Title: Roberto Gilmozzi
1The European ELT
Phase B status
- Roberto Gilmozzi
- EELT Principal Investigator
- Astronet Roadmap Symposium, Liverpool 16-19 June
2ESOs Strategic Principles
ESO Council Resolution, Dec.2004
- Retention of European astronomical leadership
into the era of Extremely Large Telescopes - Assure completion of ALMA, and efficiently
exploit its superb scientific capabilities - Maintain VLT in world-leading position for
another 10-15 years by continued upgrades - Exploit unique capabilities of the VLTI
- Lead in the construction of an ELT on a
competitive timescale
ELT effort re-oriented at the end of 2005 towards
the best affordable ELT Facility that can be
built on a competitive timescale and with
acceptable risks
3E-ELT at a glance
- A project lead by ESO on behalf of 14 member
states - 42m adaptive telescope with segmented primary
based on a 5 mirror design - Schedule
- Detailed design phase until mid-2010
- Start of construction 2010
- First light 2017
- Cost
- Telescope incl 1st gen instruments 950 million
Euros - Operations (incl new instruments) 50 M/year
4The Phase B
- Goal
- Proposal for construction to Council by June 2010
- Resources
- 2007-2009 phase B 57.2 M (including 110 FTEs)
- 2008-2011 5 M for EELT related RD (non
construction related) - Supporting design activities from FP6 (28.8 M)
- Preparatory construction support from FP7 (6.1
M) - Telescope (70 phase B budget committed)
- Several industrial contracts running (some
completed) - Second Baseline consolidation meeting in March
2008 - Instrumentation
- 10 Phase A conceptual studies running (8
instruments, 2 post-focal AO systems), with
reviews scheduled for end of 2009 - Design Reference Mission
- End-to-end simulations of test cases, simulations
of prominent science cases, compilation of
hundreds of use cases
5Programme organization
6The Telescope
7The BRD optical design. Improved with respect to
Marseille making M2 smaller and the telescope
performance even better.
8The telescope mountTwo industrial contracts
concluded. Confirm cost and schedule for the
mount and improve the performance with respect to
the BRD presented in Marseille.
Azimuth track
Altitude cradle
9Analysis. Ongoing at ESO and within the
community. Contract with Lund for integrated
Sophisticated FEM 82517 ELEMENTS 28817 NODES
10The primary
2 x 7 prototype segments being produced by two
independent contractors. Production processes
being developed under contract to ESO
1148 segments 984 mirror 1 spare/family
27 point wiffle tree designed by industry under
contract to ESO.
11The primary auxiliary unitsEdge sensors
developed, actuators developed, mirror support
Segment dimensions 1428.64 mm - 1414.00
mm (1387.29 - 1427.13 _at_pupil) central thickness
50 mm gap 4 mm bevel 2 mm (goal 1.5)
Edge sensors
dynamical simulations
Lab tests
12The secondary unit.Cell preliminary design
contract kicked off (yesterday). Mirror design
production contract in the tendering phase.
13The M4 adaptive mirrorTwo industrial contracts
running to PDR during phase B. Unit will be
ready for construction in 2010.
14The M5 field-stabilization mirror
unitPreliminary design contract
ongoing.Suppliers for the mirror identified.
15The enclosure (dome)Two preliminary design
contracts concluded providing schedule and cost.
Definition of ICDs for maintenance and
operations ongoing
- Telescope-instrument ICD defined.
17Instrument concept studies
Both natural and laser guide star probes in one
19The Nasmyth platform
21Site characterizationSelection by end 2009
- The EELT is in the detailed design phase
- The Phase B is proceeding well
- On time and in budget
- First consolidation with industry
- Mitigation of cost and schedule uncertainties.
- Subsystem costs from industry within global BRD
envelope. - Construction timescales for subsystems compatible
with global project schedule. - If approved, construction will take seven years
- First light possible in 2017