-site inspections
- Continuous process
- Objectives
- Review, understand and explain the origin of all
significant matters disclosed by financial
statements - Obtain satisfactory explanations for all material
variances in relation to year-on-year figures - Ensure a systematic and consistent approach to
monitoring - Detect early warning signs of potential problems
- Assist on-site examiners in focussing work on
areas of high risk and the greatest weaknesses
11Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
- Objectives
- Assist on-site examiners in following up on
recommendations made as a result of on-site
inspection visits - Determine compliance with applicable legislation,
regulation, codes and directives - Provide meaningful reports to the Board of the
regulatory authority
12Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
- Activities
- Vetting and approval of changes to directors,
controllers, shareholders, name, auditor,
registered agent, etc. (as applicable) - Analysis of regular returns (financial,
compliance and other) - Review of audited financial statements
- Review of complaints
- Review of correspondence
- Prudential meetings
- Review of policies and procedures
- Success depends on timely and accurate
information from the regulated entity
13Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
- Important to keep comprehensive notes of meetings
and telephone calls and to keep filing
up-to-date - Care and judgement must be exercised in
interpreting information (qualitative indicators
are equally important to quantitative factors) - If no communication with regulated entity over
the year request a meeting (if possible) or a
written update of activities (eg AUM, no. of
funds, changes in personnel, current list of
directors, etc.)
14Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
- Where notified of changes always ask for reason
and determine whether there are implications
arising from change also note timing of
notification (which can be indicative of
compliance culture) - Note frequency and nature of changes as they may
indicate serious systemic issues - Note responsiveness to requests for information
tardiness and sloppiness or non-response can be
indicative of a poor compliance culture and/or
serious problems
15Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
- Review nature of complaints these can often give
rise to enforcement action - Both regulator and the industry need timely and
reliable statistics in order to conduct effective
supervision and to make informed decisions these
are obtained through the filing of regulatory
returns, annual financial statements and surveys - Review of financial submissions are an important
aspect of off-site supervision
16Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
supervision Review of Financial Statements
- Do you require the submission of annual financial
statements? - Do you require submission of any other financial
returns? - How do you review financial statements? What do
you look for in the statements?
17Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
supervision - Review of Financial Statements
- What should be looked for when reviewing
financial statements? - Most of the review necessary (given the limited
resources) is conducted at a high level - Begin by comparing this years figures to last
years figures and find explanations for the
variances (from general knowledge of market
place, of the regulated entity, of the
performance of the product, etc.) focus on
exceptional variances and, if necessary, seek
explanations from the regulated entity
18Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
supervision - Review of Financial Statements
- Review all notes to the accounts these are very
useful in indicating changes - If there has been a change in the financial year
end/accounting period, seek a reason - If there has been a change in the auditor, seek a
reason - Focus on valuation methodology ensure that
method used complies with what has been disclosed
in the offering document/prospectus
19Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
supervision - Review of Financial Statements
- Be extremely wary of valuations provided by the
manager and not verified by an external source - Determine that fund investments match those
proposed in the offering document/prospectus - If there has been a significant change in the
value of the investments, seek a reason - Ensure that fees charged are those listed in the
offering document/prospectus
20Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
supervision - Review of Financial Statements
- Review the auditors report follow up on any
qualifications - Review accounts to determine that an ongoing
concern - Review fund accounts (and other documentation,
such as advertising materials, performance data)
to determine whether Ponzi Scheme a good
indicator is the level of unregistered securities
in the fund
21Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
supervision - Review of Financial Statements
- Ensure that all information provided in accounts
(eg in relation to the auditor, the names of the
directors) tally with those listed in your
records - Use a checklist approach to ensure efficiency of
review - If anything is of concern or seems abnormal,
request more information (for example,
valuations, transactional records)
22Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOff-site
supervision - Review of Financial Statements
- Do not review financial statements in isolation
always look at the whole picture, including - Complaints
- Promotional material
- Offering document/prospectus
- Past regulatory matters
- www
- Correspondence
- Other regulatory returns
- Timeliness and thoroughness of responses to
regulators enquiries
23Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- On-site inspection is fundamental to effective
supervision by the regulator - Role of inspectors is to familiarise themselves
with the regulated entitys operations and
performance to ensure that it remains fit and
proper - Role of inspectors is to identify weaknesses and
deficiencies and to recommend remedial action
24Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- Inspectors are the face of the regulator and,
therefore, must conduct themselves professionally
and in a manner which enhances trust and
confidence - Information obtained during the on-site
inspection is confidential between the regulated
entity and the regulator - It is important to avoid all conflicts of
interest (eg if an inspector is a relation of the
managing director of the inspected regulated
entity that inspector should not be part of the
inspection team)
25Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- Use a checklist to ensure consistency of
approach - Inspections comprise a number of stages
- Risk assessment
- Pre-inspection planning and analysis
- On-site visit
- Post-inspection assessment and reporting
- Post-inspection follow-up on implementation of
recommended remedial action
26Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- There are a number of different types of on-site
inspection - A routine full scope inspection
- A limited scope inspection (eg to review a
particular area of the business) - A follow-up inspection
- What are the reasons for conducting a limited
scope inspection?
27Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- Reasons for conducting a limited scope inspection
visit may include - Unusual results found during off-site analysis of
returns - Follow-up of findings from previous inspection
report - Unusual complaint volume
- Concerns expressed by shareholders or other
stakeholders - Key changes in the business
- Regulator wide thematic review
28Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- What are the objectives of an on-site inspection?
- Review the regulated entitys operations to
ensure business conducted in a fit and proper
manner - Verify the current solvency of the regulated
entity and form a view on the likely future
solvency of the regulated entity - Review for compliance with applicable
legislation, regulations, codes and directives - Gather data to form a more comprehensive
understanding of the regulated entity, its
operations, business policy and philosophy - Identify potential problems and issues
29Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- What are the objectives of an on-site inspection?
- Liaise with management to resolve problems and
issues at an early stage - Gather information on management and staff of the
regulated entity to facilitate the assessment of
the competency of these individuals - Gather information from management with regard to
its plans, the business environment and market in
which it operates - Assess technical conduct of the business
- Evaluate the regulated entitys assessment and
management of risk
30Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- What are the objectives of an on-site inspection?
- Assess efficiency and reliability of systems and
adequacy of internal controls - Gather information on matters identified by the
regulator as requiring policy consideration - The regulator can also take the opportunity to
- Encourage the regulated entity to develop written
policies and procedures - Provide recommendations to correct deficiencies
and to avoid potentially adverse situations - Contribute to the soundness of internal systems
and controls by encouraging regulated entities to
follow best practice in all aspects of their
31Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- Results of the on-site inspections will influence
the intensity and frequency of monitoring of the
regulated entity - A report should always be written following an
inspection - To inform the regulator and the directors and
management of the regulated entity of weaknesses
and deficiencies requiring attention - To effect corrective action
- To provide an accurate and complete assessment of
the fitness and properness of the regulated entity
32Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsOn-site
- It is important to review the findings at the end
of the on-site inspection visit and to present
these to management of the regulated entity - Once the written report has been issued (which
should contain specific recommendations and
timeframes for effecting remedial action) it is
the responsibility of the regulator to follow
through and ensure all remedial action is taken - It is often appropriate to then conduct a
follow-up inspection visit to review the progress
33Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsLegislative
background to supervision
- What does your legislation permit you to
undertake by way of ongoing supervision? - What does your legislation permit you to request
of a regulated entity (or other connected person)
and under what circumstances?
34Ongoing supervision of mutual funds BVI
legislative background to supervision
- Under the BVI legislation, the FSC may
- Inspect premises and business (including
procedures, systems and controls) both in BVI and
elsewhere - Inspect the assets (including cash) belonging to
or under the control of the regulated entity - Examine and make copies of documents which relate
to the carrying on of financial services business
by the regulated entity - Seek information and explanations from officers,
employees, agents and representatives (verbally
and in writing) prior to, during or after a
compliance inspection visit
35Ongoing supervision of mutual funds BVI
legislative background to supervision
- Under the BVI legislation, an inspection visit
may be undertaken for the following purposes - Supervision of financial services business in or
from within the BVI to determine compliance with
legislation, regulations, codes and directives - Monitoring and assessing compliance with the AML
requirements - The legislation requires reasonable notice to be
given of inspection visits, unless circumstances
dictate otherwise (eg investors at risk) - The legislation permits foreign regulators to
take part in inspection visits where it is
reasonably required for the effective supervision
of the regulated entity
36Ongoing supervision of mutual funds BVI
legislative background to supervision
- Under the BVI legislation, the costs of an
inspection visit may be partially met by the
regulated entity (up to 75) - The legislation permits the use of external
examiners for the conduct of investigations where
there are grounds for enforcement action or there
is a possibility of unauthorised financial
services business being conducted it also
permits the use of qualified persons to provide
detailed reports on any aspect of a regulated
entitys activities
37Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsBVI ongoing
- Off-site supervision
- Review of all notifications received
- Review and approval of all changes requiring
approval - Review of all correspondence and follow through
with requests for more information/explanation - Review of annual financial statements (not 100)
- Review and detailed analysis of every complaint
received - Routine updates of information (at least every 2
years) - Statutory requests for information (eg where
comprehensive records required for more detailed
analysis) - Prudential meetings at the request of the
regulated entity or of the regulator
38Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsBVI ongoing
- On-site supervision
- No on-site reviews conducted of mutual funds or
mutual fund managers and administrators at this
stage - On-site reviews conducted of banks, trust
companies and insurance companies - Checklist approach
- Electronic system records results and produces
reports - On-site inspection co-ordinator appointed to
ensure - no duplicative effort
- consistency of approach
- resources allocated on risk basis
- timely conclusions and follow-up
39Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsInternational
standards and best practice
- Review your ongoing supervision and assess it
against the requirements as set down in the IOSCO
principles. - What can you do to improve your ongoing
supervision of mutual funds in order to meet the
international standards?
40Ongoing supervision of mutual fundsReview of
Day 2